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Everything posted by Southern_Man

  1. There, think it is clicky now, works for me. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  2. Why are you a cannon-o-phobe? Cannons don't kill people, people kill people. They can have my cannon when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  3. I saw some woman in Rhode Island won the ~320 million powerball lottery at 81 yrs. old. I hope she didn't take the annuity. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  4. Hebrew is a language. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  5. I'm certainly not any sort of high level criminal or terrorist but I don't want them searching through my phone. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  6. Do any other markets have multiple wind tunnels? There are already some plans for a Virginia Beach area tunnel, even that may be too close to support two, I don't know. I'll believe either place is actually building when they open, although I'd love to have one close. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  7. I'm just shocked this thread wasn't started by JohnRich "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  8. Peter Carr was a little slow witted, I think Jefferson dumbed down his advice to his nephew and it shouldn't be viewed as universally applicable. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  9. Meh, still trying to decide if I am going to bother going to the polls and voting after work. Only two candidates on our ballot. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  10. OK, that makes sense. I am not too familiar with base helmets. I do not count on the protection in any helmet to save me, but one of the advantages if I were to get a full face would be doing away with my goggles+glasses combination I use with my current helmet. Also the shield would contribue to the noise-dampening effects and help with warmth in winter time. All advantages of a full-face. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  11. Why would you buy a full face if your intent is to remove the visor? Just asking. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  12. There are a lot of bad covers out there: Leonard Nimoy sings Proud Mary "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  13. Can't speak for skydekker but I know about 2 dozen very well and have occasional contact with maybe 100 others. Not the classic TANF welfare, more like SSI plus food stamps. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  14. Maybe, although there are far more options than most people admit in these sorts of debates (nuanced debate is very difficult in fora anyway). It is not really a choice between health insurere providing "free" birth control and people going without birth control. That is a false dichotomy. The cheapest forms of female birth control run $4 a month at Wal-Mart. People can afford that without unnecessary hardship. I know that doesn't work for everybody or every medical condition. Personally if (and there are assumptions built into this) the market had more options I would choose to work somewhere that the health plan was more of a catastrphic coverage and I could have more in salary. Just to play the numbers--$5000 before any coverage kicked in. In exchange my health insurance cost $5000/yr instead of $8000 and I got to keep the difference in salary). I personally have not used $3000 of health care total in the past five years. Honestly the debate over birth control is emblamatic of the way health "insurance" has become not a way to mitigate risk but a payment plan for ordinary routine purchase of health care with costs and outcomes very disconnected. I don't disagree that this debate would have been very different if it was not women's birth control at issue. I do disagree generally that health insurance necessarily needs so many mandated services. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  15. I will defer to you on the separate offices thing. I know it is frequent that we see people for therapy and psychiatry in the same day. This only makes sense as people are generally taking off from work or using their day off. The ones that are not working often have difficulty arranging transportation, still makes sense. Heck, there are even instances the person has to see a psychiatrist the same day as their first appointment with the therapist. Honestly I am not always fully aware of the different rules on billing on Medicare vs. Medicaid. I am aware of the need for pre-authorization. As a communicty mental health clinic we are generally not seeing the "worried well" and don't generally have problems getting as much approved as we ask for (indeed, we are more limited by therapist availability than pre-auths). "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  16. What rules are those? We have people go to both a psychiatrist appointment and a therapy appointment every single day in my building. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  17. It is in Elkton, VA to be specific. Rockingham County recently won an award of some sort for being one of the best tasting municipal water supplies, if you put any stock in such things. Personally I think coors is like sex in a canoe... "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  18. I can't imagine Romney picking Paul for VP. I am not sure Paul would accept, although I think that is more likely than him being asked. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  19. I wish you would do a strategic default. Then you wouldn't have to start 2-3 repetitive whining threads a week about the same topic. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  20. Not sure if the CSPA would recommend differently, good question to ask your instructors. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  21. That really sucks, Ashli, I am sorry for you and your husband. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  22. My (now-ex) girlfriend suffered a tibial plateau fracture a little over a year ago on the ski slope. Hers was fairly mild fracture. She recovered full range of motion with hers. She was told she was at a higher risk of developing arthritis in that knee due to cartilage damage. Just one more data point. She ended up making a tandem jump last June, about 5 months or so after her fracture. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  23. Hey at least they don't have any guns! Or are forcing us by gun point to live our lives as they live theirs. What, the Amish don't have any guns? What parallel universe is that? The Amish are pacifists. Why would they have guns? They have guns to hunt. Amish have lots of guns. The old order Mennonites that live near me also have lots of guns. In fact there are several local Mennonite gunsmiths near me. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  24. Hey at least they don't have any guns! Or are forcing us by gun point to live our lives as they live theirs. What, the Amish don't have any guns? What parallel universe is that? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  25. No they don't. At least not the true and real meaning. You have to live here and speak it for a while to get it I think. The meaning has more than the english language translation. Interestingly though the jews and hebrew scholars do agree that abortion is prohibited by the commandment (it's considered ratsah). Some (most) words don't translate perfectly and this is one of them. I learned it in first semester Hebrew. Of course with limited amount of Hebrew practice I was and am dependent on looking up words for scholarly discussion. That would not be so different even if my mastery was greater, as what a word means today is not necessarily what it meant in Biblical times (and sometimes word meanings shifted significantly even within that period). We learned to conjugate using katal, not ratash "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"