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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. You just haven't tried to obtain an illegal gun. I am sure if you tried hard enough you would find that it isn't as hard as you think.
  2. It might make it alot easier but less likely since you are also more likely to be facing someone else with a gun legally protecting themselves. That is why the crime has gone down in the states that have gun carry license laws. Criminals don't want to die. They would rather not have to worry about the victim shooting them.
  3. That is the key disagreement we have. I don't think that one affects the other and there will never be any way to tell the difference because the criminals will not submit to a gun registration so that the guns can be tracked.
  4. It isn't so much about more guns as it is about WHO has the guns.
  5. I found this quote to be most interesting.
  6. I was mostly pointing out the fallacy in the comparison with Prohibition. I personally feel that the lifting of the ban in the UK would cause a decrease in crime, just like the carry laws caused decreases in the US states that enacted those laws.
  7. The Prohibition laws in the US proved you wrong. Booze was just as easy to get, just at a higher price and lower quality. Sometimes it was even deadly.
  8. If you get behind in paying your car insurance they will suspend your drivers license. Oh yeah I have one friend that had their license suspended because the state lost the paper work and thought that she didn't have insurance.
  9. That doesn't surprise me. I lived near Ocala for about 5 years and knew lots of people that were stuck in their judicial system with no good options to get out of it. I never had a problem, but could see how a short string of bad luck could easily put me in a very bad situation.
  10. Yup That's Florida. Land of the truly fucked up laws. I hated living in Florida. They must make money off of having people in jail. It seems that all the laws are aimed at getting and keeping people in jail.
  11. You should ask him what is he going to do to test the airbags in his car?
  12. ha ha , with ideas like that he just may one day win a Darwin award.
  13. My mom got by on a lot less when she was a single mom and had us 4, yes 4 kids to raise. Can you say garage sale clothes and peanut butter and jelly.
  14. If the do try to reason with a lion, they need to make sure there is at least one video camera present. I would like to see that.
  15. If he could only keep from twisting the truth in his own fashion and be responsible and show things in the light it was meant to be in to support his arguments, I would have no problem with him. He doesn't have to include anything that doesn't support his claims, just not twist reality to fit his claims.
  16. I am impressed. Apparently he is very serious about being a paramedic.
  17. Guess you didnt pay much attention when you read your bible. Homosexuality is condemned in the bible. It stands to reason that Gay marriages are also not supported by the bible.
  18. I am getting 378kb/sec right now on cable modem.
  19. Currently I have only done the easier routes. The 120ft route is an easy route just very tall. I am still trying to get my endurance and hand stregth up. The silos are ony about 20 mins away from my apartment so I am trying to go as often as I can.
  20. One thing that I really like about the silos is that the routes are all split up. You don't have 3 routes in one location, so you don't have to worry about only using certain holds.
  21. There are some very tough routes there. There are a couple that I recall that don't have anything but pits in the walls for hand and foot holds. btw I fixed my link to their website.
  22. Here in Texas we have a gym that has a 120 ft route. I have been there a few times so far. Climbed the 120 ft route only once.
  23. I don't know anything about HOA's. What would happen if he told them to go fuck themselves and refused to pay the fine? What would the HOA do?
  24. That is an excellent explaination of fear. I don't think that I have ever read anything so coherent on the topic of fear.
  25. I am not popular enough to receive hate mail. sniff sniff