
Two things that would improve the world

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If you could change two things and improve the world, what would they be? Describe, and justify. Might be a fun discussion... No fair wishing for world peace; it's too amorphous.

Me, it'd be 24-hour news, and antagonistic and political radio talk-show hosts.

24-hour news means that what used to have to be judged as worthy of the one hour of news coverage in the day, now has to be pumped up so that there's enough content to fill all 24 hours. Meaning that piddly stuff assumes more importance than it should.

Radio talk-show hosts make their living off antagonizing people. Even before the rise of the talkosphere, I tried to listen to a local one, and found it impossible. All he did was try to get a rise out of people to raise his ratings. There was never any thought given to actual content.

I'm sure there are worthier things, like a cure to cancer, etc, but these are things that occurred to me today.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I started writing a longer reply but I just canned it and decided instead to say I think it would improve the world if people on the whole were more likely to laugh at things that happen and things they read and less likely to get angry or self-righteous about them.

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Well like you said, "peace on earth and good will towards man" is overdone and nonspecific. In that case, I'd wish for hypocrisy to be punished and personal opinions to be allowed (AKA not a crime to offend people and allowed to tell people when you think they're wrong).
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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My world: if my daughter would take things less seriously, and my son would take things more seriously.

The world in general: if those take every thing too seriously, took it less so, and those who think every thing is a joke would realise it's not, really. In other words: not everything is a joke or an earth-shattering event.
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first, that all people would have an innate sense of sameness, not of tribe. in other words, that we all act like brothers, not different groups. not taking away individuality, just removing prejudice.

second, that no matter how technologically advanced we become, that we stay rooted to the earth. in other words, that we would all instinctively make choices which are good for the planet, not what is good for us in the short term.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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Every person should be required to work a minimum of 1 year in some form of customer service i.e retail, hospitality, call centre etc, preferably just after finishing school. The world would become a much, much kinder place within a generation...
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Hi Wendy,


No fair wishing for world peace

Aw, shucking darn!!!

I have been fortunate to have traveled in the Far East, South America and a really good chunk of Europe, so I have given this some thought for quite some time.

1. A singular language throughout the world
2. The complete & total elimination of all forms of religion

To many people, I am very biased; but you asked.


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If you could change two things and improve the world, what would they be? Describe, and justify. Might be a fun discussion... No fair wishing for world peace; it's too amorphous.

Me, it'd be 24-hour news, and antagonistic and political radio talk-show hosts.

24-hour news means that what used to have to be judged as worthy of the one hour of news coverage in the day, now has to be pumped up so that there's enough content to fill all 24 hours. Meaning that piddly stuff assumes more importance than it should.

Radio talk-show hosts make their living off antagonizing people. Even before the rise of the talkosphere, I tried to listen to a local one, and found it impossible. All he did was try to get a rise out of people to raise his ratings. There was never any thought given to actual content.

I'm sure there are worthier things, like a cure to cancer, etc, but these are things that occurred to me today.

Wendy P.

1. Exponentiation of technology, world wide, for exploration and development of extra solar space.

2. A viable alternative to Obama Care. One that will not smash our economy at the end of this year.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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1) Public statements made by businesses (from CEO to salesmen) and politicians (President to dog catcher) are to be considered "under oath" and subject to prosecution for perjury. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to lie when dealing with the public. Persons found guilty of intentionally lying to the public for the purposes of profit (including non-profit and religious businesses) or political gain would be subject to mandatory minimum sentences of 5 years imprisonment.

Yeah, it's a stiff penalty. Fuck 'em. They're dealing with people's lives; they should be kept honest.

2) Repeal EO 12333. It has resulted in unintended consequences that are unbearable; a security state and, ironically, inability to properly deal with the individual that causes problems which instead results in all out wars costing thousands of lives.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The world a better place, not just the US a better place...

1. Less wastage on food and materials - we throw away so much in the west and the poorer countries starve

2. Less dependance on fossil fuels. Climate change aside we live in a closed ecosystem and, sooner or later, they will run out and we need to find a way to live without them.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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(1) For everyone to be offered training in how to check one's ego. Is there a problem in this world that doesn't have a genesis in "I'm right and you're wrong?" From the smallest quibble to World Wars, the lack of respect for differing interests is the genesis.

(2) To quit identifying groups of people to punish or eliminate. Sure, that gets rid of most of the posts, but wanting to see the end of politicians, lawyers, socialists, the wealthy, secularists, religious, etc. is possibly a reason why world peace is unobtainable. This goes along with #1, so perhaps it should be 1a.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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1. Self Reliance

"The worst thing you can do for anyone you care about is anything that they can do on their own" Abraham Lincoln

2. Learning to control one's Envy

"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as 'moral indignation,' which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue." Erich Fromm

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(2) To quit identifying groups of people to punish or eliminate.

Highly resonate with this one. The fact that people are asked the open ended question of trying to improve the world and what theysome come up with is, "get rid of " or "use the power of government to punish " is very sad.

Edited to clarify that this doesn't apply to all the comments here.

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2 Space Arks

The B-Ark will hold all of the Bankers, Lawyers, politicians, etc.. and be blasted into space (or pieces - really doesn't matter which)

The rest of us will have a fucking great party and forget to start the A-Ark

[/Douglas Adams]

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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