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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I agree with Jerry. If the Manufacturer's Rigger says it won't fit, then don't do it. The Manufacturer has the final say on what goes in their rigs.
  2. 3 points
    Yep, that's just how the world rolls. Two Buck Chuck is available to every wine drinker but if you desire something different, and special, the price goes up disproportionally. Folks only complain about wine snobs until they share the stash, funny that.
  3. 2 points
    Unfortunately, Congress critters seem to think the best interest of the country is based on who gives them the most money. That's what needs to change.
  4. 2 points
    No. It implied that adding gun laws to existing law would reduce deaths. (And yes, that assumes that they are well written laws, that they address the issue, that they can be enforced etc.) Yes, California has a lot of gun laws - the most in the country.. As a result, their gun death rate is 37% below the national average. New Jersey has the second strongest gun laws, and their gun death rate is 63% below average. Hawaii has the fourth strongest gun laws; their gun death rate is 75% below national average. Let's compare that to states with the most lax gun laws. Arkansas has the most lax laws; their gun death rate is 75% above national average. Wyoming comes in second in lax laws. Their rate is 90% above national average. So there is some evidence that those gun laws can reduce gun deaths. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/comparing-gun-laws-and-gun-related-deaths-across-america/ I agree. This is difficult since republicans explicitly banned that research. They feared the discovery that gun laws work.
  5. 1 point
    Seems to me a deal that gives 6 D votes and thus the speakership to McCarthy in exchange for no committee assignments for Greene, Boebert, Biggs, Gaetz, and Gomert, et al. would be not only a fair swap but a joyous belly laugh.
  6. 1 point
    BH gloating over some half-truths that he won't be able to back up with data when challenged Check, Check, motherfucking triple-Check!
  7. 1 point
    Well he already covered that with 'we need more non partisan studies'. Though of course any study that concludes action is needed immediately becomes partisan...
  8. 1 point
    Good morning, Happy NY and all that stuff. I think that nothing will change until there is a motivating event. Not sure what that would be. Maybe a few with personal tragedies, term limits, voters replace a bunch of them, removal of the incentive/reward for inaction. and who knows what else. I'd like to see a few moderates of both parties join together and demonstrate that not everything is strictly D or R. That there can be consensus and that representing the best interests of the country is a good thing. As Wendy said, compromise is needed. That also requires negotiating in good faith. Honesty and integrity are needed. People like Santos need to be hammered as hard as possible to send a clear message. Political office should not be haven for the inept, dishonest and immoral.
  9. 1 point
    I agree. And that takes either them ignoring the "power at all costs" methodology that's been the norm for the last 30 years or so (compromising is how things get done in groups, not "my way or the highway.") Wendy P.
  10. 1 point
    Deland, late 70's. I was Instructor and JM for the Embry-Riddle club. At the end of the day when all the students were done, the experienced club jumpers would do some 8-12 way out of Mr. D. At break off some of us would tackle another jumper and ride them down well below 2000', holding them so they couldn't pull. When the panic got too great we'd let go and pull. I don't know how I never got my ass beat. It happened to me once and I never did that to anyone again.
  11. 1 point
    Not exactly. Back in the late 80s, when airplanes went to 'glass cockpits' (CRT displays for the instrument panel), they did a bunch of research on what format the gauges should be. They found that analog (needle & dial) were read more quickly than digital. So they went with those. More recent studies have shown that it's dependent on what you have used the most (what you 'grew up with'). It's not that the original studies were incorrect, just that the subjects who participated in them were more familiar with the analog and read them faster/better. Many of the younger crowd grew up on digital displays and read those faster than analog. So it all depends on what you have the most experience with.
  12. 1 point
    Actually there is no cost for FAA paperwork to do the actual jumps. The procedure for a specific jump approval is just tedious and time consuming but, other than the time invested, there is no cost. There was a large, one-time, cost for the approval for flight with door removed, flight testing, and the interior configuration. The term for the airspace involved is actually RVSM, which is Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums, which requires very special digital altimeters, special auto-pilot, and other equipment for flights above 28,000'. As the aircraft is used for nothing but these jumps, and would not be practical for normal jump operations, the cost of operation must be absorbed by a limited number of customers who can afford such jumps. There are many things that are not available to the average person, or skydiver, due to cost and that is why everyone does not own a Ferrari, go to the ISS, and live in mansions. But, there are some that can and do. A private citizen went to the ISS, cost him 28.5 million. An 18 year old went up in Bezos rocket for the 15 minute flight, cost 2.8 million. Virgin Galactic ride to the edge of space sold out 800 slots for $250,000 each, now the ride costs $450,000. Very special things take very special money. Michael Mullins
  13. 1 point
    Hi surgeon, In a word: Don't Somebody is giving you very poor advice. Jerry Baumchen
  14. 1 point
    Something's better than nothing Just a little blessing, a little reason why We should keep going 'cause we never know when What we've been waiting for and praying for Is around the corner coming Something's better than nothing Yeah, something's better than nothing These four walls ain't no castle but this shack Will be enough to let our life grow
  15. 1 point
    I honestly have no idea why we’re discussing the US here. The OP’s question was for a list of countries that allow jumping through cloud as we doin Aus / NZ. The US does not allow this sort of jumping so is irrelevant to the conversation.
  16. 1 point
    Stupidest thing Ive ever done on a skydive........I went. Now look at me. 32 years, 9k+ jumps, complete lack of a normal (mundane, boring) life.
  17. 1 point
    More than 6,000 children killed, hurt by gunfire in 2022: Report 6,000. Think about that. That's more than the population of 50 of the smallest towns in the US - combined. Still not worthy of writing your representatives to reinforce your position and desired direction? Here. I'll make it easier: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative EDIT: That's more than double the number of US Service Members killed in Afghanistan of 17 years.
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