
$25 per Flight for turbine aircraft.

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signed....i was the 46,969th person to sign it!

Wow, it told me I was the 41,703rd...

it told me I was the 43.031 person to sign it.

Thank you for signing AOPA's petition against user fees.
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Melissa was


Thank you for signing AOPA's petition against user fees.
Your voice has been added to the
others who have already signed this petition.

that's a decent jump in a matter of minutes. I am going to mail this out to the DZ"s mailing list.
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When this bill was first introduced I wrote all of the congressmen and senators from my state(KS), even those not representing my district. Each one sent a letter back telling me that they were not in favor of this bill. B|
Join AOPA, even it you're not a pilot or owner. It doesn't cost that much and it gives them just that much more money to lobby with. This is not a paid advertisement.:)

It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

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Allow the FAA to impose user fee charges on GA aircraft flying in Class B airspace
Allow the FAA to charge landing fees at some 215 airports
Charge the airlines user fees, instead of taxes, and reduce the amount the airlines pay to the federal government
Create an airline-dominated board to help set user fee rates and run the air traffic control system

Tax decrease for the airlines, removing current 4.3 cents per gallon airline fuel tax

It's obvious to see that the Airlines have the ear of the current administration, who's motto is to screw the middle class into oblivion.>:(

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I think this is worthy of a sticky for a few days, most of us have a hard enough time saving the money to jump as it is!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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there's a good debate going on between the EAA (experimental aircraft association) and Marion C Blakey (FAA administrator)

EAA president: "User fees are not a new concept. In the countries where they have implemented them there has been a negative effect on access to airspace, use of service, and the cost of flying. Precedence has demonstrated that once user fees have been established, they grow in both cost and scope."

FAA:"We didn't come up with this formula in a vacuum. We listened to the General aviation community and you told us that fuel taxes were the most efficient and least disruptive way to recover our costs" "This is about paying your fair share"

IMOP "fair share" has mainly to do with who makes the most noise in Washington.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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there's a good debate going on between the EAA (experimental aircraft association) and Marion C Blakey (FAA administrator)

EAA president: "User fees are not a new concept. In the countries where they have implemented them there has been a negative effect on access to airspace, use of service, and the cost of flying. Precedence has demonstrated that once user fees have been established, they grow in both cost and scope."

FAA:"We didn't come up with this formula in a vacuum. We listened to the General aviation community and you told us that fuel taxes were the most efficient and least disruptive way to recover our costs" "This is about paying your fair share"

IMOP "fair share" has mainly to do with who makes the most noise in Washington.

What a load of BS. The FAA (read "the administration") is just toeing the line of the airlines, which have mismanaged themselves into financial crisis and now want to offload the cost of running the system (of which they are the prime beneficiaries) onto someone else.

Also part of this pernicious proposal is that the control of the system would be taken away from Congress and given to an appointed board with airlines holding the majority of seats. How long do you think the fee would be ONLY $25 if that happens?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Well professor,
I am an EAA member and I support the EAA in its effort to squelch the FAA in this matter, you seem to think I side with the FAA just because I listed their argument last? I understand that the airlines are trying to get their way to limit the use of the skies and the infrastructure for their own benefit. They are after all a business and a VERY powerful lobby in washington. and in some small way GA puts a dent in their bottom line.
I pay my membership dues and with membership money the EAA is negotiating this matter with Marion Blakey, they have been very effective in the past.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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