
Would you be mad if this happened to you?

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Ok here is the deal.

I drove up to Perris today after work (got off at 6:30) to get the measurements taken for my brand spanking new rig. Ok so I speed on up there hoping to get to SQ1 before they close. I get there JUST as they are closing. I walk in and up to a guy behind the counter , introduce myself and and ask if I could get some measurements taken for my new rig. First thing he says "We are closed" I ask when they closed, he informed me that after the last load is up. Ok so he has me there. I ask him kindly if he could just do this as i drove an hour up there as soon as i possibly could. He looks over my order form and asks me if I was ordering through them. I tell him no that i was ordering it through a rep of sunrise rigging. He laughed and said "Oh, well we wouldn't have done it anyway" and tosses me my order form.

Now i can understand not wanting to do it b/c your closed, I'v been there just wanting to get the hell out of there. But I don't understand why the guy had to be an ass about it knowing I had driven an hour.

Am I just being stupid here?
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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This is interesting from an ethics point of view.

1. You were not a square 1 customer.
2. You were late.

Having said that

1. You're a skydiver and we're ALWAYS buying stuff.
2. If he'd helped you out, it may have built goodwill.

Bottom line is I think you have big balls showing up late and asking a rival dealer to measure you up for gear you're buying from someone else, and then getting mad when they say no. :D


Am I just being stupid here?

I think so, yes.

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Obviously, as you say in one of the options for voting, a quick call could have avoided all this... Either way, it always pays to be nice to potential customers & the least he could have done is to politely tell you to fuck off.. :o Seems like a clear case of you being wrong, and he being rude.
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I agree with Tonto:


Bottom line is I think you have big balls showing up late and asking a rival dealer to measure you up for gear you're buying from someone else, and then getting mad when they say no.

There is another thing... What happens if you did not like the fit when it was made... The shop could have risked you knocking on their door saying, "You measured me, it doesn't fit, fix it."

As an employer of mine told me, "no good deed goes unpunished" and as my insurance agent told me, "no freebie given to a customer comes without risk."

It seems, however, a wonderful "sales opportunity" for the shop. You were a captive customer at their counter, all they had to do was earn your business, and if that was possible, then measure away!

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Is there any reason you have to order directly through Sunrise? I just ask because I once "won" a certificate for a Tony suit at an auction and ordered it through my gear store. My SO won a Javelin container at a raffle, and also ordered through our gear store. I kind of doubt the store processed our orders out of "good will" but we both had plenty of "extras" which I'm sure they got some kind of commission from. We're also regular jumpers and regular customers. Are you?

I'm not going to comment on whether he should have been nicer to you- you showed up late and asked him to do something he had absolutely NO obligation to do. Under the circumstances, I have to wonder just how "nice" you were to him. In case you hadn't noticed, you catch more flies with honey.

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You went to a gear dealer and asked them to measure you for a competitor?

Bad move on your part.
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SQ1 in Eloy doesn't stand by that. If you want Margie to measure you for soemthing that you aren't buying from her, she measures you and writes it all down and charges you $10 because it isn't going through her. (And I know this first hand because I was going to oder a suit that she didn't normally order from, so I asked her for measurements). Which I totally understand because she has to make a living too. But for that guy to come off like that regardless of the situation, makes it sound like he is just a jerk in the first place.

take the time to appreciate the people around you.

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Gas, grass or ass. No-one rides for free.

I'll put it this way - I came into my office on Saturday morning at 10:00 for a consultation. For $100.00. If someone wants free advice from me when I could be spending time with my family, they better pay up.

It would have been nice is the guy from Square One would have measured you. But, then again, it's a little tough to expect him to do so, after closing, when he gets nothing from it.

A couple of years ago ago I would have said, "What a dick." Now that I've got my own business, I totally understand him.

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yes and no.
i'd be mad that they were so rude, but would rather have someone take their time measuring me for something so important. so no, if they're going to rush through, then i'd rather wait anyway.:)
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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Aerostore (Marco) measured me for a rig that I knew I probably wasn't going to buy from them (and I told him that). Takes 5 minutes. Some people are just nice. Don't think you can blame SQ1 for not doing it, but you can't credit them for being nice either. I try to do business with companies that are nice. I'm probably not alone, so companies should think about that sorta thing...


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Ok couple of things to get sorted out. Yes i was late but not to the point I had to bang on the door to get in. The door was still open and people still in there.

Tigra anyone that knows me personaly knows I'm not an asshole. I did not get mad with the guy. i made a disapointed face at the counter (not him) and walked out. I did not say anything to him other than "Oh ok"

and yes Chaoskitty Square 1 is a gear dealer (one of the largest) and Sunrise Rigging is the maker of the Wings Container. I am ordering through one of there reps
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I never said you were an asshole, I simply questioned your demeanor when you walked in to the shop since none of us were there and we only heard your side.

You might want to put yourself in his shoes for a minute. You walk in at closing time and ask him to measure you for a rig when you are putting the order in through someone else. He obviously doesn't know you and you're asking for a favor at a really bad time. He said "No" and he had his reasons. Regardless, you go on the internet and complain about him and Square 1. So, who is the jerk in this situation?

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I am ordering through one of there reps

You're either ordering through a dealer or through the manufacturer.

Regardless, you aren't ordering from the company you asked to measure you - why should they spend their time measuring you when you won't be spending any money with them? Much less stay after closing to do it.

That's asking an awful lot.

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yes I kinda know you and I can't see you throwing afit in the store but it still isnt there job to measure you so you can buy form the manufacturer.

maybe a case of rudeness, but not the salespersons bad.

I'm from a SMALL DZ so that kinda of service isnt even an option for a store, but My DZO (dealer) and RIGGER kick ass. its pretty much a service that they help you with to ensure you get the correct fit.

maybe if you would have told him(the guy behind the counter) "look, I know you don't have to do this but I really would like to get this right. If i throw ya $10 will you help me?"

Or you could have found a rigger who is familiar with a tape measure
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I never said you were an asshole, I simply questioned your demeanor when you walked in to the shop since none of us were there and we only heard your side.

Anyone who know Arthur, knows that he is actually a very polite, extremely nice and understanding young man, which is very rare. I don't know many people who are that nice.

Square One didn't owe Arthur anything that day, since they were on their way to closing the store and finishing up with their customers. However, if Arthur says that the guy was unusually rude to him about it, then (knowing Arthur), I tend to believe him. Arthur is not the kind of person to get easily upset.

Then again, it's completely understandable if Square One doesn't want to measure a guy, who isn't buying through them and who came in during closing. Yet, I can't help but wonder, if a pretty female jumper would have had the same reaction from the guy (tossing the paperwork, laughing and telling her that they wouldn't have done it anyway), or if he would have rushed to get the tape measure. At least, he would have turned her down politely, I think.

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