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Everything posted by TitaniumLegs

  1. Apparently, you can't spell U.S.A. either! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  2. I bought the Evil-ution 2000 a couple months after they became available in the US. After a year of use, it started going off at wrong altitudes then making random noises. I had already replaced the battery, but I replaced it again anyway. That didn't fix it. So I opened it up and found a component, which I suspect is the pressure sensor, was loose (the solder had broken). I tried contacting Cool&Groovy via email and their web site (which no longer has anything on it), but no luck. I registered on-line twice. Emailed (got a useless reply once). Here are my thoughts on this P.O.S. before it broke: Setting the beeps is pretty easy. Three beeps for breakoff, dump and flatline. Cool. Except that it routinely flatlined as much as 5 seconds after I had a fully inflated canopy. You can't set the time or the timezone - it's permanently set to GMT. They say you can adjust for this in software when you upload the data, but that doesn't work either. So for people jumping on the West Coast of the US, that means your jumps all appear to have happened 8 hours after they really did. Any jump made after ~4PM logs as happening the next day! I didn't care about the time so much, but at least get the DATE right! The graphs are a cool concept, but they don't work either. The fall rate graph was all spiky with speeds that varied from 600 (mph or fps - can't remember which) to -200! Wow! I was falling UP! The Evolog has some neat features, but is very awkward to use. Some of the features you need are buried deep in the menus. It uploaded some jumps two or three times. You have to use the software, however, to get at the data because there is no on-unit display. The batteries don't last nearly as long as advertised. C&G says they last 2 years - I got less than 1 year out of them. Scoring: Features: 3 of 5 Usability: 3 of 5 Reliability: 1 of 5 Service and Support: -2000 of 5 Overall: 0 of 5. If anybody sees George Pilkington, he owes me $280 - or a ProTrack.
  3. Then FLUSH! If you're afraid to touch the handle, wash your hands after!!!! I don't want your pee splashing on me! (That's for a particular a**hole in our office who routinely doesn't flush. How do I know? I used the urinal after him a couple times. By the way, dickweed, you need to drink more water - your urine is way too orange.) (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  4. Well, I'm already slated to be Supreme Dictator - I mean governor - of the West Coast Zone when Canada finally invades the USA, so if that doesn't work I'll graciously accept the same position under Sebass's glorious leadership. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  5. 3 tries... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  6. ...which works great if they're up and running their OS. Should you ever need anything in the BIOS or CMOS or say a menu within a card like a RAID controller, you're screwed. Granted, that's rare, but can be an issue. You can't see blue screens of death either (or whatever variant there is in the OS of choice, or tell for sure that's what the problem is. Don't get me wrong, we use it here. It just has its limitations like anything else. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  7. Chill silly boy-ee Some people just do not care Or don't read titles (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  8. I've dated women 7, 12 and 16 years older, and as much as 11 years younger. Older women know better what they want and the seem to have fewer silly notions of what's OK and what's not. What works best is compatibility in interests and ideas, and what you both want for the future. But what do I know - I married a skydiver. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  9. Yeah, well, nobody likes you anyway. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  10. Guess Who, April Wine, Rush, Prism, Chilliwack, Doug and the Slugs, Alanis Morrisette, Avril Levigne, Nickelback, Tom Cochrane (OK, a couple of those have never been heard of outside of Canada) For the lighter music, Gordon Lightfoot and Anne Murray come to mind. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  11. This statement right here leads me to the conclusion that Canada does in fact ----> Suck in sucky kind of way Why do you think I live here? So I can SKYDIVE year round! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  12. i'm currently drafting a UN resolution to put a stop to that.... they've still got some issues to resolve I'll back it - and I'm Canadian. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  13. Can I touch you? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  14. Best wishes! We're about T minus 2 months ourselves. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  15. Drambuie? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  16. I thought she went through American Customs at the airport... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  17. Oh, it thought it was this one... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  18. Jim Beam and Jim Beam and Jim Beam. 3 bottles, 4 people (weel, mainly two of us). Finished all but the bottom inch on the four-hour bus ride from Heidelberg to Irgendwo (wherever the hell we were going) skiing in Austria. At least I didn't puke on the bus and have to clean it up (and pay DM 100 additional cleaning fee). I still have a restraining order against Mr Beam. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  19. I think I liked breaking both legs better than the food poisoning I had on Saturday night. Made me miss all the pie fun! SOMEBODY POST PIX!!! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  20. maybe not drunk, but after three drinks after finish a a medium-sized short-fuxed oops fuzed project (iSCSI demo/hands on session with Linux and WinXP clients talking to a FAS960 filer via peiece-o-shit Fourndy ServerIron using ADaptec and Itnel hardware initiators and MIcrosoft and LInux software initiators) i forgot what I was going to say. Man, I make s a lot of typoes when I don't use the backspace key! I ( only fixed one ofthte argghhghg of them becuase I wasn't going to say "Linsux") Wow. I'm going to home to pet the wife and f*** the cats. Ooo! and talk to the baby (in utero)! (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  21. Must be willing to pack my rigs - or your bags. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  22. Thanks. There are a couple references we like, such as Olivia Newton-John looking her finest ever in Xanadu as Kira/Terpsichore. Love that 80s dress... Edit: This dress... OK, I'm an 80s geek. Byte me. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  23. Sorry, I was kidding, not that you can tell from some of the discussions. Actually, we're both so stoked about Kira, but scared too. There's no problem in this paradise.o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  24. Well, I pretty much liked all of Moment by Moment and the "tender" parts of Urban Cowboy - BWA I can't even keep a straight face when I say that! OK, really, a couple scenes from Bladerunner ("Nothing like having an itch you can't scratch"). Lots of The Breakfast Club. Like Katzeye said, most of Mony Python, although along that line, there are some useful tidbits from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (OK, radio play via book and TV). Referring to much of management, insurance salesmen, hairstylists, etc as "The useless third of the population"... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  25. Sure, but what about skydiving.... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.