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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. I race Karts. What possible reason is there in this world for myself and my peers to be racing Karts? It's not like we are solving world hunger and world peace racing our Karts. Add on top of that, there is the possibility that myself, one of my peers, a track marshal or a spectator could be seriously injured and/or killed if the Kart I race (capable to reaching speeds of about 75-80 mph and cornering almost as fast where you pull 2-3 Gs in the corners) crashes into someone else. Not to mention that my Kart burns a oil and gas mixture and the resulting emissions are exhausting into the atmosphere. Good grief am killing the planet racing Karts. So shouldn't we just ban Kart racing? There is no need for any civilian to race Karts. Fun is not a valid answer. Just think of the progress Progressives will pat themselves on their collective backs with should they ever ban Kart racing. Since the vast majority of modern day race car drivers all started racing in Karts. By banning Kart racing, the Progressives (over time through their indoctrination) will succeed in banning all forms of motorsports. It's already in the works, race tracks all over the place are closing and Formula One, to prevent themselves from being demonized by the Progressives will next season will be adopting 1.6 liter V6 engines down from the existing 2.4 liter V8s. The common denominator in all of this is that Progressives always seek to ban things they dislike. If we can only save one life by banning all forms of motorsports, it is worth it right? There is no need in this world to race. But when you bring up banning something that Progressives value, well then the proverbial shit hits the fan, and the Progressives will label you as a Homophobic Racist Bigot. Where does it end? If we should be banning things, we should be banning this idea that Progressives feel they are entitled to dictate to others how they are allowed to live. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. Neither of you have a crack-using mayor. In another thread you accused a long time member of this site of being a troll and here you are only two months being here and making references to Red Star stories as if they run credible news stories. Look in the mirror, if there is anyone who is a troll around here, it will be the dude looking back at you in that reflection. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. This is true, but are you seeing more and more Latinos where you live? I hear more Spanish being spoken here than ever before and as I said, I have no problem with the Latinos immigrating here just as long as they are here to work (which more often than not, they do have good work ethics) than here to sponge off of the system. I have a friend who lives in Madrid and Spain's economy is in the tank. I tell her she should immigrate to Canada but she has two concerns about this. One: she would be leaving friends and family behind if she did come here. Two: she is concerned that her English is not good enough. But then I tell her, every day I hear more and more Spanish being spoken here. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. At least 2-3 of these 13 events occurred in Canada. Maybe more, who knows. It would be naive of Canadians to think that the US government isn't spying on Canada like they do in the US. The only difference between Canada and the US is that Canadian's heads split in two when we talk. Other than that, there is little difference. Mexico? That is another story. But up here in Alberta Canada (one of the few places where the economy is still doing reasonably well), I hear more Spanish being spoken on the streets than ever before. Obviously not as many Latinos here yet as in many US states, but they are coming. Of course as long as they are willing to work and not sponge off of the system, I have no problems with the Spanish speaking peeps. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. Don't firefighters retire pretty young? Something like 55 years old? Don't quote me on that as maybe they retire at different ages depending on where they are located. But even if you are in shape, 44 years old might be a little old to be hired only to be planning a forced retirement soon after. Nevertheless, Jose is a firefighter from the Pacific Northwest. Not sure how much he logs on to DZ.COM any more, but you can always try to send him a PM. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. CO is awesome. I loved my 8 years there. I used to climb some of the 14ers as well before I discovered jumping from them thar airplanes and then that was all I ever wanted to do (I never climbed another 14er after I started jumping, my bad). But solo'ing in the mountains can be risky. You may think it is an easy climb and it may very well be an easy climb. But #### happens and if nobody knows where you are, by the time they find you, it could be too late. White outs do happen (I got caught in one once) that can take you off the trail without your knowledge. Before you know it, you are not where you said you would be. Ideally you need to be climbing with at least two others. One person stays with the injured party while the other goes for help. But "do as I say not as I do". Back around Christmas of 2004 I purposely planned my arrival in Moab (on my way from Denver to Eloy) to solo Tombstone on a BASE jump. I calculated that if I left Denver at a precise time of the morning I would arrive in Moab and climb up to the exit point and I should encounter the best possible weather conditions for the solo jump and low and behold everything went as planned. Yes "do as I say, not as I do". Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. So why did you start this thread? You know the media is going to run crap to pursue their agenda. Isn't the correct course of action to do, is to just ignore the media? Or was your agenda to slam Fox while you ignore the bias bullshit that the rest of the media also produces. Do you even recognize when a media organization is pushing bias bullshit? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. I certainly never liked Pat Buchanan. The dude is 100% anti-immigration and I was a temporary immigrant when I was in the USA between 1998 and 2005. As far as assholes and asswipes are concerned, same thing. It's all semantics. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. Don't forget to add CNN (AKA the Celebrity News Network) to be included with the asswipes at MSNBC and FOX. After all CNN employs the biggest asswipe of them all in Piers Morgan. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. Really, have you seen it? Yes I did see it (not in a theater), and it was pretty bad. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. I must have missed that since I was too busy listening to Rush Limbaugh rally his troops to support the assassination of President Obama. Oops wait, I missed that too since I don't watch/listen to Rush Limbaugh. But I didn't miss the movie about GWB's spoofed assassination nor did I miss the Liberal Party of Canada posting a spoofed assassination picture of the PM on their official website. My American friends here won't know this reference, but this thread reminds me of the recent Robo-call scandal the consensus mainstream media in Canuckistan tried to invent last year on how the evil Conservative Party of Canada stole the last election. There was no shortage of unproven accusations from the Progressives and their media, but to date the only people who were found to have broken any Robo-call rules was a Liberal and an NDP (even further to the Left than a Liberal is) politician. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. You are confusing the word Progress with arrogant Liberals who rebranded themselves as Progressives thinking "how could anyone argue with progress". Conservatives are not perfect, they have their skeletons. But only a Progressive Liberal hack thinks that they are responsible for all those items you listed. Do you even know the origins of the internet? or are you so young and obtuse to believe in the lies Gore told you about how he invented the internet. Too funny, Progressives invented the internet. Right, got any more jokes to tell us? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. The fact remains that it was made and I only brought it up because Mr Vonn said that a certain segment of Rush's followers would revel if he called for Obama to be assassinated and while I don't think I have ever made the time to actually listen to one of Limbaugh's shows, I am pretty certain he is not calling for Obama to be assassinated and yet here is an example where some Progressives were making a movie about a GWB assassination. Isolated cases? No not really. Not that much different than this picture: Spoofed picture of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper being assassinated and for all those who want to claim this was yet another isolate case, this picture was actually posted on the official "Liberal Party of Canada" website (you know the political party that used to dominate Canadian politics until one day their theft of tax payers money became public and they have yet to come close to governing since then). Yes imagine that, Progressives actually thought this picture was funny. It was only when the outrage from the general public surfaced that then leader of the LPC Michael Ignatieff ordered the picture be taken off of his party's official website. If you know of other cases where Conservative groups are actually making movies and/or posting pictures of Obama, or one of the Clintons or any other Democrat being assassinated, then by all means show them and I will condemn those just as much as I condemn these examples I speak of. But here are a few examples where Progressives find entertainment in spoofing the assassinations of their opponents. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. Really because it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival which is pretty high profile annual film festival. Are you sure you really want maintain this stance that nobody went to see it? Oh the arrogance of Progressives never ceases to amazement. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. Was I dreaming, or did Progressive movie makers actually make a movie about GWB being assassinated in 2006 and throngs of Progressives flocked to the theaters and paid money to watch this so called entertainment and none of them thought that this would be perceived as radical. I must have been dreaming because no Progressive would ever make a movie about a current president being assassinated and consider this entertainment. The arrogance of the Progressives never ceases to amaze me. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. Jennifer Aniston usually dresses well ... at least in her movies. I don't watch award shows so I am clueless if she looks good or weird on the red carpets. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. LOL ... but I thought you liked boys. Oops ... my bad, wrong user. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. "Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge" it is. Not that I need a King, not that I ever asked to have a King rule over me, but the little dude is 3rd in line to be my King. Of course I will likely be "Pinning for the Fjords" before his time as King becomes reality. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. If you read the comments from the article you will see that some people (not all) think this might be a case of eco-terrorism, hence my question. I repeat from the original post I never made the statement that this was eco-terrorism. It was only a question. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. You failed to acknowledge and recognize the "?" mark in the title of the thread as well as the content of the words in the thread. It was a question, is this eco-terrorism? It wasn't a statement. Some will think it is eco-terrorism and some won't. But your first reaction was to attack the poster. Why? Do you really have that much hatred in your head? or are you just intolerant towards those who have different opinions than your own. I don't agree with everything BillVon says, but Bill is a fair man. He rarely attacks people on this form. The same can not be said for you. How you got this job of being a moderator is a mystery. But don't worry, keep showing the rest of us how much hate you have in that mind of yours towards anyone who does not see the world through the same colored glasses you use. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. Is this the work of the eco-terrorists? Where hiking and biking trails are now being sabotaged, where humans and their best friends (dogs) lives are being put at risk? Read more here. How far are these nut bars willing to go? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. Go to Laval. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. Unless the moment was captured with his GoPro "Be a Hero" video camera, GZ can't possibly be a hero. After all, the only way to be a hero these days is to capture the moment on video, put the video on YouTube and sit back and watch as the world marvels at your brilliance simply for capturing a moment with the GoPro. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. Maybe the UK is (rightfully or wrongfully) reacting to this guy who has held high profile positions in education and government bureaucracy not only in Canada but also consulting in education practices in the UK and New Zealand and who recently was charged with numerous child pornography charges (which include the more serious charges of making and distributing child porn). You have to know his name though "Benjamin Levin", because the consensus mainstream media has done a very good job sweeping this story under the carpet after his arrest earlier this month. Why? Because he has been an insider to the Ontario Liberal Government's agenda to bring Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered sex education studies to children as young as 6 year old. Imagine that, an Edu-crat, responsible for helping to mold the sex ed curriculum to the youngest students up on charges of making and distributing child pornography. If this was a Conservative, the consensus mainstream media would be having a field day running daily scandal stories on him. But because he is one of them, a Liberal, it is swept under the carpet, his name known by only those who happened to catch brief glimpses of the story on the back pages of the news the day he was arrested. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. Some of the toughest athletes around are the guys who race Moto GP. Jorge Lorenzo finished 5th riding with a broken collar bone Dani Pedrosa cleared to race, also with a broken collar bone The Moto GP guys are definitely NOT pussies when it comes to competing in pain. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over