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  1. 2 points
    From that perspective, the higher power/higher weight EV versions may have a significant advantage. It may be that in 10 years your construction friends would have no problem using a gas-only truck, except that it can't provide jobsite power. When you have to run table saws, compressors and job site lighting, they may need the kilowatts you can get from an EV version of that truck. Right. Which is why there are so many reservations for the EV version of the F150.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I bet they’re popular in Texas since they can also provide power to your home during an outage.
  5. 1 point
    Hi Keith, Re: I don't trust polls where I can't read the questions to determine bias. As an engineer & a guy who loved his Statistics class, I am 100% with this. Jerry Baumchen
  6. 1 point
    Oh, but Brenthutch is a true mastermind when it comes to percentages!!!!
  7. 1 point
    I don't have a dog in this fight but... I think the OP does his POV no service by his approach to communication, that may well be just language or culture related. The "counter position" on show is equally disengenuous seeming to want to "shout down" the topic. I am genuinely interested in this "story". If there is a genuine problen here it needs to be investigated properly. We all need to know that when we need that reserve it will deploy. * Having said all that without the supporting data as to who the OP is, where they operate from and whether there is any conflict of interest at play, either by the OP or counter positions, the subject will never be taken on face value. * we make that assumption everytime we jump. In the 2 occasions I have had to carry out my malfunction drills all has been well (not Icon). On the weekend of my last malfunction we had a fatality where the drills were carried out but the Pilot failed to deploy properly (not Icon).
  8. 1 point
    Better question. Why does this only seem to happen to Icons, in France, at this specific loft? That would lead me to believe that someone needs to have their packing investigated.
  9. 1 point
    The buck stops here, if ya know what I mean. There is no deflection and no refusal to take responsibility concerning the voting numbers for the board of directors because there is nothing to deflect and no failure to take responsibility for. Turnout in USPA elections has always been low. I've noted before that there are some obvious reasons like new members that don't vote because they don't know our system or even what they are voting for, and life members who are still on the voter rolls but are disengaged, but there are also people who don't vote because they simply aren't concerned with it. These folks don't see anything wrong with the way things work. They get their magazine, processing times for licenses and ratings are fast, they have 3rd party liability coverage in case they break something or someone, and dozens of other things USPA does for them in the background. Fun jumpers (the largest segment of us) just want to show up, make some hops, drink some beer, and do it again next weekend. Our members aren't voting for representatives that make life-altering decisions on their behalf. They are voting for volunteers who work for the members doing at times some of the most mundane things imaginable. If the governance of USPA isn't important enough to a member to prompt them to vote, so be it. We will still represent them the best way we know how. That comes with the price of membership.
  10. 1 point
    Reading Comprehension 101: 'Comparative Religion' ok, 'Fundamentals' of Scientology' not so good. Teaching anybody's religion as "The Truth" (tm) is pretty much verboten. Since religion is a communicable form of mental illness, 'Woke' meets those criteria well. A Disease of Denial, the mental malware that is 'Woke' fits the religious paradigm nicely: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/woke-virus-spreading-7-signs/ What Woke shares with the Cult of the Magic Jewish Zombie and the Cult of the Illiterate Pervert Psychopath is that any correlation between the ism and reality is happenstance. If claims are verifiable, that 'PROVES' it! If claims are verifiably false, THAT PROVES NOTHING! Whatever floats your boat. BSBD, Winsor
  11. 1 point
    Boy, do you ever bring a lot of insight to the discussion...
  12. 1 point
    I am seeing more and more parallels between Woke ideology and the Cultural Revolution. It turns out that I am hardly alone. https://newdiscourses.com/2021/04/rise-woke-cultural-revolution/ BSBD, Winsor
  13. 1 point
    I understand your frustration, folks don’t like it when their world view is threatened. From systemic racism and man made climate change to the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, it upsets people when these notions are challenged.
  14. 1 point
    I have yet to come across one shred of evidence to support your standpoint. CRT uses race the way a drunk uses a lamppost - for support rather than illumination.
  15. 1 point
    C 2/509, Lee Barracks here. I was appalled when they reflagged 1st Batt. to a 32x (Glider) designation. Glider borne troops could be routinely assigned, but Airborne is 100% volunteer, and only 37 out of our original 110 got wings. I've served under NCOs and Officers of random ethnicities, and Blacks were out of proportion to their demographics. 1st Batt. CO and 8th Division Commander were Black. If anyone had a problem with an Officer or NCO, it was because of their personal skills and misdemeanor. Some of the finest Officers and NCOs I have known were Black, some were Chicano, some were Anglo, some were Navajo... you get the drift. When one of our unit got kicked out of a bar in Idar Oberstein, the place was trashed by whoever was there when he got back. It didn't matter what his race was, he was one of US! My only criterion in my estimation of a Combat Leader was if I'd follow him out the door of a C-130 in pitch darkness while carrying my weight in weapons and gear. Whether the answer was yes or no, I don't give a damn what he looks like. Jim Webb was asked what he thought of women in combat. He replied that he was fine with it when he was in the Academy, but after he spent much time slogging around Southeast Asia it came to his attention that the Corps was changing its PT standards, reducing the number of pull ups so that women could qualify. He noted that it was all well and good to train by touch football rules, but if you're going up against the Green Bay Packers, that wasn't a good idea. I know it sounds harsh to say to people whose forbears had a rough time of it should suck it up and get over it, but I've known enough people who lost EVERYTHING and got on with their lives successfully. Some of them had numbers tattooed on their arms and whatnot. Where I work we hire whoever is the most qualified. Period. Whether someone looks like a Ford Model or a Packer's linebacker, they are likely there because of their PhD dissertation and unique skill set. If we started hiring people for reasons other than their being reliable and professional, there would be a great deal of uproar from all quarters. If your forebears had a hard time of it, you're in good company. Either way, if you choose to be part of the team, you are an asset and will be treated as such. Any ideology that is based on racism, whether 'good' or 'bad' racism, is an abomination. BSBD, Winsor
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    listen to the current skydive radio podcast. good info there.
  18. 1 point
    Like the resort with young women looking for husbands and husbands looking for young women, things may not be as balanced as they seem. In the '70s, the student protesters of the '60s were now working as young lawyers and junior executives, and put some of their principles to work. They bought old and dilapidated houses, and renovated them with investment and a lot of hard work. Some neighborhoods came back amazingly, and did not resemble the slums that they had become. A number of organizations I will not name came forth and said that what was going on was unfair, that the proud and noble residents of these neighborhoods could no longer afford to live there. The former student protesters said gee, you're right, and arranged for Low Income Housing to spring up in the midst of the gentrified dwellings. The residents of the Low Income Housing noted that they still had nothing, and the upscale people around them had more than they possibly could need. In the interest of Fairness (tm), they sought to redistribute the wealth. "Muffy!" "What is it Biff?" "They broke in again." "What did they get this time?" "The teevee and some of our wedding gifts." There was then a minor exodus from the gentrified neighborhoods and subdivisions out of range of Low Income Housing sprung up. The problem we have is the Law of Unintended Results. Lyndon Johnson, one of the sleaziest human beings ever to draw breath, took on poverty. The problem was simple, as was his solution. Poverty is the result of people without enough money. Give them money and voila! the problem is solved. The worst kind of poverty is, of course, poor children. If we give people more money the more children they have, we have this thing nipped in the bud! Fast forward to today. The affluent neighborhoods consist almost entirely two parent families, and those with more than two kids are in the minority. The schools are brilliant because they are funded by heavy taxes on the people who live in these neighborhoods. In Low Income neighborhoods, the inhabitants are sometimes more than 70% from 'single parent households' consisting of a mother and a number of children, often with no two having the same father. Having an out of wedlock child in one's teens is one way to qualify for the programs that started in LBJ's 'Great Society' initiative. and it is also a way to reduce the level of academic achievement and income potential of the young mother. Thus, to get around to your first question, "One recommendation to come out of CRT is to fund them equally. Do you disagree?" I can't believe you are that naïve. You have entrenched social norms that have resulted in neighborhoods with negative net contribution to the economy, with a tax base insufficient to fund much of anything and you blithely say "fund them equally?" WHO exactly do you expect to do this funding? 'The Rich?' The people who are being bled white to pay the taxes that go to their own kid's education? Kids they waited to have until they could afford to give them a good education? From where I sit, you have just established that CRT is the result of intellectually compromised 'academics,' and exists only because disputing their nonsense results in becoming a target. BSBD, Winsor
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