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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Looks like the loony institution just had a mass breakout...
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    I would point out that despite being deeply involved in many military conflicts in which many thousands of people died the US has not been in a state of “war” for more than 75 years. It is completely out of fashion to declare war. Just go over there and start with the fighting as ordered.
  4. 2 points
    Doesn't it just make you want to go shoot up a pizza joint!?!?!?! No doubt there are far too many creeps in this world who'd like to do horrible things to children, and my sincere wish is that every single one of those pervy fuckers spend the rest of eternity being stabbed in the junk with hot needles (unless that's one of their kinks, then don't do that for them). When you decide to take the stance that anybody who doesn't agree with you politically is a groomer/pedo, you're just being lazy and proving that you don't have a valid political argument so you have to result to personal attacks. It's part of the 'flood the zone with shit' approach and it's fucking pathetic.
  5. 2 points
    For Fuck's Sakes, there a full moon tonight?
  6. 2 points
    Who says you can’t make this shit up? Obviously you can! Wendy P.
  7. 1 point
    Nobody on this forum is demanding a 'safe space' free of uncomfortable speech, but it gets pretty fucking tired when you and your ilk are running a 'flood the zone with shit' play. Most of us have better things to do than refute the putrid BS you post from the most vile corners of the Net, while you go around baselessly accusing anybody you don't agree with of being a pedo.
  8. 1 point
    And full of sodium chloride as well. Probably from the chemtrail fallout over the years.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    No, he believes them because he found a totally legit website with an official sounding name and EVERYTHING!
  11. 1 point
    The article, I read it, and your comments are nothing less than a 100% troll. I now stand with those who believe you've been given too long a leash by the mod's.
  12. 1 point
    The oceans are definitely flooded. It’s kinda their thing.
  13. 1 point
    "Pychological operations usually work for a couple of reasons" - then offers ZERO reasons and just rambles incoherently. This is what I sometimes call "the lights are on but there's nobody home".
  14. 1 point
    Hi Terry [again], And, let me add that I clipped the main ripcord into one of the reserve snaps. It did not clip in completely and now that ripcord is at the bottom of Battleground Lake. Jerry Baumchen
  15. 1 point
    After 35 years since I jumped a para commander and 17 years since last round jump jumped my Jumbo PC. Steel in ankle and weight gain kept from jumping rounds. After talking to a few folks on FB Round group decided wise to jump into water first. About 305lbs exit weight. I was ready to jump it last October on land but got weathered out and dz's closed for winter. Water jump pick up boat and opportunity came up very short notice. As much fun as I remembered and expected EXCEPT instant canopy. Discussion for rigging. Calculated descent rate somewhere around 17 fps. I can take that onto land. received_631436048348779.mp4
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Did you watch his speech, or just scour the interwebs for pundits criticizing it afterwards? I think Biden went out of his way to separate Republicans in general from the MAGA base: calling out the MAGA extremists for the danger that they are while offering an olive branch to Republicans who are reluctant to drink the MAGA Kool-Aid. Seems politically smart to me. There's likely no winning back 99.9999% the MAGA crew, so frame it as a choice between the insanity of the FAR right or Democrats in an effort to win as many pro-sanity votes as possible.
  18. 1 point
    You think the US military has overtones of both Stalinism and the Nazis? To be honest Bill, that’s your deal. I don’t think you’re going to find many who agree with you.
  19. 1 point
    Hi Bill, Once again, you use the old, 'Hey, look over here,' gambit, so well liked when that is all you got. IMO it's getting kinda old. Jerry Baumchen PS) Uh oh, it looks like Trump did it first. Or, does that not count?
  20. 1 point
    Hi Terry, OK, I only have one water jump; necessary for the D license. I did it into a lake back in '67. Did it into a lake as there was no running current. After opening, I got the reserve [ gut pack ] off to the side, hanging by the tiedown strap to get it out of the way. Got the saddle nicely under my thighs; full-saddle, mil surplus harness. Then undid the chest strap. At about 400 ft, I undid the leg snaps. As I came in, I went into full brakes. Just prior to touching the water, I just let go of the toggles. That laid the P/C out in front of me with it nearly perfectly straight & virtually stretched out on the water. I just grabbed a riser, flipped it over my head & swam about 5 ft to the pickup boat. Then I pulled the P/C into the boat with no entanglements. Easy-peasy. Jerry Baumchen
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I have CAA (FAA predecessor) regulations that list ratings, experience requirements and privileges for rigger, senior rigger, and master rigger. Rigger and senior rigger hardly different. So there WAS a civilian "rigger" rating. Pick of regs later.
  23. 1 point
    From the Judge presiding over the case. “Democracy will prevail. Our system of law will prevail. Because without democracy, without our law, we are nothing more than any other failed state in this world, run by the loudest of voices with the worst of intentions — the mob who thinks they know what justice is without any regard of the facts, or worse.” Bolding added. I think this perfectly describes the cancer that the Trump Cult represents.
  24. 1 point
    It’s funny how every now and then I reach the point where I think nothing the right wing media does can shock or disgust me anymore…. And I’m always wrong. For years and years we’ve heard nothing but ‘back the blue’, ‘blue lives matter’, flat out dismissals of any complaints about systemic racism or other failing in Ferguson, Kenosha or anywhere else no matter how many people complain. Even defences of flat out murderers like Chauvin. Now they’ve gone after the Chosen One and a Fox host is on air saying “We all know these guys lie and plant evidence for a living”. So why has he never given a single flying fuck about that before?
  25. 1 point
    I don’t think you’re a racist. I do think you’re an opportunist who will change definitions as long as they support your argument. What other reason can there be for your statement about Afghanistan not being a war? Wendy P.
  26. 1 point
    Hi Robert, One thing positive about the Jan 6th fiasco, it is keeping a lot of lawyers employed. Hey, everyone needs to eat. Jerry Baumchen
  27. 1 point
    Usually a DZ has a lot of old crap lying around (unless the DZ manager is a clean-up freak). I have literally been given an old reserve once (Mayday 5 I believe) with the comment: "Either you take this now or I'll dump it on the fire-pit." Old shit is great for all sorts of repeat practice work, with the exception of inspections. There it's good for one go (and very good at that, because what makes that particular piece of old stuff no longer airworthy?) but after that you've seen it already and repeat practice inspections are a bit useless.
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