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Everything posted by mccurley

  1. Not quite as inoccent as the daily record whould have it appear. Try this story on ANN Second story from top attempt at clicky It appears he did point it at a Cessna and the idiot pointed it at a police helicopter sent out to look for the laser!! Watch my video Fat Women
  2. I guess they where disdinguising between a stack and a plane? It's in my log book as a decaplane attempt rather then a stack. Out of the Loadstar on Dec 28 / 79 Only peoples names a rememberfrom that one are Rod Boswell (last seen at the third world cup of CRW in Aussie) and I think Jack Gregory from Florida. It was signed by a Gary Copeland D223 (could be CSAP or USPa I don't know) Watch my video Fat Women
  3. I don't have that book anymore, (changed countries to often) but I remember it blew us away. Here's a pic i took at Z-Hills X-mas 79, Combination of Brits, Yanks, and Canucks. They where trying for 10 to match the current record of the time and I begged on to pictures. Not very good quality but it was a hand held Cannon AT-1 and was my 150th jump (second with a camera) Watch my video Fat Women
  4. Quite right. All the critics (including that dick at the UN) should make thier own contributions before they open thier mouths. I wonder if any have made any contributions at all. I liked Phillykev's aproach. lead by example and see who follows. The US is just to easy a target for this kind of critisim from people who shoot thier mouths off for thier own agendas which don't necessarily have anything to do with the problem at hand. Watch my video Fat Women
  5. Just goes to show that any special intrest group, from politcal party, to both pro and anti abortionists, to F****d up Religeous Zealot (read terrorist), and many others can take any doctrine and put a spin on it to suit thier own ends. Watch my video Fat Women
  6. mccurley

    Tan Lines?

    Don't care about tan lines. The best part of a suntan is always the white bits!!!
  7. Not an American and also not involved in religion. But what is wrong with a display of, or a belief in following things like the ten commandments? What is wrong with Thou shall not kill etc? I think you can run your country seperate from your diverse group of religions and still honour the basic underlying rightness of most religions. Don't kill, dont steal, don't rape, etc all good religious doctrines which one can follow and be a good person for with out going to church every sunday, or synagogue, or mosque, or what ever. Your fore fathers may have quite correctly feared the possibilty of religious persicution etc.. That didn't mean they didn't follow church doctrine in thier day to day lives. Watch my video Fat Women
  8. Kids Watch my video Fat Women
  9. Tauranga New Zealand Watch my video Fat Women
  10. Well you should of put New Zealand on your poll. Most Kiwis would not like to be lumped in with Aussie. Watch my video Fat Women
  11. Makes proud to be a Canuck. Watch my video Fat Women
  12. Hey you're flying on Jump no one. It's just that your glide angle needs improving.!!!!! Watch my video Fat Women
  13. According to one of my clients here in New Zealand, who we will be building a rehab centre for, research is going on into stem cells harvested from the nose and cornea. If this pans out the ethical discussion about embrionic stem cells will become academic! Watch my video Fat Women
  14. When I did my first jump in 73 the first jump class consisted of, my father, and one of my uncles from my mother's side. Most of those maternal uncles led adventurous lives untill they "settled down" Makes me wonder how my kids will turn out. I met thier mother (ex wife) when I was intsrtucting in the eighties and took her up for a static line jump, both she and I have always been willing to try out different things, both love motorbikes, both drive to fast, etc. etc. Watch my video Fat Women
  15. And the sperm whale!! Watch my video Fat Women
  16. The tree is awsome! Watch my video Fat Women
  17. Makes themeasier to find in the dark!! Watch my video Fat Women
  18. Agreed! Very good value for money. Watch my video Fat Women
  19. Why electric? If you want to play around the campfire you'll need a long lead. You could consider a decent acoustic. Yamaha is great value for money. I have a 1976 model FG160 and it sounds and plays almost as good as my Martin J1. Either way, acoustic or electric, I have always advised beginers who I have taught to invest in a good quality instrument. If you buy something cheap, and then don't continue with it, your stuck with a guitar you can't sell it off for anything close to what you paid. (there are more people out there in this position then you may imagine, just like students who never get past the first few dozen jumps) Buy some thing decent, and if you continue you'll love it, if you don't you can get most of your money back when you sell it. Watch my video Fat Women
  20. Draftdogers OK they are making a stand or avoiding being sent to thier possible death in a forgien land. I can agree with both. Deserters? Send them back! He signed a contract and he took an oath. In addition to that he may have accepted benifts such as an education. Either way he should be honouring his commitments. If he hasn't got the balls to honour his commitments except as convienent to him, thern he is not the kind of immagrant Canada should want. Watch my video Fat Women
  21. There were two Frenchies I think. One I met in Z-hills about 79 who went in. Another one who was at the POPs world meet in new zealand about 3 years ago I think your refering to the second one? Watch my video Fat Women
  22. A female docter who use to jump at Gananoque, I don't remember her name, told the story of a woman who gave birth in the elevator of the hospital she was working in. The wowan was very distrest and crying. When asked why she was so upset she responded with something along the lines of not being able to do any thing right. The doctor said to her "You shouldn't be so concerned about it. Last year a woman gave birth on the front lawn" This generated more crying as the woman responded "That was me"!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch my video Fat Women
  23. My son and my daughter. Most amazing events in my life and not disgusting, I guess it depends on your perspective. Watch my video Fat Women
  24. Ok so my memory is a bit time skewed!! At least I got a name right! It must of been one of the other guys I met in Florida that gave me the crash together description. Your name stuck in my memory banks from doing a jump with you and a group trying to do a ten plane in Z-Hills in 79. I still have some of the photos I took on that one. I do recall seeing the picture in skydiving. I'll try and post one to you later, Watch my video Fat Women
  25. I didn't drop the student in a cloud, I dropped myself in them after letting the studentsout. This some times resulted in a slightly long spot for myself. And it wasn't in the US so who cares if the FAA don't approve!!! Watch my video Fat Women