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  1. 3 points
    I very rarely feed trolls, but hey I read these posts just for entertainment. So keep them coming... I don't have the will or time to debunk all 41 points, so I'll just choose the easiest one. So what the author is saying here is that the break even point between oil and batteries is cycle number 100 on the battery. And we all know that battery life is much greater than 100 cycles. Therefore, I don't think the author really has thought through his arguments very well. This is not an inconvenient truth of new energy, it is actually a reason to switch over to batteries. It seems more likely that he is trying to convince people who only look at big number vs little number without even the slightest bit of cognitive thought.
  2. 2 points
    Keep in mind that there will be times (and jumps) where that progress is hard to see. There will be times when you feel like you are going backwards. That is totally normal.
  3. 2 points
    New vid and Discussion with Drew Beason and Nicky B.. Good discussion.. but two things that keep getting messed up. Dating of the tie… Eric messed this up and it keeps getting repeated. I was the one who first dated the tie and posted it, Eric took that and misrepresented it to fit Sheridan. The FBI also messed it up, they asked a Penny’s store manager who said they hadn’t sold them for a year and a half. The FBI did NOT analyze the labels, the tie labels changed over time. The patents on the tie have it manufactured before 1965, after that the patents changed even though the tie looked the same.. The patent gives us the upper bound, the lower bound is about Spring 1964 based on other parts of the labels. To make the timeframe fit his Sheridan narrative Ulis pushed the lower bound to 62/63. This is false. The tie was purchased between about Spring 1964 and Spring 1965 depending on inventory turnover.. Cooper demanding “American” currency and being Canadian. This is a funny one because I agree with the conclusion that he is not Canadian but the argument is wrong. The pilots said “American” currency.. Rataczak later said publicly Cooper asked for “American currency” and in the FBI files Tina said Cooper reiterated his demands to her saying “US currency”.. So, it is extremely strong evidence that Cooper qualified the currency with “American/US”.. Otherwise, Tina and the pilots had to add it. What does it mean.. it means that Cooper has experience with non US currency and likely recently. It does not mean he is Canadian, I don’t believe he is Canadian. It is extremely unlikely somebody who lived in the US their entire life having no experience with other currencies would qualify the currency with “American/US”. Imagine a bank robber asking for American/US currency,,, it doesn't make sense. Cooper could have been a foreigner or an American with a strong international influence.. Cooper was an international worker/traveller with recent experience or future expectation of a non US currency environment.. Finding D.B. Cooper with guest D.B. Cooper Researcher Nicholas Broughton aka “Nicky B.” First, I have the Edwards book and have read most of it.. it is an exceptional book in detail and images. A must have for Cooper sleuths. Edwards tries not to speculate and processes the evidence in a logical/mathematical means. The limitation of that is that you need to have ALL the information to process. A few things where my analysis differs and that is probably due to the information available. The plane was not on autopilot.. Rataczak said he was hand flying the plane joking about the crooked path and even stated he could feel Cooper on the stairs. The FBI files do infer that the plane was on autopilot. Cooper’s LZ was not south of about Battleground/Brush Prairie. Rataczak stated that he believed Cooper jumped around the Lewis R. He also stated Cooper was gone before Portland.. he also stated that when Cooper jumped he was on the radio and stated mark your shrimp boats (radar). He also stated that Cooper jumped between his last comm with Cooper at 8:05 and his (later) call to Soderlind while in the suburbs of Portland. He also stated that the FBI would have the times for those comms. We don’t have that information and when they created the jump zone they had it. Edwards analysis does not include all the info that the FBI/Soderlind had 50 years ago. The stairs never locked down.. the green light never came on. The red light comes on when the lever is moved from the up detent then a button is pressed and the lever is pushed. Cooper probably didn't push the button and the lever didn't activate the stairs. At some point, he returned the lever to up then tried again. In the video interview Edwards kept stressing the FBI LZ near Ariel was wrong and the search was in the wrong area.. This isn’t exactly true. The FBI estimated a preliminary LZ right away which was later expanded after a more thorough data analysis. The FBI LZ went all the way down to Brush Prairie and was searched. Claiming the FBI searched the wrong area using Ariel as the example is misleading, that was not their only search area. My analysis, 99% Cooper jumped between about the Lewis R and Battleground/Brush Prairie just as the FBI/Soderlind calculated. No way he jumps in or next to the Columbia River. Rataczak had already called Soderlind by then. The pressure bump was a separate event. A distinction without a difference.. Rataczak explained it, the pressure gauge was oscillating and when the oscillation gets extreme a pressure bump is felt. The pressure bump was just the last big oscillation. You get a brief movement in the needle to an extreme which is felt physically and later described as a bump. The event occurs in seconds not many minutes. Also, in the video Edwards makes what I think is a gross error. He downplays Cooper’s Latin description. First, this is a misread of the witness accounts.. overall most said he had Latin/Mexican/American Indian features/characteristics and swarthy/olive complexion. Even the FBI concluded that. But Edwards dismisses it because Cooper was also described as white/Caucasian.. this is a big error because back in 1971 there was no Latino category, that came a few years after for the census. Latin people were called white and Caucasian back then, now they would categorized as Latino. Back then Latin Americans were described as white and Caucasian. I also have witness evidence that nobody else has. Edwards claims Cooper was not in WW2... not sure why, his estimated age makes it entirely possible. Agree.. The wind was an estimate,, the wind was shifting around at that time. The "FBI” flightpath was correct, there is no evidence to support the Western flightpath. All evidence supports the "FBI" path.. (within the 1 mile error) The placard did not come from inside NORJAK, we proved this with the interior image and the FBI stated it came from the outside of the plane and could have come from any passing 727. Cooper was in Vietnam. D. B. Cooper and Flight 305: Reexamining the Hijacking and Disappearance W Dr. Robert H. Edwards
  4. 2 points
    A woman is a human being denied autonomy over her own body by Republican politicians.
  5. 2 points
    GOP finds voting fraud! Republicans Found the ‘Election Fraud’… at Their Own Convention Two Republican delegates in Salt Lake County, Utah, lost their delegate titles because they were caught trying to vote more than once at a party convention.
  6. 2 points
    Took that advice to heart. Did level 2 and 3 today. Failed 3, flipped over on my back. Legs weren't right, tried to counteract with the arms. Didn't work. Anyway I got lots of compliments on my canopy flights. Had beautiful openings. Got to the holding area, chilled, did some non aggressive 360s to drop altitude and went for my final approach both times. Didn't stand up either landing but I didn't get hurt. Lots of fun.
  7. 2 points
    There are no separate women's rights. Women are people and they have the rights of people. There is no legal definition of female, so why was the soon to be Justice asked this question? Not to find out her views, but to grandstand at a Senate committee hearing with wide media coverage. She didn't bite. That's all, nothing more.
  8. 1 point
    Yeah, when you have that much money you have a lot of power. When you have that much oil, you have a lot more power. Maybe there are more good reasons that just the environment to move away from oil as a primary fuel.
  9. 1 point
    Seems to me that we've unlocked most of the energy from a barrel of oil with vastly greater improvements to come from batteries. So there's that, too.
  10. 1 point
    Maybe it’s just‘cause I’m up past my bedtime, but I don’t think that post makes any relevant points like you think it does
  11. 1 point
    I will say it is a rare Javelin where I launch the reserve and it does not go to full bridal extension. Racers always do too. The Javelin PC is wimpy compared to a Mirage but it doesnt have to push a crazy amount of flaps out of the way. In my rigging career, Racers and Javelins (and old Reflexes) consistantly have the best launches.
  12. 1 point
    Of course he doesn't. He sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.
  13. 1 point
    Funny how it goes from Illinois to California according to the wishes of the rabid gun-nut poster. The recent triple murder at a gun range was in GA, hardly a restrictive state. I wonder just how easy it is to drive from CA to AZ or NV and buy a gun. Rhetorical question, but it illustrates the absence of, and need for, nation wide rules.
  14. 1 point
    Again, yes it is! Exactly! And if KBJ gave the same sort of sloppy answers that her detractors gave, you would have a good argument that she was unqualified. However, she was smarter than that - and asked what the context was. The questioner refused to provide it - and thus she could not answer the question without that context. Just as you could not. You took EXACTLY the same approach she did. And yet you still seem to think that was wrong. Ask yourself why you are claiming what she did was wrong when you did exactly the same thing. You keep making my arguments for me, then reply "oh you're wiggling and squirming." You are looking in a mirror when you say that, since all the recent arguments I have used are your own.
  15. 1 point
    Criminals murdering other criminals isn’t justice. Not really sure why that needs to be pointed out.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The Javelin reserve pilot-chute spring is based upon an old Military Specification. A MIL SPEC MA-1 spring is supposed to require 18 pounds to compress it to only 1/2 inch. Some other modern skydiving rigs use stronger springs, but most of them are buried under many more flaps versus only 2 flaps covering Javelin reserve pilot-chutes.
  19. 1 point
    So are you going to shut the fuck up about Joe Biden until he gets convicted too? Thought not. I’m sure there’s a good reason why it’s different though.
  20. 1 point
    I think it is telling enough that people are being asked to define woman, but nobody has been asked to define man.
  21. 1 point
    Bullshit. It is a difficult question for anybody who understands there is more to male and female than dick and pussy.
  22. 1 point
    The Navigator offers an unparalleled combination of performance, forgiveness, and durability, while providing the ability to raise the level of student canopy piloting instruction. With its cutting edge design and construction, we are confident it will outperform any other student canopy and maintain this performance over a much longer life span. The Navigator, along with a progressive student canopy training program, will create safer and more competent canopy pilots.
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