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Everything posted by TitaniumLegs

  1. Yeah, but looks aren't everything. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  2. And more are certainly welcome! Question: How many jumps are people willing to commit to? I'm thinking 3-4. After that people will proabbly want to do things like the helicopter, etc. How does this sound: Get together (those who can) ~9am to organize and put together a warm-up/practice load. Not sure what the turnaround should be, but we should try to work it out so that the 3rd jump is around noon when the sleepyheads join us. Think about the slot you want (base, float, early/late diver). Make it something you know you can do. If you don't know, don't worry - we'll figger it out. Thoughts? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  3. I have a tatoo of my ass on my ass. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  4. I didn't think I had any allergies. freakydiver is complaining about VanillaSkyGirl? She's not LIzzieB, but she's definitely hot! The next poster will remind me that I'm married. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  5. ...I thought we weren't supposed to have references to pedophilia on here - not that I don't think that's funny as hell, even for the future father of a girl. Edit: "A.S.S. #4" We should do A.S.S. dives for A.S.S. ratings! I bet we'll see a few T.S.S. qualifications, too! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  6. Nah, he'll just go buy it from IBM. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  7. Yes, that's true. I wanna know: what's the plural of "y'all"? Edit: The next person is a skydiver. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  8. Damn, that would be really cool. I don't think it will work, though, because of different schedules and I think I'm probably bringing too much crap! (Cooler, skysurf board, lawn chair, tent, sleeping bag, pet elephant, grand piano, assorted small farm animals, but only 1 rig, because my other one and Steph's are BOTH out of date and need CYPRES 8-year checks!) (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  9. This is from the same people who if you buy a CD because you heard one good song on the radio, then you find out that was the only good song on the CD, they won't let you have a refund. Them: "How do we know you didn't copy it onto a cassette (in the old days) or rip MP3s or a CD-R (these days)?" Us: "Because it SUCKED!!" How about fraud on the part of the music industry? Did anybody get a refund when it was found out that Milli and Vanilli didn't sing on their CD? How about abandonment of media by the recording and motion picture industries? How many people have vinyl records (any speed), reel-to-reel, cassettes, 8-track, DAT, Betamax (and even VHS) and laserdisk now that are or are becoming obsolete? How many times do we have to buy the same album or movie on a different format? My take is that if I own a legitimate copy in any format, I am entitled to make a copy for my own use to protect my investment. If I obtain electronic copies of things I already own from the internet for my own use that is legitimate use. If I download something and you want to sue me, you better prove I don't own it. Of course, they not going after the downloaders - that's even harder. They're going after the people with the stuff availabel for download. The gotcha is who's really breaking the law? The people putting it up, or the people taking it? Granted, some of this is stretching it, or perhaps even wishful thinking, but I do have a legitimate beef with the media abandonment. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  10. Sure, Jan, but you should make it clear in your posts who you are and that you are our representative to the USPA. Geronimo is cool and all, and appropriate for your personal endeavours, but in this thread you are acting as a BoD member, or at least a concerned USPA member, therefore you should clearly identify yourself without us having to do detective work through your sites. Peter (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  11. Well, there is a long-standing tradition of DZs planning conflicting events on the same weekend. I think DZOs and organizers would do the fun jumpers better service if they would check the event calendars in Parachutist and Skydiving before planning an event. Oh, wait. Some of them do, then intentionally plan for the same weekend. I'd like be there for Bob, too, but the Amerikan Boogie was already way planned before most of us found out about Bob's jump. It would also be easier to move Bob's jump to Davis, than have everyone else try to work out the logistics of being in two places at once. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  12. Never say "only x jumps". That's 126 more than most people! Come play! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  13. Most of them do, actually. You need to configure it through its web GUI to send reports to an email address. You will probably have to have an SMTP and/or POP server (and probably an account) to point it at. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  14. The SQL probes (port 1434, mostly, right?) are probably caused by a virus on a SQL server somewhere trying to infect you. This virus has been around for a few months, and there is a fix for it. It's not your problem, though, it's the DBAs on the machines sending the stuff. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  15. Anybody else? We need 16 Plus video... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  16. Always cut the blue wire. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  17. Jaws. I was 12. I was freaked for months. Didn't help that my dad said it was all robots. I was convinced "they" were gonna replace my parents with robots and lift our apartment building with 6 skycrane helicopters and drop it in the shark-infested ocean. Nothing ever scared me again. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  18. Spare the air - buttplug Sebazz!!! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  19. You're at 60% now. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  20. Which do you prefer - Sassy or Linda? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  21. I think anybody who has had pets feels your pain - I certainly do. Have you given thought to burial? I don't know what it costs to cremate a pet, but I'll bet dogs have the same dreams of flying that people do... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  22. Heh heh... to get into the porn movie you pay at the "box" office... ...or is that orifice? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  23. Well, the title does have a long and sordid history... edit: PS: Note my wife's ass on the internet... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  24. I lived on several streets, being an Army brat. So I could be Jessica Gesner or Jess Sapper or Jessie Mayne. How about the German addresses: Jess Lotzbeck or Bonnie Schwalbenweg. Doesn't work so well when your dog is not the same gender as you. Maybe that's the drag name? I heard the formula was middle name - current street name. A while back it was Reid Saratoga. Now it's Reid Brookgrove. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  25. Hard working post-whore techniques... 1. Conference calls. As long as you're not the moderator or a major contributer, you can be in attendance and therefore "working", but with the phone on mute, they don't heard the frantic keyboard. 2. Bursts of activity. You ned to use the can. Jump up out of your chair, grab a clipboard or a stuffed file folder and walk briskly down the hall with an intent/angry look. Do not take the shortest route to the bathroom. In fact, don't even pick the clostest bathroom. 3. Have other windows/browsers open you can switch to in case anybody comes by that might bust you. 4. Forward any work-related email that you aren't really involved with to somebody else who you know is already handling it with the preamble "Have you seen this yet?" or "FYI". Be careful with this - you could end up with the action to take care of it. 5. Take your laptop into a conference room, with the screen facing away from the door/public. Spread random files or papers or even tech manuals around the table. Dial in to somebosy else's conference call with the phone on mute so you can be "on a call" and not even involved. 6. If your company network supports it and it's a nice day, take your laptop outside with a collection of papers and/or manuals. When people ask, you're just trying to get some work done without having to deal with the phone. 7. Call friends, ideally dz.commies, who work in the same industry and talk tech while you're *both* post-whoring. I'm not a post-whore yet, but I intend to use the above techniques to boost my status. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.