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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. Right down the road from where I work is a Ninja school. You could try that. Here is their website. When I first noticed I couldn't stop laughing. Never went in there to check it out. Who knows maybe they really know what they are doing?
  2. A big part of Royce Gracie not being real fast in UFC is because he is fighting people that are in top form in their respective arts. It is unlikely to find many of them in street fights. I would definitely put money on Royce over the average street fighter. It would go alot quicker then the fights in the UFC. When I took Brazilian style Jui Jitsu one of the things done to practice was having 4 of the best students line up and all of the rest would take turns trying to put one of them into a submission hold. It kept going like that for about 10 min. things went pretty quickly. It doesn't take very long to get someone to pass out from a choke hold done properly. One student was very tenacious and occaisonally would refuse to tap out and would fight a choke hold a second too long and pass out. Not recommended. The instructor was not too happy.
  3. I hate to say it but Florida's No Fault insurance is a crock of shit if you ask me. From what I was told while living in Florida was that both parties in an accident are responsible to a certain degree no matter how the accident occured. That sounded like shit to me. Maybe you could explain it better.
  4. I have found that my packing doesn't matter as much as body symmetry at opening, as long as the lines are straight that is.
  5. beowulf


    How does someone stalk you on the internet?
  6. I have a desk job and wear dockers and polo shirts during the week. guess I don't fit the typical freeflyer stereotype
  7. I see that you refer to God. Do you read the bible? Do you believe in what it says? If so the bible specifically denounces homosexuality in no uncertain words. Apparently the bible must not be included in your "growing up as a culture", which I consider to be an awfully conceded statement. There is no way possible for you or anyone to have enough perspective on our culture to consider it "growing up". This is the only culture we really know. We have clues as to past cultures, but we really don't truly understand what it was like for people in the past and only understand what we see today. By the way I don't believe in the bible or God as seen through Christianity or any other religion.
  8. I have my opinion and you have yours. Get over it.
  9. Having gay marriages says to the world that homosexuality is normal. No different then heterosexuality. I don't think it is normal. Most people do not think it is normal. I put gays on the same level as retardation. They shouldn't be discriminated against, but they are still not normal.
  10. My point was What would make anyone think that trying to get gay marriages accepted would be easy? The Politics will be brutal. Deal with it. If you really want to get married and really think its important dont expect it to be easy. It is not a very popular idea. by the way I am totally against gay marriages and if you want to describe that as prejudiced then go ahead. I don't give a shit.
  11. It's called politics. Get over it.
  12. Yeah that about sums it up. I grew up in northern Illinois and will never forget getting Walter Payton's autograph.
  13. Yes I do live in texas and yes I do happen to live in Irving(current home of the Cowboys) Buuuut I am still a Bears fan. Sorry Da Bears
  14. I just don't think it would all that scary walking across that board with a rig on. It would be tempting to just fall off. It would be an accident of course.
  15. Not near as much as a DUI. I guess that is what your point is. right
  16. I totally agree with that. I jump because I like to jump. No other reason is needed. I don't care what anyone else thinks.
  17. I don't know about Fencing being less popular then Skydiving. I would think in the European countries like France it would be vary popular due to the history.
  18. I lived near Ocala in Salt Springs for 5 years and just because this hurricane is going to hit the west coast doesn't mean that it won't hardly affect the east coast. I weathered out some really strong storms in those 5 years.
  19. I didn't have any trouble with the videos. It is weird to see Luigi carrying the canopy after landing. It is soooo small. Looks like a rag.
  20. very little. Haven't been drunk in years. I only drink occaisonally and then only 2 or three drinks and I am done.
  21. Statute of limitations, man. It's all good if enough time goes by. Who you are is largely attributed to who you associate with regularly. Hang out with bank robbers long enough, I guarantee it's gonna start to look like something 'acceptable' to you after a certain point of time. Contrary wise, hang out with some decent people, and you will begin to emulate them.
  22. Just because someone has repented and been forgiven doesn't mean they are not still responsible. Part of being repentent means they take responsibility for their actions and make atonement.(sp?)
  23. dead animals taste good. Been eating them all my life and see no good reason to change that.
  24. I wouldn't say that everyone is inherently bad, but inherently selfish. Most of the things people do wrong are due to selfish wants and needs, not just to do something bad. The education causes people to realize how their actions affect others. A sociopath has a very diffucult time empathizing with others or even considering other people at all.
  25. They may change and become a "good person". But that doesn't mean that they are no longer responsible for the wrong things they have done. They still gotta pay the piper.