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Everything posted by olofscience

  1. I said it was one of two possibilities, and you have just confirmed it was the other one Thanks for clearing it up!
  2. ...this is coming from an evangelical.
  3. *starts new climate denier bingo sheet*
  4. @BIGUN you've misattributed the quote in your post to me - I didn't say that.
  5. Well, with Trump promising tariffs on everything the US imports, inflation in the US will probably jump 10%. And conservatives here (i.e. Brent) were complaining how inflation was all Biden's fault We had high inflation in the UK too the past few years (under a conservative government no less), but it's a silver lining that this time the inflation will be more isolated to just the US. COVID is far more contagious than stupid Trump tariffs
  6. But you don't know how to read them...
  7. Anyone who wants a coupe and still likes to row their gears will continue to enjoy their hobby, like how horse enthusiasts can still enjoy their hobby with various breeds of horses. But they won't be finding them in the local car dealership. In fact, hobbies like restoring vintage cars are having a bit of a renaissance due to the recent availability of 3D printing and lower-cost CNC machining.
  8. The moment there's a tiny chance, Brent jumps in to FLEX! Yep, not insecure at all
  9. But, how will they then adopt a victim mentality? They've got to follow the example of the biggest victim of all, you know.
  10. Everything you mentioned was states forcing car companies to sell EVs, not forcing ordinary people to buy them. You're not even forced to buy a car at all - if you have a horse-drawn carriage you can keep using it, but I don't see you arguing that horse-drawn carriage owners' freedoms are being impinged when you can't buy one at your local car dealership.
  11. US power sockets are pretty anaemic. Most of the world is on 220-240V and take nowhere that long.
  12. Wind is driven not by absolute temperature, but by temperature gradients. So generally, heating up the world with more CO2 won't necessarily cause more hurricanes IF you heat it up evenly, but the earth is a big planet. There are so many variables involved that it's far, far (more complex), plus the fact that the Navier-Stokes equations don't have an analytical solution so it's really hard to tell if climate change will result in more hurricanes. But remember my quote from Bertrand Russell - wise men are full of doubts, while only a fool is certain. Brent will certainly look at scientists struggling to make predictions and think his confidence makes him know better. One last thing though - while hurricanes get their energy from temperature gradients, heating up the planet, on average, makes more energy available when those gradients do occur. It's like giving it ammunition to shoot us with. It might or it might not, but I'd rather not take chances. (edited. Don’t do that)
  13. Well Brent is not 75, he's at least several thousand years old given his memories of the last glacial period - damn, he's soooo glad it's hotter now! (forgetting the fact that he made hundreds of posts denying it was getting hotter)
  14. Burden of proof is on you to prove what the video says is right, not the other way around. Also, just say what the video is saying because nobody's gonna watch that.
  15. The irony when you're pretty far away from the oceans in PA...shouting about "observation or experience" to someone who lives on a boat.
  16. Well, can you at least make an original post that's not just a personal attack, that actually replies to my post about heavy metals? Yeah, I think this topic is done, you're running away from the discussion at a rapid pace. Bye
  17. Actually THIS is a strawman - I never said anything about the globe, I said it about YOU. If there's "irrelevant drivel", it's this Notice how Brent uses this to deflect that he has no answer to my point about heavy metals (i.e. he pretends to care about heavy metals in geothermal brines, when he doesn't give a shit about heavy metals emitted by coal)
  18. Popular doesn't mean right - it shows intellectual weakness if you think so. You also missed the rest of that "fact": It's peaking, and will start declining within the next 5 years.
  19. Now you're trying to copy Coreece when you actually avoid saying your actual point. And...that's not what a straw man argument is I did not make it up that you're hugely in favour of burning coal. You, on the other hand...
  20. This, along with the 737 MAX safety issues, and the general production quality issues that are being found means the rot is all over the company culture, and company culture is set from the top. The entire upper management needs to go. But since Calhoun is part of the board and is even the chairman! I think the problems will continue and if I was a betting man I'd take a short position on Boeing stock.
  21. Ok the post about his spelling was a bit unnecessary, but he was already so triggered way before that post All I posted about were facts, and seems like reality makes him angry (even though he was the one who started talking about toxic heavy metals). Ironic given how he thinks he's giving "reality checks" here as a reality denier. Here's another fact: leaded gasoline has exposed more people to heavy metals than anything else in modern history. It's still the case around general aviation airports. (like Happy Valley, maybe?) Now that leaded gasoline is mostly obsolete, guess what has replaced it as a major source of lead? Coal burning. Lead in Children’s Blood Is Mainly Caused by Coal-Fired Ash after Phasing out of Leaded Gasoline in Shanghai Again - liquid geothermal brines, like billvon mentioned as on topic to this discussion, are more easily handled than gaseous/tiny particle emissions so the risk of heavy metal pollution is lower. Brent had no answer to this point and instead just chose to lose his temper.
  22. I did: https://www.dropzone.com/forums/topic/287115-lithium-found-in-fracking-waste-water/?do=findComment&comment=5034338
  23. I'll take that you don't understand chemistry either which is why you're sounding like a broken record Have a nice day
  24. It's spelled "substantiative". You're welcome.