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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. I've heard the weather is nice there. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. As an adult I have lived in Montreal, Vancouver, Denver and Calgary (plus traveled to many other major cities such as Toronto, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and yes I have been to Chicago though my stay in the Windy City was rather brief and in no way thorough). In all my years living and traveling to all these cities there has been one common occurrence. Every city has claimed that "They are the best city in the world". It is interesting how everyone claims they are better than all the others. There is no doubt that many of these cities have a lot to offer people who visit these cities. But visiting and living are two different cans of worms. I realize your link references "Top Travel Cities", so you can claim you are only referencing places to visit. But if this is the focus, places to visit. How a city like Chicago ranks above New York is a mystery (plus some of those other cities in this list are also mysteries). From a distance Vancouver is an incredibly pretty picturesque city with the ocean and the mountain views. But ignoring the Hastings and Main part of Vancouver for a second (where real world drug zombies live). It is a rather dirty city with plenty of trash littering the streets. Vancouver has a lot of good things going for them, but there is also no shortage of bad things happening there. In summary this is just an opinion people have. Some people prefer the big cosmopolitan cities, some prefer the medium sized cities and some prefer to stay out of cities. I just find it amusing that in every place I have ever lived and visited, the locals continue to claim they are the best place on earth. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. Sports are funny ... put me in front of a TV where I don't care about the result and I will be tuning out faster than a child with ADD. But put me in front of a TV where I care about the result and I am glued to every play as if it could influence who wins and loses the game. Last night's football game was like that for me. I didn't miss a play. It was the first time this season I got to see this "Best in the NFL" Kansas City Chiefs defense go up against the "Best in the NFL" Broncos offense and there is no doubt the Chiefs are good. This was an important game for the Broncos to win. But the pressure is still on for the Broncos. They have two very tough road games to play in the next couple of weeks (@New England and @Arrowhead with a re-match against the Chiefs). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. $0.10 candy bars $0.10 bus rides Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. I've been a Broncos fan for a long time, since I was a kid and for a really silly reason too. With the exception of the '98 and '99 Super Bowl wins, also a long suffering fan. But the Donkeys are off to a good start this season so I am optimistic they can put last season's loss to Baltimore behind them. However I can't help but notice the Chiefs this season. WTF 9-0? Who put the extra dosage of Wheeties in their Corn Flakes? Hopefully the Broncos can put an end to the Chiefs winning streak next week when the two teams square off against each other. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. For the most part Hollywood puts out make believe fantasy crap. But every once in a while they will surprise us. Ron Howard just released his movie Rush last month which was about the real life rivalry Nick Lauda and James Hunt had with each other and the movie was remarkably true to life. The inaccuracies of the story were so small, so hard to notice and so insignificant. For the most part, Hollywood is crap, but not this Ron Howard movie. This one was accurate. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. Third Tesla catches fire in the last couple of weeks. However, on the bright side, it could be worse. At least it's not a Ford Pinto Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. It's not "how much you make" that counts. It's how much you still have in your pockets after all your expenses are paid. It's no secret that many lottery winners and pro sports athletes become bankrupt within a few years of when their money stops coming in because these people never learned how to manage their money, never learned how to manage their lives. Contrary to what you may think, it is about personal responsibility. Those who have the discipline to live within their means will be better off than those who can not control their spending. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. Didn't you get the memo? Progressives always have and always will be "Entitled to their Entitlements" and anyone who questions Progressives on their "Culture of Entitlements" is a homophobic, racist, bigot. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. A skydiving main canopy? Sure why not. After all, it is a parachute and it wants to open. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. I am done defending this idiot and I now agree with you that he needs to go. "Yes I have smoked crack cocaine" - Rob Ford WTF is going on in Ontario these days? It's bad enough that the 2nd most populous province, Quebec is an economic basket case with all their politicians in bed with the mob. But now the most populous province, Ontario has a corrupt and ever so arrogant Liberal Provincial Government who waste billions and billions dollars pushing their Fabian Socialism, and this clown of a man who clearly is incapable of taking a serious job serious. I am sorry Rob Ford, but being on one of your drunken stupors is no excuse. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. Katie Hansen ... she also appears at the 0:20 second mark in the video referenced below doing a roll over at the Perrine Bridge Yes I know, a shameless plug for an old, but still fun video. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. Did you notice the title of this thread? You know the part that said "A little humor"? However I do have an issue with the originator of this Craigslist ad. They are trying to sell a Cherokee, not a Jeep. It reminds me years ago when I was still living in CO and the Front Range was hit with a big snow storm. Only two of us made it into work that day. Two guys who happen to drive Jeep Wranglers. One other guy sent out an email telling us that he was sorry, but he couldn't get into work because his Jeep got stuck in the snow. Myself and the other guy who were at work laughed and said "That's not a Jeep, it's a Cherokee". It's a Jeep thing. If you don't drive a Jeep, you won't understand. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. I've met some sleepers at the track and learned early on not to judge a book from it's cover. From a distance it may look like just a normal Honda Civic. But when you get up close you notice it is sporting slicks, the brakes are bigger than normal, the interior has been gutted and this all before looking under the hood and asking about the suspension upgrades. Plus even if it's not the fastest car, I love watching someone pushing their car to the car's limit. I know this guy who can not afford the most expensive car, but whatever he shows up with, you know he will be pushing it to the limit. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. That's awesome. I met Katie 10 years ago when she, myself and a bunch of other peeps were getting into BASE. At that time I don't think she had any ambitions for swooping. But I see she has become a swooper, and not only become a swooper, but she has become an awesome swooper. Good job. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. Take it to the track. There the risks are NOT eliminated, but at least they are controlled and if you happen to have the skills and experience, you'll be able to push the car pretty close to the car's limit. There is no way you can come close to experiencing what the car is capable of doing on the public roads like you can experience at the track. Oh and the Vette offers a lot of bang for the buck and it comes from a rich racing heritage, so it is a good car. But I am still a fan of a certain German automaker who likes locating their engines behind the rear axle. However this year I have picked up racing a Rotax DD2 Kart instead. More Gs, it's pure racing and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than a full sized car. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. That is like me saying the USA is a country of scum bags all because the US government are scum bags. Of course since I actually lived in the USA and have actually worked with Russians, I know the average American and average Russian is a good person. Judging a nation based on how their respective governments behave is obtuse and shows a lack of understanding of how the world works. Now these other videos showing Russian pedestrians jumping in front of moving vehicles is insane. I don't care how much insurance money someone thinks they can make, the risk is simply not worth the possible reward. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. Math and physics were the only subjects in school I really worked hard at, and was rewarded with good grades with. The reason why I did work hard at them was, because if I did not pay attention to my teachers every day, I would be lost on the next day's lesson and there was no way to catch up because I was in pretty large classes where the teacher could not take time to cater to each individual student. Pretty much all the other subjects you could actually slack off a little and you could still catch up. Not the case with math and physics. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. Here is an example of a stupid school board (from several days ago): Calgary school axes honour roll saying the reason is because it "hurts the self-esteem and pride of students who don’t make it". The Edu'crats strike again. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. I don't hate all lawyers. I like lawrocket and maybe you can be added to my "Don't hate list". LOL ... but as a generic demographic, I still dislike lawyers, but I dislike the media even more. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. I am pretty disgusted with all politicians these days. Not just from one side, but all sides. They are nothing more than self serving crooks. The only people I am more disgusted with than the politicians is the media, oh and the lawyers too. But since politicians are more often than not, lawyers, it's all the same thing. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. Huh? Kathrine Wynne is not some new politician. She was a cabinet minister in the McGuinty Liberal Government. She was very much involved in the backroom decision making processes of this government. Actually I am not calling for Wynne to resign. But she should have called an election. Now with her back giving special financial favours to her public sector union allies and with the NDP propping her up, the only losers are the Ontario tax payers who are getting royally shafted. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. Got my A last night. There is a radar antenna at the Los Santos International Airport that has a series of ladders that can be climbed to get to the top. Then I exited off of the southwest corner, but exited towards the south as going too much to the west could put you on a collision course with a parked airplane while under canopy. There is a barb wire fence surrounding the antenna that can not be climbed without help. But I jacked a garbage truck that was parked on the other side of the airport, parked the truck next to the fence, climbed on top of the truck and then jumped over the fence. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. Rob Ford as well as a number of other high profile politicians are acting like Baffoons these days. It makes you shake your head at all these politicians. There is not an honest one out there on both sides of the fence. PS: Are you also calling for Kathrine Wynne to step down? As an insider to McGuinty's Liberal government, she and the rest of her clan have done way more damage to the people of Ontario than Ford has done to Toronto. Of course she gets a free pass from her friends in the media. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. The guys smokes weed (he's even admitted this) ... as do many others, including Trudeau JR (who's been praised by his media friends for coming out). If you or anyone else has credible evidence that Ford's substance abuse is anything worse than weed or Kentucky Fried Chicken, then by all means bring it forward. Until then this remains another prime example of how ridiculous the Consensus Mainstream Media has become. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over