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Everything posted by kevin922

  1. yes if I recall correctly it involved someone holding the flyers feet and the flyer flying up and hitting the side of the wall constantly :) It would take some skill to fly a wingsuit in a tunnel, but that skill isn't the same as flying a wingsuit... thus it's pointless :) i'm talking about vertical tunnels, aircraft tunnels like they've used to test wingsuits are a different beast.
  2. kevin922


    Probably longer than the very intricate ice sculptures people do.. i guess those people are wierd too eh?
  3. Ah.. ok I musta skipped the lodging & meals bit. Much better deal now that this has been clarified. Flockon
  4. Forgive me for not understanding, but how is that less than 16.00 a jump?
  5. I saw a email come across about the boogie in AZ (the wingsuit boogie) Just curious how many people are actually planning on doing this. Cost: $1164.87 (cash price, $1199.81 for credit) plus $15.00 registration for the boogie, this includes 6 jumps a day for 6 days (36 jumps) plus wingsuit instruction. So if you break it down, 36 jumps @ 15.00 jump = 540.00 + 15.00 boogie fee =555.00 -1164.87 = $609.87 for instruction. BTW this is a non refundable ticket event meaning you get crap weather one day you're out 6 jumps and this is a 3 students per 1 instructor ratio as well... So if you just show up and want to fly wingsuit, are you stuck doing it with whoever is not participating in the boogie I guess?
  6. $300.00 i believe unless the price has changed.
  7. I had over 200, but I hear it's possible with less than 15.
  8. If anyone is interested, I went down to DC and took some pics of Reagan found here Kevin
  9. I was waiting on ray :) I have my d70 and love it though. Kevin
  10. there is / was some talk of having the d70 ir remote modified to accept a remote shutter release and then somehow affixing that to the d70. As far as using one any other way, I don't know that it would be possible.
  11. While you're not buying that, don't buy the gillette m3 POWER either. God what a gimmik.. the thing vibrates, so if you want to buy it for your SO that might be a better use for it... anyway it vibrates so much you can't even feel the razor on your skin, so you end up cutting yourself up.. supposed to make your hairs stand up so that you can get a closer shave *rolls eyes*
  12. didn't see this posted already here HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- Former President Bush is planning to go ahead with an 80th birthday parachute jump this weekend following the week of mourning for former President Reagan. Bush and his wife, Barbara, will attend Friday's Reagan memorial service at the National Cathedral in Washington, then immediately return to Houston for a birthday party Saturday in Houston and the Sunday parachute jump over College Station, said Jim McGrath, spokesman for the organizing committee, 41(at)80. The group's name is for the 41st president at 80 years old. Bush, a Navy pilot who bailed out from a damaged plane during World War II, also made a parachute jump on his 75th birthday. He will be accompanied by members of the Golden Knights, the Army parachute team, but will not be linked to a younger jumper, McGrath said. "This is a very, very important thing to the president, this is a solo jump. There will be knights around him, but it is not a tandem jump," McGrath said Tuesday.
  13. I will be conducting a FFC at skydive delmarva the weekend of the 18 - 20th. Numerous demo suits on hand as well as tracking pants and accessories. Kevin
  14. Wonder how they were timing stuff back then. I don't think L&B had their protrack out yet. :-) Kevin
  15. link Skydiver, spectator collide at race Gusty winds cause Mile-Hi skydivers to crash-land at CU By Todd Neff, Camera Staff Writer June 1, 2004 A flag-bearing skydiver crashed into the Folsom Field stands Monday, injuring a woman who was watching the Bolder Boulder. Skydiver Jason Tolliver was one of six men from Longmont's Mile-Hi Skydiving Center intending to guide their red, white and blue parachutes into the grassy heart of Folsom Field Monday to kick off the 26th annual Bolder Boulder. All are experienced skydivers, but just one came in on target after their 4,500-foot plunge. Advertisement Gusts of wind hurled Tolliver into the first rows of Folsom Field's northwest stands, where he slammed into a 38-year-old Fort Collins woman whose name has not been released. CU police and staff from a Pridemark Paramedic Services ambulance parked a few yards away ran to the woman's and Tolliver's aid. Tolliver suffered minor cuts to his forehead despite his helmet. The woman was carried away immobilized on a stretcher as Memorial Day proceedings continued at the center of Folsom Field. She had serious facial cuts but appeared to be conscious. Preliminary reports said the woman appeared to have sustained "some potentially serious injuries," CU police Lt. Tim McGraw said. Boulder Community Hospital spokesman Lynel Vallier said the woman remained in the emergency room roughly two hours after the 11 a.m. incident. The hospital would not release further information about woman's condition Monday night, citing confidentiality laws. of Boulder had been sitting next to the woman who was hurt. She said people saw Tolliver coming and scattered. Tolliver brushed her on impact, she said. Jason McGowin of Boulder, was there with Day. He said the injured woman "took the brunt of it and her face came down on one of the seats." All the skydivers walked away from the scene, which was remarkable considering their awkward impacts and unconventional landing areas. Skydiver Byron Dormire was the only jumper to land on the stadium turf. Mike Buechel said he came down on a CU roof "a couple of buildings over." Eric Johnson came down hard feet-first at a nearly 90-degree angle to the metal of the nearly empty north stands. Although he walked away from the accident, he appeared shaken afterwards. His wife, Jenn, was in tears. Skydiver Chris Smith took a similar trajectory to Tolliver's, but avoided the stands, skidding across the hard plastic covering the Folsom Field turf like a rock thrown onto a frozen pond. "Winds picked up after we left the plane," he said. "We got a report prior to exiting that winds were favorable." Brendan McHugh, the final jumper, intended to bring the American flag into the stadium, which Mile-Hi Skydiving had done with precision since 1991. The other skydivers each carried a flag from the five military service branches. He ended up in a Russian olive tree south of the stadium. McHugh said he knew at about 3,000 feet above the turf he wasn't going to land in the stadium, and was 50 feet above an open parking lot when he spotted power lines and opted for the tree landing. McHugh said high winds had canceled practice jumps into the stadium planned for Sunday. He said Mile-Hi Skydiving had anemometers measuring wind speed on the stadium floor as well as the stadium roof, and that wind had been consistent and less than 12 mph — the company's cutoff for making a jump — for an hour before the jump. "We know what the winds are doing at all points, but five minutes before the jump, you're committed, and we were committed," McHugh said. "Before the exit, we knew it might be difficult to actually hit the stadium." National Weather Service meteorologist Bill Ray said the service's 4:02 a.m. forecast called for winds from the west between 15 mph and 25 mph, shifting to the northwest and picking up to 20 mph to 30 mph by late morning. Gusts of up to 40 mph were expected, he said. Cliff Bosley, director of the 47,200-runner event, said he was concerned for the injured woman's well-being. "It's tragic. As positive a thing as the race is and the Memorial Day celebration is, it's really hard to have something like this happen." Bosley said the Bolder Boulder still planned to have Mile-Hi skydivers back next year, though. "We won't hesitate," Bosley said. "Their organization is very professional and we think it adds a lot to the Memorial Day tribute."
  16. I just had my hornet 135 relined and now every jump (put 6 or 8 on it this weekened) makes me think i'm gonna tear my canopy up it's so hard. Here's what i've done: Packed the same way as before the reline Rolled the nose tight Got someone else to pack it Replaced all the rubber bands Everything I did, made no change to the opening characteristics. I can tell you that my rigger followed PISA/Aerodyne's instructions to a T re-measuring numerous times to make sure everything was done correctly. I can also tell you that there were some additional marks on the brake lines that didn't make sense to him, he called aerodyne - they didn't have an answer, tried to get in touch with the people in SA and finally got some type of answer that didn't make much sense but my rigger did what they said. Everything measures the way it is supposed to according to aerodyne. I can't seem to find anyone at my DZ who has actually had a canopy relined, evidentally they all sell their shit and get new. Is this a typical scenerio for a reline? I heard some mfg. make their lines so that they "stretch" into trim, and others make them so that they are in trim when you put it on the canopy. Is there any truth to this? Kevin
  17. I don't have this issue, not sure what to tell you. Was all the fabric all the way in the pouch?
  18. The garmin software comes with the forerunner.
  19. I just got a forerunner 201 for my running :) but was going to try it out on wingsuit flights to add another data source for my flytrack project. I haven't had time to play with it but what I think I'll end up doing is using: USA Photomaps to import the data from the forerunner as well as download the sat imagery from terra server. This software will create a CSV from the GPS data which I can then use to import into the Delorme XMap software i'm using for flytrack.
  20. Why not get this one? It does the larger format, i've seen it work and it has great results! Seems to be the same price as the smaller one. What advantage does the smaller one give you? Kevin
  21. I don't know if he even has the camera yet, last time I heard (about a week ago) he hadn't bought it cuase he's a slacker.. er I mean so busy. I got mine in though, but i too am waiting on our faithful test-dummy, i mean uh Ray, to get his camera modified before I do anything like that to my new baby. Love the camera though :)
  22. Uh, check out Robi's recent article on the front page of flybirdman don't think that'll happen :) Though I did like the ideas that were put around about carving out a ice half pipe similar to luge (sp?) down a mountain slope.. Kevin
  23. freekfly, what's your deductable? My homeowners does cover my d70 but it has a 500.00 deductable and I didn't have to pay anything for it to be covered. Still seems the ESP might be a good deal in comparison.
  24. Do you guys EVER check snopes? if you had, you'd see this is ... well true.