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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. The question mark is the road along the west side of the dropzone. it is very easy to spot. here is a picture of the road.
  2. beowulf


    I am willing to bet that the terrorists have killed more innocent people then the US has.
  3. bring lots of beer,(you can never bring too much beer). Don't forget your log book. Make sure your rig is in date. Don't forget to have fun
  4. This is totally the fault of the owner....that Akita was poorly raised/trained..they can be very affectionate very social dogs. I know several very well, one of which lives with 3 cats and acts as if it were one.... of course the ownerS were stupid in leaving them alone / not introducing them properly I disagree. If a dog has not been raised around cats it will do what comes naturally for dogs.
  5. She most definitely wasn't the brightest girl. What did she think the dog would do with a kitten around?
  6. CReW is alot of fun and you learn a lot of great canopy skills.
  7. Belief that the end justifies the means has been the cause of misery, injustice and suffering throughout history. The Spanish Inquisitors believed that they were right too. Doing nothing for fear of being wrong is worse then doing something and being only partially wrong. Your comparison is not very accurate.
  8. I like the third reason. Happens to be true. At least I think so.
  9. I was at a resteraunt a few weeks ago and a very brazen lady had no problem standing up in front about a dozen random people and adjusting her thong. I don't think she even thought twice about it.
  10. Check out the book Endless Fall by Mike Swain. It is a bunch of short stories from Mike's good old days. I have read it multiple times and still enjoy it.
  11. ohhhh it was clearly over my head. Guess I would have to see the movie. by the way what movie was that in?
  12. I don't understand what you are trying to say. And thennnn???? What is supposed to be my response to this?
  13. Movies are just not that important to me.
  14. This is just total bull shit. Who cares which version is on the DVD. I don't. George Lucas can do whatever he wants with his on movies.
  15. You can buy them online at ParaGear and SquareOne.
  16. If she only did it once I would just let it slide. If it were happening all of the time. Then I would say something.
  17. HMM does it bother you that I have 325 jumps and don't know how to turn on a CYPRES??? Never owned one and don't plan on buying one. If I ever need to know I will ask. When I did AFF the gear had FXC.
  18. NO He volunteered to join the military. Also the Gov. doesn't normally send people on suicide missions. They do their best to keep their soldiers alive and destroy the enemy. He was not sent out with the intention of getting killed.
  19. Good luck This is the exact reason that I refuse to check my rig. I always carry it on the plane with me.
  20. Somebody hurt my feelings one time. Does that count?
  21. You should have just said they are worth $3,000 with out explaining why.
  22. If I had to geuss, I would say that you don't think very highly of me and you would probably consider many of my posts to be blasphemous. Is that true?