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Everything posted by TitaniumLegs

  1. ... and the barn. I wish I had video of that "carving". Monique thought your "carving" techniques were very interesting. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  2. You should steal that sign and donate it to your dropzone. Or even better, donate it to my drop zone. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  3. Preferably AGL (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  4. I, for one, like your shape. Very nice. I'm just here to entertain. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  5. Quotebut then only you and simon will have your names added... Quote Yeah, Simon did another good one on Sunday... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  6. Miss who? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  7. More comfortable than a floor with 2" wrestling pad? You can see out the windos when you're sitting on the floor. If you can't see down enough, you can kneel. Works great with students. We can show them the DZ kneeling at the window. Another great mod is the spotting bubble. Replace the last window on the door side with a bug bubble. You can look straight down and even slightly under the plane without opening the door! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  8. Screw benches - just pad the floor with wrestling padding like the Chicago and Monterey Otters. - More comfortable because you don't have to lean to the side all the way to altitude (everyone faces the rear of the a/c). - No screwing around at altitude trying to fold up the benches. - More room to move around. - Tall people don't have their heads jammed into the ceiling - Better lighting because all the windows aren't blocked by backs and rigs. - Skysurf boards slide better and don't get all scratched up! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  9. Interesting. I hadn't seen that before. I might just have to add Coca-cola products to my boycott list which currently includes Toyota and Red Bull for their depiction of skydiving fatalities in their advertizing. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  10. Yeah, gotta have that smog check, but you don't need to fix your brakes, tires, cracked windshield or the fact that only one headlight works (on high beams only, and none of your tail lights. You gotta have US-spec 5mph bumpers when new, but you can immediately take them off and drive all you want. HEY DIPSHIT! The reason you blinkers blink at doube-speed is that it's trying to tell you one of them is burnt out!!! The smog check is a joke forced upon us by the pacifist tree-hugging, otter-f***ing, whale-saving, alfalfa-and-tofu-eating shrubs who have way too much control on this state. Now they want to triple the vehicle tax because they're out of money. WTF?!? Fifth largest economy in the world? Highest taxes in the US, largest taxable base, the roads and schools suck and we're out of money? Where does it all go? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  11. I used to do that. The junk mailers have caught on. One thing they do is make sure your personal info is printed all over the junk, so be careful what you send back (or forward). Another tirck is they print the form so that you have to line up part of their address in the window of the envelope. Your info is printed exactly on the opposite side, so it lines up with their address. It becomes very tricky to send it back without including your info. If you want to take it a level higher, include some stuff to jam their auto-sort/reader machines. Staples are good, but they can detect metal now. Packing tape (the kind with embedded string) is good. Glue can work. I might try some glue in a small zip-lock baggie (so it doesn't dry before they open it). (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  12. Depends on the DZ. Many will say "It's clearing. We're getting ready to send the load up now!" which may be literally true, but is it clearing enough? Is the load really going to go? OTOH, some will tell you that it's really iffy, and there's nobody here to play with anyway. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  13. I thought nice was for lower priority, unless you're root... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  14. I know everything about skydiving, because I am a skygod. I even know more than the guys who invented everything. I know more than the geeks who win all the competitions. I could skydive rings around them. I don't bother because it wouldn't be fair - I would win all the competitions. I'm so good, I would win gold, silver and bronze in all categories. The judges would say "Wow, that guy is really cool. We should invent the Z license and give Z-1 to him. All praise Titaniumlegs." Even whuffos know I'm the greatest, well, the second greatest, after CrapFlinger2000. If I ran for president, I would win. Lucky for other candidates they have that no foreigners for president rule. If I became president, US military aircraft would be available for civilian skydiving use when pilots need to build hours. The jumpers would have to buy the pilots lunch and beer when the day was over. Everyone would say "That President Titaniumlegs is sure cool. He's doing a great job running the country." Other countries would think I'm so cool, they would ask me how to run their countries and they would promise not to start any more wars, except with countries that don't allow skydivers to jump their military planes. There is no I in team, but there is an M and an E. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  15. Qu'est-ce qu' t'as dit??!!!! Voyons! Why don't you just hurry up and all vote "Oui" and leave Canada. The Newfies want Toronto closer to Newfoundland! None of it matters to us left-coasters. You're all TROC¹ anyway! ¹The Rest Of Canada (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  16. Blue. No! Aaggghhhhh!!!!! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  17. Oh lighten up already ... can't a Canuck yank a Yank's chain once in a while?? Someone has to be silly ...I was actually hoping someone might question my history lesson, preposterous as it is... do I get extra cedit for 'thinking outside the box' at least? Ooops. I only read the first line or two of your post, because that's how the true story starts off. Way back in England, the day after Christmas, the nobles would give boxes of gifts to their servants. That's what I thought I was saying "bullshit" to. My original story is actually bullshit as well. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  18. That's all bullshit. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas when you take out all the boxes the presents came in - often with the already broken toys in them! Happy Canada Day! (I should see if I can escape from w*rk and sneak down to H-town...) (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  19. TitaniumLegs

    DZ.com name

    OK, I confess. It's just like a penis only smaller! (©Chris DeBar) I'm not very good in bed, but at least it's over quickly. You asked for it... Edit: Now none of the girls are going to get any sleep tonight. (Come to think of it, neither will some of the boys!!) (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  20. No, you were right the first time, but I mean that in the nicest possible way! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  21. That depends on the airport. The TSA web page lists a couple different airport scenarios.
  22. Same here. Domestic and international. All over Europe and all over the US and Canada. I had some (pre-TSA) twit at OHare tell me it was against FARs to carry a parachute on board an aircraft. When I pointed out that I had just flown from San Jose (California) and was connecting, she said "Well that's San Jose, this is Chicago". I wish I had a map of the USA handy. That was probably the worst problem I've had, but I know people firsthand who have had problems both checked and carryon. I've only checked it once, and that was because the gang I was travelling with insisted that we check the so we wouldn't get hassled in security. Personally I think it's less hassle to carry, so at least you can answer questions. I'll be flying with rig on Wednesday. I'll let y'all know how it goes. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  23. A checked rig is not available for emergency use. It would be nice to get those fuckers sent in for tampering with reserves, though, wouldn't it? Go read my post again. I said "carry". (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  24. As Tim said, the old one stands. We had the numbers and the desire, but the technology was not available... some day! We did raise $29 for Sandi! (Not sure how that math worked out. $1 per jumper, and we had 14 for 1 jump. A couple people put in $5, but that still only adds to $20.) OK, so it's not much, but not bad for one jump! Whatever! It was still fun! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  25. TitaniumLegs

    DZ.com name

    No, it's not too much. Broken steering line at the bottom of a hook turn. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.