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  1. Blue Skies, Bob Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  2. I had a lot of trouble doing C&Ps and short delays, I'd always look for my ripcord and roll. Because I wasn't giving up and everyone was getting tired of me on my 48th jump I went to 7,500' with Zeke Lenn for a harness hold. He spent the jump stopping the spin I was trying to get going and I pulled at the correct altitude. My log book says: "Harness to harness with instructor. Released from student status. WOW!. " He signed me off to solo status and I spent another dozen or so jumps figuring out how to stop the spin :-) They weren't common I don't think. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  3. Yes, and even comes with Mike's autograph :-) Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  4. From Gypsy Moths: If my memory is any good (?) I remember the jumper also broke his leg/ankle landing the multiple canopy shot by landing on a fence. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  5. I had several double-keel dactyl jumps and they reminded me of a PC; one that could go in reverse :-) (I only saw students do this). My one jump on a single-keel dactyl occurred on a thermally, very bumpy, day when I traded my Para-Foil 252 for one. There was a lot of breathing and unstable looking stuff going on. I promised God I'd never jump one again if He got me down OK. We both kept our promises :-) Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  6. Pat was the first skydiver I talked to. I lived in the same apartment complex in Illinois as he and Jan. He gave me the address of Hinkley and the rest is history. It won't be the same without him. Another great one has manifested on a bigger load. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  7. Caulk this one up to experience. You were trained to make a decision and apparently the decision you made as adequate. Based on your 'new' experience you will be able to make a better decision in the future. Keep asking questions and talking to others and jumping. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  8. Pat - I bought a Strato Star (first square) and made my first jump 1976-03-21 with rings and ropes. Did 2 jumps and had a slider put on; rings and ropes where too complicated for my poor simple brain :-) Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  9. I would agree that an audible altimeter is a good addition. The more points of reference you have (look at the ground, look at the altimeter, other people, etc) the better. Don't depend on just one thing. You might try setting your audible altimeter 500' lower than your planned break off. Then if you hear it you know you're behind the curve. And you will be less likely to develop a dependency on it to tell you when to break off. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  10. I agree, Tony was a good man, he will be missed. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  11. I had the privilege to jump with John several times. Our team took 3rd place at a POPS meet based on his accuracy. I watched a couple of his landings when his 'radio' was a little late on the flare. He was one of the really tough guys who never complained, he will be sorely missed. Blue Skies, John Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  12. I remember sending my logbooks in for my D in '76. It took a couple of weeks and I sweated getting them back the whole time :-) Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  13. I've heard tell of a few people being drugged by high winds :-) Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166
  14. I knew Larry for 20+ years at Perris and still remember him as a good friend. We both taught ground schools at Perris and I always joked I was the one with the less prominent limp :-) You are not alone, Larry affected many people overt the years. Red, White and Blue Skies, John T. Brasher D-5166