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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. Yes 1991 to be precise. The Gulf War. But that war wasn't about Chemical Weapons though there was apprehension that they would be used against the coalition forces as well as against civilians in countries such as Israel. So while yes shropshire was negligent for failing to mention the Gulf War, they were correct about America not retaliating when the Chemical Weapons were first used against the Kurds. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. Yes it is a clear cut case. The attack was the spontaneous result from an internet video. Yes Obama and his people have never lied, so why would they possibly lie now? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. You have the two mixed up. Obviously League also has their championships, but not on the same level as the various Union championships. Union has the World Cup which gets big time TV coverage (big time coverage every where except the USA of course), League has the Six Nations, the Tri Nations, the Heineken Cup, Super Rugby clubs and the various British, French and other European club level competitions. I don't see a League World Cup event that gets the same sort of high profile TV coverage that the Union World Cup gets. Not to get too derailed with all this Rugby talk and keeping on a Canadian somewhat topic, Rugby is one of the sports where Canada is still better than the USA ... haha ... as the Canada's national Union team has a 34-12-1 record against their US counterparts. Of course Canada and the USA are not even in the ball park when it comes to the All Blacks, Springboks and Wallabies. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. I know who Ariel Castro is, but I have to admit when I read this topic headline, I was thinking of the other Castro. The one who lives some 90 miles away from the Florida coast. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. Rugby League? Don't you mean Rugby Union players? Rugby is a tough sport, it's a great sport. But those MotoGP guys are tough Mofos. How many people do you know who will break bones and yet still yet on the bikes to compete in a race? Even the Rugby players get taken off the pitch when they get hurt. PS: never got into Rugby League. Too weird having to give the ball up. Rugby Union is where it is at. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. Hockey players are tough, but the toughest Mofos you will find anywhere are the MotoGP racers. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. CanuckInUSA


    It's not just the Iranians, don't forget the Russians and the Chinese. I can only hope there are cooler heads in Moscow and Beijing than there are in Washington. WTF is going on here? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. I got screwed at the start of one of my Karting races yesterday. I am driving a 2-stroke Rotax DD2 Kart which is more powerful than the standard Rotax Max Karts and there are only two of us locally who run this superior yet not all that popular machine. Because of this unfair advantage I am not allowed to compete in the Rotax Max Senior class and instead must compete in the Shifter class which has Karts even more powerful than mine, except that my Kart is easier to drive than the 6 speed Shifter Karts. Anyway all the Shifter guys want to do standing starts, but I can't do the standing starts in a DD2 because the DD2 is too slow off the line. Instead we do a hybrid start where I come rolling in behind all the Shifters standing still and when the race start marshal feels I am close enough he throws the green flag. Unfortunately in yesterdays final I was a good 100 meters away from the starting grid when the others were given the green flag to go. Throw me a bone will you. It is bad enough that I always have to start in last place, but at least let me get closer before you start the race. But with that said, I have no right to complain. At least I am allowed to race. If I had to race only with those who have the same Kart as me, it would be a very lonely where I win every race and yet still come in last place because the other local DD2 racer doesn't like to race all that much. He just likes showing up at practices. Besides, the natural pecking order said I should finish in 7th place against the 11 guys who were entered in the race and I actually took 5th place over all. I passed who I was supposed to pass, which was the four Karts I passed in both races (the start of the first race went perfectly). Anyway there were three visiting drivers from another club and I have home field advantage over them practicing and racing on my home track all the time and the other guy I passed is capable of lapping slightly faster than me, but he is not consistent, he makes way more mistakes than I do and catching and passing him on his mistakes was inevitable. No the pecking order says I should have finished 7th, but I took 5th because one of the front runners got into an accident and had to retire while another one of the front runners had to retire due to mechanical failures. The only difference in the race results was that the gap between myself in 5th place and the 4th place finisher was larger than it should have been. No I have nothing to complain about. I was actually kind of fun to hunt down and pass the four guys I was supposed to pass even if I was screwed starting further back than I should have. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. Dixon's fault. He was more concerned about getting back out on the track than anything else. However with that said, being a pit crew member in any form of motorsports is anything but a safe occupation. F1, Indy, NASCAR, Lemans, Daytona Prototype series, GT, German DTM, Aussie V8s, Brazial Stock Cars. You name the series where they are doing pit stops and there will be cases where a pit crew member has been taken out. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. Could Bradley ... err I mean Chelsea Manning have been inspired by this? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. OMG does Nataly live in Monaco? or close to Monaco? Can I come visit you at the end of May Nataly? Heck you don't even need to be there (not that I wouldn't mind meeting the infamous ex-Canadian Nataly), no she does not have to be there just as long as I can squat at her place for the weekend. I would love to attend the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix but could never get past the ridiculously expensive hotels of Monaco, especially on Grand Prix weekend. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. Unless you are a World Champion in something or world famous for something else, we are all replaceable. Even the World Champions are replaceable by other future World Champions. Some people are obsessed with leaving their mark, others just happen to leave a mark by accident and still others simply don't care. My professional career is not over. But when it is, I will look back knowing that I contributed where I could. But the world would have gone on with or without my contributions and that doesn't bother me. Some people are obsessed with becoming famous and/or the best, but I am not one of those people. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. and now you are showing us just how much intolerance you possess. Did I diss Ontario? No ... I simply stated that Harper is governing like a Liberal (which he is) because whoever controls Ontario controls 24 Sussex Drive. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. Harper is not perfect, he has made plenty of mistakes. In fact he has been governing like a Liberal to keep all you Liberals in Ontario happy. He has definitely not governed like a Conservative. In fact there is only one Conservative government in the entire country. That's Saskatchewan lead by Brad Wall and ironically they are the only ones who are balancing their books. Oh and if things are so bad here in Canada under Harper's leadership, why does our economy continually out perform all other G8 nations? Yes Canada has opened new trade negotiations with China. But it's still our country. We are not China and what are the alternatives? With a protectionist, anti-trade Democrat in the White House we need to expand our trading opportunities. I don't ever recall the Liberals talking trade with Europe, talking trade with South America. But Harper is. And do you want to just ignore the largest emerging market in the world? What is your suggestions to growing Canada's economy and ensuring our success when the Americans don't want to do business with us? Do you even pay attention to the private sector? Or do you live in some public sector bubble? If you do exist in that bubble, that would explain your dislike of the PM. Harper is far from perfect. But he is much better than the alternatives. Justin Trudeau? Please. Take away his famous last name and what qualifications does a substitute drama teacher have for leading a G8 nation. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. And who would that be? Who has pissed you off so much that you felt the need to label someone a prick? Could that person be me? The feeling is not mutual? I don't hate you and I certainly don't think you are a prick. I barely know you, in fact I don't know you. Sure sometimes we may disagree on topics here, but that does not make me think you are a prick. Even if this person you refer to as a prick is not yourself truly, even if it is someone else, why all the hate? Why did you feel the need to tell everyone here you have a severe hate for a fellow jumper. Seems to me you have something in common with the author of that letter. It's called intolerance. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. CanuckInUSA


    Trolling much? Did you actually read the article you referenced? First off, Egypt is NOT about Obama. Secondly Obama is not siding with the military government and lastly the killing is not one sided. Egypt is a mess and both sides are contributing to the killing. You really need to look at Egypt from some sources other than your American consensus mainstream media sources. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. Hey I live in Calgary and yes sometimes hell does freeze over here. But it could be worse. At least we get the occasional Chinook. The people in Winterpeg, Edmonchuck and Scratchyourasschewan don't get Chinooks. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. Unfortunately the Olympics and politics goes hand in hand. It used to be about states and their politics. But now it has morphed into special interest politics. I yearn for an Olympics that is about sports and nothing but sports. I know, I know. It's a pipe dream. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. You really are an intolerant person Jean. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. I agree that far too many drivers are not looking far enough in front of them, but this isn't offensive. This is just their lack of knowledge and/or their complacency while behind the wheel. The best thing to do is make sure you are looking ahead (and behind) and be prepared to react to anything you see ahead of time. But going on a rant on the DorkZone isn't going to make one difference. I am not religious either, but really is this something to get your panties in a wad about. When someone says "I want to thank Jesus Christ for [insert whatever it is they are thankful for]", do you go ballistic, or do you just let it slide. I just let it slide. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. Ask any average person on the street whether or not someone who owns their own airplane is not wealthy and 99.999% of the time the average person will say, yes the person who owns an airplane is wealthy. So it's always funny when a wealthy person continues to whine about other wealthy people. Could you be any more out of touch with reality? When you are ready to stop throwing stones from your crystal palace at the others who also own crystal palaces and join the rest of us in reality, let us know. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. No argument here ... curling does suck. "Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Hard" WTF is up with that. Oh I still stand by my "NASCAR sucks" stance, but I would like to attend a live race at Bristol. Bristol looks like a fun location to visit. Who said I didn't have a little hypocrite in me. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. NASCAR sucks Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. I have had similar training though I am sure it was a little different in it application. Mine has mostly been on race tracks, starting slow and building the speeds up. But skid pads (not what I went through) have a lot of valuable uses as well and I echo your recommendations that others should try it. Yeah sure the majority of the others on the public roads may not have this knowledge, but the fact that you know how to balance the car in the corners means you have a chance to avoid many issues before they become issues. BTW ... who was your former F1 instructor? One of my instructors was Allen Berg (likely not as well known as yours?), and Allen competed in F1 back in 1986. Unfortunately he drove for a crappy team (Osella) in a crappy underpowered unreliable Italian made donkey Kart. But he did finish 3rd behind Ayrton Senna and Martin Brundle in the 1983 F3 championships. So he had skill. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. Sure you can. 1) You can throw safety out the window and drive at any speed you and the car are capable of reaching. and/or 2) You can drive that car at any speed you want as long as you are not doing this on the public roads (ie: driving at any speed you want on private land such as a race track). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over