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Rustbucket350 last won the day on December 10 2023

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  1. I was there 7/6. We probably met. I was just jumping the skyvan that day.
  2. I jumped it 7/7. It was absolutely awesome. Surprised how easy it was to exit head down and turn 180 to watch people pouring out. I really thought it would have been a lot faster but I didn't even start to lose altitude for almost a quarter mile flying backwards watching the plane. It was fast enough.
  3. Man I sounded like an idiot. Did get my A license.
  4. Thanks! I used to be freaked out by backflipping in freefall and when I had to do it it was so easy. I've noticed that once I'm out of the door I'm good. It's for sure the mental aspect that was holding me back. Now I'll iron some stuff out and ideally be licensed by the end of the year. Probably shouldn't post the video but eh, it's there. Also, sorry for the double post.
  5. Thanks! I used to be freaked out by backflipping in freefall and when I had to do it it was so easy. I've noticed that once I'm out of the door I'm good. It's for sure the mental aspect that was holding me back. Now I'll iron some stuff out and ideally be licensed by the end of the year.
  6. Level 4 done. Even stood up the landing! Thanks for the encouragement and advice to not overthink but listen. I think riding the plane down and being embarrassed helped a lot with my determination. Even if it crushed me for a bit.
  7. Luckily it's warm here pretty much all year. Yesterday was probably as perfect as it gets. 70ish on the ground, barely any wind, and minimal clouds. Hopefully that holds out for awhile.
  8. Thanks! It felt great to be back and I'm looking forward to the rest. Time to get licensed!
  9. Speaking of mind set and money. I did go and pay the office a lot of money a month ago. I did do my ground school refresh, and we did start from level 3 which I feel very good about. I did not ride the plane down. I exited. It was awesome. I passed.
  10. I hope I get to join in those stories. Hopefully (ideally) with an idea of what im doing on exit. I'm only 35. Damn. Already 35. It's awesome to see that flying again. I like the history.
  11. I bet it smells very rich in that cabin. I actually like that. Well, and the fact that you can stand up. That's nice. So far it is airworthy and certified. Before they can take jumpers it needs some additional work. Disappointing but hey, it does have seats, and seatbelts.
  12. I'm honestly kind of sad it's not sporting its 80s paintjob. I volunteered as a painter since I have aircraft paint experience. I do think it looks better in its natural bare aluminum. I don't even think it needs paint.
  13. In case you haven't heard, Mister Douglas landed at the Deland municipal Airport last Sunday at approximately 3:30 pm from Tennessee. She's back.