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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. I have had the same thoughts myself and have no problem fighting a war over seas rather then fighting directly here.
  2. The portrayel of hackers in Swordfish really sucked. That is why I can't stand that movie.
  3. Yup, that's almost the same words Bin Laden uses to 'justify' 911. yeah it is very similar to their justification. The difference is that their core reason is they feel that American culture has made a very detrimental influence in their Islamic culture. That may be so but attacking the US isn't going to help their cause that much. Agreed, but proper education and knowledge of real history for the masses would be a great start. Proper education and knowledge will not help. The key problem is greed, selfishness and hate. Those things are emotional problems that tend to over come intelectual reasoning. Everyone would rather do what feels good. It is very hard to do what is right even when it doesn't feel good.
  4. I have also found that to work. I also concentrate on what it is that I am supposed to do and not let my mind wander. To me fear is what keeps me on my toes. If I no longer felt any fear at all then I would be wondering if I were becoming to complacent.
  5. Ironically history has shown that peace is kept by war. There will always be people willing to go to war for what they want. If we don't defend ourselves then we will be over run by those that are willing to kill to get what they want. Till someone goes and changes the fundamental makeup and psychology of humans there will always be wars.
  6. Be sure to post video and pictures.
  7. Had one teacher that would walk behind me while she was lecturing and then yell at me for not looking at her while she was talking. hmm I don't think she liked me.
  8. beowulf


    >As far as addictions go, there is little to hold a >candle to either of our socially acceptable >recreational drugs. I don't know about that being true. I know a few people that would disagree with that statement. One who neglected her children to the point where she locked them in a closet so she could go out and do cocaine and party. To this day she says if someone placed a line of coke in front of her she would most likely snort it up and be gone. Once a junkie always a junkie.
  9. Good luck. If it isn't your laptop then I won't help you disable software that was put on there by the owner to protect their property.
  10. beowulf


    A) If it isn't worse than tobacco or alcohol, legalize it. B) NOTHING is worse than tobacco or alcohol. Could you explain how Nothing is worse then tobacco and alcohol. I don't quite understand how that is true.
  11. beowulf


    Due to the current thread on Drugs on the DZ, I am really curious as to what peoples over all attitude is towards drugs legal and illegal.
  12. Fixing that isnt near as hard as you are think it is. Go down to Lowes or Home depot and you can buy a toilet repair kit that will have the Float/Switch mechanism. That is what you will need to replace. Make sure you turn off the water going to the toilet and right where the hose goes into the toilet you will need to unhook that hose. There is a big wide flat nut that holds the Float/Switch mechanism in. Unscrew that and also unhook the flapper from the switch arm. Oh Also Make sure There is NO water in the resevoir, or you will make a big mess.
  13. What he should have said was It should be ready by friday, but please call before you come out to make sure that it is ready. That way there is no absolute deadline. If it is done on time you look great and if it isn't well then you don't look so bad.
  14. I wouldn't have yelled or gotten visibly upset, but I would not do business there again. If you say Friday at the latest then I expect to have the vehicle by Friday.
  15. beowulf

    New forum

    Nope, you're wrong. Just like there is no forum for men. Others may come to for other reasons, I come here because I'm a SKYDIVER. umm that was a joke. I wasn't actually serious about that.
  16. beowulf

    New forum

    I know I know I was too mean. I am sorry I shouldn't have made fun of her suggestion. It was a well meant suggestion. I am sorry.
  17. beowulf

    New forum

    Wouldn't want to leave someone out. might hurt their feelings.
  18. beowulf

    New forum

    If there is going to be a forum for gays and lesbians then there needs to be a forum for heterosexuals. Also one for Bisexuals. Also one for bestiality. also one for pedophiles. Am I leaving anyone out?
  19. beowulf

    New forum

    There also needs to be a forum for skydivers with Tattoos. Ooh and also a forum for skydiver with Cats. ooooohh ooooh and one for skydivers with Dogs. wait wait even better skydivers with both dogs and cats. hmm just not enough forums for everyone.
  20. Skydiving is standing between everything and nothing. The world is laid out before you with nothing in the way. Everything is possible, yet so easily it could slip away. To me it is truly living in the moment. In those moments between heaven and earth there is no good or bad, there just simply is. Control is an illusion. In life we are really just a long for the ride occasionally choosing doors. It is hard to explain in words what skydiving is to me. Every so often I have to do a sunset solo jump just to stand and watch the world, literally. That jump is what it is all about for me.
  21. You can do what I did, pay a packer for the first 50 jumps. It will me much easier then.
  22. beowulf


    Mutters something about the road to Hell... Guess you must have the answers to all of these problems, Kallend? That saying that you are referring to is not applicable to the current terrorist situation.
  23. beowulf


    Not just intentions, but also tactics. The terrorist like to use civilians as human shields just so that it forces the US military to incur civilian casualties. Even if the US backed down to their demands and pulled out of all Islamic countries and desolved the Isreali state they would not be satisfied. Their goal would then be the conversion of all countries to Islam. Make the world Islamic.
  24. beowulf


    [email] While I question the validity of those numbers, even if they are correct the US Gov. does not target civilians, the terrorists do. They don't care who they kill even if it is one of their own. Life is very cheap for the terrorists.
  25. beowulf


    I wasn't referring to the grand total. Just the current war on terror, including Iraq,(since that is the terrorists current battle ground).