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  1. Also notice how Bears chest strap isn't done while the heli is in flight. Makes ya go hummmm! Safety is of the utmost importance...especially while playing horseshoes. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  2. This sort of gets me all revved up. Have had my new SRT for about 2 months now...should have done my home work. Would have waited. But still...this red and dead sexy gets me going all day long as well So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  3. to log onto find no new incident threads started. Stay safe. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  4. Don't punish yourself. Relax, breath, enjoy the ride up, go over the jump, have fun. And, pull at the appropriate altitude.
  5. Your 210 isn't necessarily a "caddy" and most student rigs are that size or bigger anyways. If your only doing 4 jumps a day or so, why aren't you packing your rig yourself? That packing fee is good for a cpl of jumps! I would say do yourself a favor, and learn to pack it like a pro.... So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  6. Someone finally noticed the beer!! So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  7. This is what I use. Works fine, lots of room for camping gear, golf clubs, ice chest....take off for a week and get lost...and pulls nicely even at 70+ highway speeds. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  8. It's the same with people asking about gear that is for sale. You send them information, more pics, etc. Ask them to let you know if they are interested or not, and you never hear another word from them either....same game. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  9. +1 So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  10. The reasons why are as varied as each of us that wears one. Either stainless or gold, given or bought. My wife gave me mine for my 100th, along with a bottle of Jack (which by the way has long since departed). Worn it ever since that day. Man did that goal feel so good to achieve. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  11. Not posting directly at the above poster...b/c it seems that many "pranksters" are trying to justify their immature behavior. I don't need to feel included if that means allowing someone to offend me directly. If you want to feel "included" then hang out with other immature people and then your all set. Yes, I keep my log book in/or on my stuff. Does that give anyone the right/approval to go into it and write anything? NO. Hey, I see your car keys laying there by your stuff. Does that give me the right to go out and drive your car? NO. It's just the mature thing to do man. If you want to hang out with children, they are over there on the swings at the playground...not at the DZ. If you want to hang out, get drunk after the light is turned I don't. You want to get high and do a line or two? Cool....your deal..not mine...still. I think that is the point the OP was making. It's not your "stuff", just leave it alone. Pretty simple really. And, again, nothing personal to the poster I am replying this to...just examples of stuff. I hope someone can please turn the "light on" for others.... So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  12. Very nice indeed! I've shared this in my Harley maybe they just might get it! 2+ So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  13. 1-800-909-jump SkydivePA in Grove City...about an hour north of Pittsburgh. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  14. The video made the cover page on this morning when I looked...does "viral" mean any thing? So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344
  15. +1 Nicely thought out...and encouraging. Relaxation is often the critical key to success. So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344