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Everything posted by cruelpops

  1. I've seen three (3) 'no pulls' because they people said they knew they had an AAD. They fucking gave up because they had that crutch. It appears that an AAD is a placebo to replace hands-on knowledge of being able to perform BSRs. People automatically think the AAD will operate as advertised. Maybe so but maybe not. I've also seen jumpers with AADs that laugh and say, "Duh, I don't think I turned on my AAD." at the end of a day of jumping. That tells me they don't know if it's working properly to begin with... or whether it erroneously powered off. It also means they never checked it once after an 8 jump day. AADs should not be a mandatory requirement.
  2. Arizona is a constitutional open-carry state so people will be armed.
  3. Try the reverse S-fold method. It's much easier to control (in my opinion).
  4. Oh great... now bunch of damn hot chicks are gonna try to date skydivers.
  5. A little background; over the years I've beaten my body to hell. Climbing, skiing, running, football - you get the picture. Well from that I have chronically bad feet, ankles and knees. A few weeks ago I did 30 jumps over 5 days - no problems - exhausted, tired and dehydrated. Came home and stepped off my front porch wrong and popped my left foot. I thought it was a sprain or - at worst - gout and the doc says, "nope, turf toe" and said rest, ice, elevation and compression. That was 3 weeks ago and it still hurts like a mutha fugga. Anyone ever have turf toe? It's a total PIA because I can't put any pressure on the foot. Good drugs though. What were you experiences - if any?
  6. I bet people don't realize that Hispanics are not a separate race category in FBI statistics. That's right, they're lumped in with the white people. People love to spit out irrelevant statistics while ignoring factual evidence. According to the FBI, more than 80% of race crimes involve blacks committing crimes against white people. Al Sharpton sees a white cop kill a black guy and he wants all hell to break loose. But when 13 blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago over the weekend he doesn't say a goddamn word. As far as homicides by firearms, according to the FBI and the CDC, nearly 70% are committed by gangs. So let's cut through the bullshit and call it like it really is - we have a gang problem; fix that and then we can work on the opinionated race problem.
  7. Who is John Galt? John Galt is John Galt. Galt was killed falling out of a helicopter while trying to shoot some badass medal of honor ex soldier. That was Chuck Norris Uh... negative... try Rambo. Chuck Norris farted Rambo into existence. Bruce Lee killed Chuck Norris. Yet Bruce Lee is decades old worm food and Chuck Norris is still alive.
  8. Did I read that correctly? $75 for pre-registration?
  9. Let's take the Devil's Advocate role a little further. Let's say the "responsible DZ manager/owner/operator" chooses to let the old fat ass jump and the old fat ass pounds into the ground. What does that do for the business? How much longer does the DZ stay in business after the old fat ass turns himself into a bloody meat pile? How many wrongful death lawsuits can the DZ owner/operator sustain because they decided to play bleeding heart and allow the old fat ass to squeeze into one of their planes and die?
  10. I think your letter is spot-on and I think you're doing him a favor by telling him what he is and what he isn't. Also, you're being awfully generous, lenient or whatever at 230 for a 5'7" or 5'8" person.
  11. They probably all got together and created Scientology.
  12. He's alive? Really? Cool! Where is he? When he or she or it shows up I will be the first one in line to apologize, otherwise I call bullshit.
  13. I suggest strapping on a few go pros... two on the helmet; one on the wrist and one on the ankle. Edit:
  14. I take it that you prefer smashing a dog or cat over the head to humanely euthanizing them? Do you enjoy clubbing baby seals? I suspect that you enjoy pulling the wings off of flies and, probably, throwing puppies at brick walls. Is that your best efforts of presenting an argument? Sounds like you're getting emotional and defensive.
  15. Welcome to Speaker's Corner... Hahaha thanks.
  16. Since you said it was an "honest to god question"; I will respond to you. You don't seem to be a pompous ass like others in this topic. At no point in this forum did I demonstrate an attitude as being "...baffled that a person who has confessed to a crime could only have ever been found guilty". I simply posed the following question, "Explain how a person is "innocent" if they admit the crime." There are many cases where the introduction of DNA testing has proven the innocence of a lot of people that were previously found guilty of crimes. There has also been numerous cases that uncovered unscrupulous practices (e.g. obstruction, withholding evidence, false discovery, etc.) by police officers, prosecuting attorneys and judges. I am very aware of the shortcomings of the legal system. But there are also many people sitting on death row that have confessed to their crimes. Many have confessed to parole boards and many have confessed to prison officials for the purposes of expediting the "process" to death. If you ever watch Lockup Raw on MSNBC (I believe that is correct channel) - many of those people admit to their crime... unprovoked and in front of a camera. My point about "drone strikes" is that although it was absurd in its presentation, it was at the very least - staying on topic. Unlike others who are unable to stay on topic; keep their emotions in check and are unable to abstain from making condescending comments towards others. There is no humanity in capital punishment. While it may not be a popular topic of discussion for family dinner conversation, the practice has covered thousands of years and is a necessary evil.
  17. Are you still in high school? Is that your slight-of-hand attempt to violate Forum Rule #1?
  18. Now there's an idea. The military needs training and there are people on death row that need to be executed. So why not let those on death row run around the forests outside Ft. Bragg or wherever and let the military conduct some drone practice. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  19. Explain how a person is "innocent" if they admit the crime.
  20. I have even a better suggestion; let the country vote on it. Every time a person is convicted and recommended for death row, let the country vote on whether the person should be executed or stay in prison their entire life. Given that scenario, let's say the vote is 51-49 to execute the person. So those who voted for the execution will be billed and ultimately PAY for the execution. But if the vote is 51-49 to NOT execute the person then those voting in the majority get to PAY for the cost of housing that person. I like that idea.
  21. So essentially do it in a manner so that the denial of what happened (the execution) seems less real and we can go on living our lives without regret or remorse but feel good about getting rid of the murderer.
  22. Perhaps we should engage in a closer examination of the term "humane" and see if it is applicable. According to Mirriam-Webster, they have defined "humane" as marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals. We're executing a person that has committed the most heinous crime: murder. Executions are not humane regardless of how you slice it. So essentially you want an execution that is a kinder, more gentle death. Ya... sounds good.
  23. Why does the execution have to be humane? Did the convicted murderer think of the choices for the victim? Was the murderer thoughtful and offer up a suggestion as to how the victim would like to be murdered? "Hello sir, my name Clifford the Career Criminal and I will be your attacker this evening. Would you like to be sodomized with a rusty piece rebar before or after I slit your throat and steal your wallet?"
  24. Good... now plug it in, fire it up and give it a test run and then start running the juice.