
Have you ever been injured while skydiving?

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low turn under canopy after a brain fart on jump 230.... 2 sprained ankles, 1 broken fibula, 5 screws, 2 pins, 1 plate, and 4 months off really sucked

was a good learning experience.... calmed down my landings a bit ;)

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Mike: Its HEMP 6 ; I know a woman wholeft a Cessna 180 and caught her wedding ring at the top of the door frame. It ripped her finger right off. The pilot, her hubby dove and met her as she landed, rushed her and the finger in ice to hospital but they couldnt reattach it. OUCH is right on.

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Apart from scrapes, bruises and sprains:

• Broiken femur
• Broken shoulder
• Busted tooth
• Broken wrist
• Broken pelvis
• Head injury causing one week coma
• Broken ankle
• Broken bank balance (multiple occurrences)

On the other hand:

• 30 years of fun and laughter
• worldwide network of friends
• cinstant benefits when travelling
• met a great gal who became my wife of, now, 25 years
• memortable skydives too many to mention
• kept me out of bars and off the streets (at least in daylight hours)
• kept me young – you know the story … “you don’t give up skydiving coz you’ve got old, you get old coz you’ve given up skydiving.”


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shattered forearm and wrist at wffc in 99...break line broke on final (was jumping demo gear too..go figure)..spent a week in blessing hospital at quincy - awesome staff!

broken finger also.. catching the risers to early on opening.

Lesson learned: if your main index finger is in a splint on your pulling hand...dont jump thinking you can 'pull' correctly. I d practiced on the ground beforehand...but when it came to pull time, nothing happened! I thought I had a total or something, I reached again..to feel a mess of pilot chute bellowing around the boc...so I just grabbed the mess and threw like a demon.

If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

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Well, technically I was not injured skydiving. It was moments after I landed, less than a second in fact... but since I was wearing gear at the time I'll give it to you. A plate and 14 screws, 6 weeks out the sport and a year on crutches...

It's the year of the Pig.

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Jump #170, night jump when it was wayyyyy too dark. After the plane spun for a good 5000' out of control, he got it flying again and I decided it was time to leave. Too dark to see the ground, too stupid to go half brakes. Hit the ground full flight, broke a tooth, got concussed pretty good and scratched the shit out of my face.
Got some other minor injuries, usually due to things equally as stupid.
I got nuthin

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I’ll have to answer this one better a little later today…after I go see the orthopedic surgeon! [:/]

I’m actually sitting here right now with one of those big uncomfortable immobilizers on my left leg. I flared a little high jumping a friend’s smaller canopy. I jammed my knee & I’m waiting to see if there’s any real damage to it.


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I broke my finger on exit - that is about it......

Boy, you're lucky! :)

What is it they say about the sport of skydiving? It's the only sport where femur is used as a verb ... as in "I femured."

Yep! Never broke a bone in my life ... until mid- life. Then I took up skydiving ... and "double femured" ...

When I do things, I try to do them with gusto! :)

Blue skies ...


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I've only torn a calf muscle on landing... I know its nothing.

Has anybody noticed that this post is like going back to elementry school in the playground? Whoever had been injured the most was the coolest?
boy1: I've had 10 stiches
boy2: oh yeah, well I've had 11!
boy1: well, I've broken my toe too, so I'm much cooler than you!


MB 3528, RB 1182

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Compound right ankle, broken left heel, broken left tib/fib, 2 fractures pelvis and right broken wrist on a nude demo :$

Broken right tib/fib on a night demo B|

all with various metal bits and pieces most of which have been removed and I'll second your....

on the other hand ;)

Red, White and Blue Skies,

John T. Brasher D-5166

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I fractured the third digit on Rt thumb. I was a new "A" License holder at the time. The DZ was using a WDI attatched to a pole as a windsock. I should have followed the experienced jumper down. Down-wind high speed dirt landing. And I should have PLF'D. >:(

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I broke my finger on exit - that is about it......

Boy, you're lucky! :)

What is it they say about the sport of skydiving? It's the only sport where femur is used as a verb ... as in "I femured."

Yep! Never broke a bone in my life ... until mid- life. Then I took up skydiving ... and "double femured" ...

When I do things, I try to do them with gusto! :)

Blue skies ...


Yea, but I got more metal in/on my one femur than you got in both of yours combined:o

The least you could have done was top me, seeing as you werre using my canopy!;)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I haven't broken anything skydiving.

That said, I earned the dz title "Muppet of the Year" when I broke my right ankle running to the plane last june.

I thought I broke my left ankle while jumping at Rantoul (with a broken right ankle), but MRI's showed it to be a sprain.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Hi Bill
I jammed my thumb in the door before taking off...no injuries during jumping that I can remember.
As for the woman with the wedding ring ,that's nasty:o...jewelry and skydiving...just don't mix well!

Mike: Its HEMP 6 ; I know a woman wholeft a Cessna 180 and caught her wedding ring at the top of the door frame. It ripped her finger right off. The pilot, her hubby dove and met her as she landed, rushed her and the finger in ice to hospital but they couldnt reattach it. OUCH is right on.

Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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After a nearly perfect AFF Level 3, I came into land, flared, and I dislocated my right shoulder! The latest theory is that I pushed down the toggles a little too hard and fast, and I hyperextended my arm, which led to a dislocation. (Didn't fall on an outstretched arm--they were both right there in front of me, close to my body!)

But anyway, my very wonderful friend Heather drove me to the ER, and I got knocked out for 15 minutes while they popped my arm back in. We went back to the DZ so Heather could make the sunset load, and then I met AndyMan, who wasted no time in pouncing on this vulnerable, injured and drugged-up student. Classy! :P ;)

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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I had my canopy collapse and threw me about 15 feet to the road below (bad spot). I landed on my feet first, cracked my heel bone I believe, then hit my hand/wrist and scraped an inch of skin from it. Lots of blood, no broken bones. I thanked God afterwards. :)

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