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Everything posted by cruelpops

  1. Very cool; thanks the info. Ad Block it is.
  2. Do advertisers honestly believe that if a user unknowingly scrolls over their ad and the ad pops up and blocks a portion of the web page, that will miraculously make the user want to click on their ad or visit their website or buy one of their products? I've seen it happen on this website a few times and it's annoying as hell. At least pop-ups can be blocked for the most part.
  3. Wrong about Boulder. When I took the CCW class at the Boulder Rifle Club, one of the presenters was from the Boulder County Sheriffs office. With respect to gun laws, there two areas in CO: - in Denver. - outside of Denver. Denver managed to get assorted bans grandfathered in when the state pre-emption laws took effect. 1. City and County of Denver won their case (under the Home Rule amendment) in district court which was later upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court thus open carry in the city AND the county is not permissible. 2. The mayor and city council of Boulder are known for their attempts to enact "ordinances" that go against Colorado statutes. 3. The difference between the Boulder County Sheriff and Boulder PD is night and day. 4. Which is why I said Johnny Marko needs to get educated.
  4. You're in Colorado which is primarily an open carry state with the exception of the city of and county of Denver. Also, open carry in the car is permitted; oh and Boulder is a crack-pot town when it comes to firearms so you will definitely want to educate yourself on Colorado statutes. As far as the style and caliber of firearm is concerned, there has been some good advice (so far) and I would suggest going to a range that rents firearms and try a few to get a feel. Like skydiving - start slow and gain experience and work your way up. A .22 is a solid gun but if you're being attacked by a hopped up meth head, you are likely to empty the mag and that clown will still be zipping around. The 9mm is popular because the ammo is cheap and there are many varieties of 9mm handguns to choose from. Open carry in Colorado is sorta funny because the Kalifornia Klowns will definitely make a comment to let you know their disdain for the 2nd Amendment. Take your time, educate yourself and have fun.
  5. Surprised someone hasn't blamed the GoPro.
  6. The driver laughing at the end of the video was the best.
  7. I hope they let us know when they plan to release the names. I want to grab a few beers and enjoy the show. If that 37M figure is accurate that is a ridiculous amount of dumb asses and they will certainly put on a good show. The lawyers are salivating. AVVO!!!
  8. Hahaha, perfect! You know why the 200 jump rule is failing to keep kids off cameras? Because it isn't a rule, it's a recommendation.
  9. I think the arbitrary license/jump number isn't established with any concrete precedence other than it is deemed as some "magical" benchmark. I hear people say, "oh you need a C-license". No, you really don't. The SIM specifically states, "A USPA C license is recommended." which is only a suggestion and thus jumpers and DZs have adopted it as gospel. The SIM seems as though it was written in the context of 25 pound camera boxes strapped to someone's helmet from 1979 and then loosely edited thereafter. I could support something similar to this process: - Person must obtain a B-license first and then; - Participate in camera/jump training (hands on); - Pass an oral test; - Sign-off by S&TA or IE; - Submit to USPA; and - Receive a special designation on your license. I could go the to the opposite extreme and require only an A-license and 100 jumps but again... it's another magical benchmark figure. I could also support no requirements as some altimeters are bigger than cameras.
  10. Unfortunately, our country is in much worse shape than I realized if those two idiots are considered qualified presidential candidates. I don't care if they cut their hair and grew cock and balls - I would be critical of them equally. Both of them can't wipe their own ass without needing someone to hand them the toilet paper. They are a couple of oxygen thieves and are polarizing representatives of that which is wrong with politics in America.
  11. OK thanks for the note; I didn't see that announcement.
  12. Recently I have utilized the "Contact the Seller" clicky in reference to a few ads I've seen on the Classifieds. On all instances I've received a failure notice from [email protected]. I'm curious if anyone else ishaving a similar issue?
  13. To the group that ignores the green light because they want a "better" spot and then long-spots the rest of the load: Get the fuck out of the plane you fucking assholes! Sitting next to a new jumper at the DZ with a serious and concerned look while shaking your head: I can't believe the fucking pilot is already out of rehab. To the newly licensed jumper oblivious to the ambulance on the LZ attending to an ankle/leg injury: Don't land near the ambulance unless you want to join the guy lying on the ground.
  14. The bible and any variations thereof are cleverly written fictions in order to entertain and coerce the masses. My guess is if those authors and John Grisham met at a bar today they would quickly become best friends.
  15. Nothing will be done with ISIL/ISIS. It's another spook-trained organization propped up to create more interference in the Middle East. Same story... different day.
  16. SCOTUS along with senators and congressmen need to be put on term limits. They have allowed to turn themselves into glorified politicians.
  17. There are a lot of different exercises you can do but one suggestion is to include more stretching exercises; especially those concentrating on your back. Whether you're in the tunnel or in the air - your back is the key. Arch, de-arch, sit-fly (straight back); exits and head-down all are contingent upon back strength. As you get older your back takes the extent of the beating which causes additional injuries to your lower extremities and it can definitely create problems for your neck.
  18. Duct tape... stick it and forget it. They now make it in different colors specifically for skydiving applications.
  19. It's fucking New Jersey - who cares? They're right up there with Kalifornia, Illinois and New York. They deserve whatever crime they get.
  20. Judging by this thread 'arrogant' and 'arrogance' would be the correct terminology. If you were my friend and were pulling a "social experiment" on me, I would punch you in the goddamn face and you wouldn't be my friend anymore. Why haven't you filled out your profile?
  21. Do Americans really think the second world war was won by them?? Really?? Of course not... I think we may have donated a plane or perhaps some gas or something. I guess where you live the history books are written differently.
  22. I'd say those people lacked proper training, proper ongoing training, or both. Where I come from there isn't a single jumper - student or licensed - that believes they should ever rely on their AAD over their own actions. That is trained into their brains from the first time they put rigs on their backs. Out of curiosity, did those 3 jumpers train at or jump at the same DZ? Chuck, oddly this experience was 3 different DZs with 3 different jumpers. Two were at a foreign DZ (to them) and one was a part-timer that doesn't need to be in the air and was ultimately banned. As far as helmets, not much can survive a 120mph impact. I ride motorcycles and it depends on my mood whether I wear one or not. It's the same with skydiving - jump with or without a helmet depending upon the circumstances. Anyway, one afternoon while avoiding FUBAR canopy traffic in the pattern, I took one for the team and went down-wind and popped my head pretty good. No damage to the helmet nor my skull and I was glad I was wearing the bucket. Yet, I still don't believe helmets or AADs should be mandatory.