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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. If this is The Video and the Toronto Police say the video does not contain enough evidence to press charges, might this just be yet another example in the long list of examples where the Consensus Mainstream Media attempts to invent news instead of reporting it? Or do Progressives feel that they are entitled to convict anyone they wish of a crime despite not having the evidence for charges let alone a conviction. So much for "Innocent until proven guilty". Let the witch hunt begin, it is after all Halloween. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. Seeking to censor those who have a different view of the world. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. No doubt there are many flaws in the so called democracies will all live with. Take the US as an example, GWB screwed the country and now Obama is screwing the country even more. However Russell Brand is calling for a revolution (which are never peaceful) and at the 6:08 minute mark of this video he exposes himself as the Marxists that he is. I know someone who grew up in communist Bulgaria when the Iron Curtain still existed and now lives in rather messed up Spain. When asked what do you prefer? The communists or the messed up democracy in Spain? She says she prefers Spain, despite all the difficulties the Spanish are experiencing. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. If you think Canada's socialist healthcare system is good, you might be interesting in a beach front time share opportunity in Bangladesh I would like to sell you during the Spring. I hear the view is to die for. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. That's unfortunate, I see where they are coming from, but still unfortunate that you don't get to experience ripping around a race track at the limit ... the track is a special place. But you always have skydiving. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. If you really want to enjoy the 330 horses available to you to see what the power can do, you should track your car if you haven't already. I only have 285 horses with my 17 year old vehicle, but I have tracked it, have driven it at my limit and pretty damn close to the car's limit and there is no way in hell you can come close to experiencing what the car can do on the public roads versus what it can do on a race track. One word of warning though, you might actually enjoy it and might just say to yourself "that was just too cool not to do it again". It is an adrenaline rush very similar to the rush one gets from skydiving. My only problem is there is no shortage of Progressives who hate cars and seek to ban all forms of Motorsports. Then again you never see the Volt or the Prius at the track. I have seen a Telsa at the track (I am sure it was blast to drive given all it's torque). But the Tesla driver could only do about 2 stints before he had to run off and recharge his batteries. His loss, not mine. I got more track time. haha PS: What car is it, this 330 HP beast of yours? Mine is a normally aspirated 1997 Porsche 993C2. I lust for the power of a 911 GT3 RS, but can't really afford one and besides my 911 has been a great car to learn on. Oh and instead of racing my 911, I have gotten into racing a Rotax DD2 Kart. It's more affordable, and believe it or not, I experience close to 3 Gs in the corners in my Kart whereas my car would be lucky to do 1 G in the corners. My Kart is a mini Formula car. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. You want me to take this nut case Marxist serious? Who do you take me for? A communist? What a joke. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. Agree with pretty much everything said here, except you say nothing about paying off your debts. I don't like paying high taxes, but taxes in the US could be higher as other Western nations survive with higher tax rates than the US has. Or another approach could be to close some of the tax loop holes you have. Outside of the lawyers and accountants who resist all changes to their gravy trains, the tax codes could be simplified to the benefit of most people. Plus there is no reason why the US should be spending as much money on their military as you do. If the USA does not control it's spending, and do this soon, you guys will go down and you will bring most of the global economy if not all of it down with you. Every dominant society in the history of humanity has fallen, and the USA is no different than those who came before it. The "Culture of Entitlement" (this includes those dependent on military spending) is simply not sustainable. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. Now that I am 75% of the way into the story, I am finding more exit points. But I still don't have my A which is a little disappointing. There are plenty of Antennas high enough spread out throughout San Andreas. But none of the Antennas I have looked at have ladders. So I guess the only way to get to the top of an Antenna would be to skydive and attempt to land on one. I used to do this in the old San Andreas game from 8-10 years ago, but the physics for landing a canopy have changed in the new game (they are a little closer to reality now), and landing on top of an Antenna without dying might not be possible. Of course I have not tried it yet. How will I know without trying. I have jumped from all the other object types included several low cranes. But no Antennas yet. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. I am another IT person and while I do not know much about the scope of this application, one million is not enough, it's way too low. However I think it is safe to say that 394 million was way too much. With that in mind though, 394 million is still a bargain compared to the 2 billion dollars the Liberals squandered away into their friends pockets when they built Canada's Gun Registry database application. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. There is no doubt that Western societies are at a crossroad right now and the direction we take will influence our future. Now if you want possible solutions, here goes: 1) Create a business friendly environment ... but this is NOT enough. 2) More importantly teach children that they need to be self reliant, and teach them problem solving and entrepreneurial skills which helps them think outside of the box. This way instead of going through life thinking someone else needs to create a job for them, they will go through life thinking of the next idea towards creating new opportunities for themselves and in turn they end up creating jobs for themselves. It all starts at home, you know the family. You know where parents teach their children how to be respectful self reliant individuals. Then they can use academia to enhance these skills. But instead the family unit is dissolving, and we instead have people calling for government to do the role that parents should have done. Of course some people will always fall through the cracks. Some people will either be physically or mentally disabled and for these people, we do need some sort of safety net. But not the masses. But these points have been brought up numerous times in the past and continually rejected from Marxists such as yourself. Until you cure yourself of this disorder, you will always think the solution is "what do we do to make sure the masses are all economically equal". Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. Sorry I can not help you cure yourself of your Marxist views of how the world should operate. Only you can cure yourself of this disorder. Life is not fair. It never has been fair and it never will be fair. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. Actually the masses need to begin thinking for themselves, thinking of "how can I survive in this ever changing world", instead of relying on some old out dated "we can all work as a collective in the same industries" way of thinking. The world is evolving and those who are unwilling to adapt, unwilling to be responsible for their own destiny, will be left behind. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. I did ... I voted just this last Monday in our local Municipal elections with mixed results. Funny how all the focus is usually on Federal or Provincial/State politics, but often it is at the local Municipal level where most of the damage occurs because Municipal candidates are often not vetted enough. As I said, I voted with mixed results. The person I didn't want to win as Mayor was re-elected. But fortunately the guy I wanted to win my local Ward (a 20 year veteran of the police service) and represent me as my Councillor did unseat the tax and spend incumbent. So while the Mayor was re-elected, he will have less power because several of the incumbent tax and spend Councillors the Mayor endorsed, will NOT be returning. Of course only time will determine how this all plays out. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. +993 Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. It is possible to ride the rails towards a new life? Of course it helps if you obey the rules and are a little cute. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. I got about 40% into all of the missions when I recently restarted for this specific purpose. I did make money in the markets on one of Lester's assassination missions, but you are right, you can make so much more if you delay doing the mission until much later in the game. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. I am a little disappointed in how the parachutes work in GTA V compared to the San Andreas version released 10 years or so ago. In the old version you simply wore your container and you could actually do some pretty low BASE jumps in the older game. With the newer GTA, there is a delay of a few seconds where you are in free fall before the character dons their container, meaning low BASE jumps are out of the question. Plus over all there are far less exit points in GTA V compared to San Andreas. However the exit points that exist have been pretty darn good. It is still a fun game and the GTA V graphics are pretty good on my PS3. I can only imagine how much better the graphics will be when the next gen consoles are up and running. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. Sounds like you are describing the difference between a 4-stroke and a 2-stroke engine. Are you aware of the differences between these two designs? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. Solar is a great technology to supplement our power needs, but it is not viable to completely replace our traditional sources of energy. Remember not everyone lives in a warm sunny climate. Some people live in places where Mother Nature is rather active and solar panels don't work very well when overcast skies dominate the landscape for weeks on end, and they don't work at all when they are covered by snow. Plus of course they don't work when the sun is down which is the majority of the hours in a day in northern regions during the winter months (and the opposite in the southern hemisphere). However with all that said, I did observe one of my peers using solar technology on his trailer and I am thinking, "I should do that". I joined an amateur Kart racing team and one member of the team installed solar panels on top of his trailer. He has all the power he needs when he is at the track. Other teams are burning fossil fuels running generators to give themselves power while Garret just lets his solar technology do all the work. It was a brilliant application of the technology. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. CanuckInUSA


    Click here to see the new 1 coming in October. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. If I was a kid and woke up with a croc under my bed, I would be damaged goods for sure. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. I have no experience with the Triumph, except that the older ones always seemed to be parked because they were always broken and needed some sort of special project to get them back on the road, until of course they were parked again needing yet another special project, so on and so on. Hopefully the modern Triumphs are more reliable. Plus I am NOT arguing the hair dressers status of the MX-5 on the public roads. I was only pointing out that the MX-5 is a popular entry level race car. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. It's more than just a Hair Dresser's car, it's actually a very popular entry level race car. You won't be setting any lap records in an MX-5 (unless of course you are shooting for the MX-5 record), but it is a somewhat more affordable platform to race with. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. I don't think the American people are bad. But your government is rotten to the core. It does not matter who is in office, Donkey or Elephant. They are both bad. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over