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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. Opie, the question was related to the fact that there are extra fins on the tail, I was asking why they put floats on the aircraft they use for parachuting. But I shouldn't spend more time to explain these subtle aerodynamic things, I mean you have lots of jumps so you probably know more than anybody else. It's always amazing to see how aerodynamics is such a widespread and enjoyable hobby You wrote "why they use floats sometimes on that plane?" and I'll stand by my answer to that. Quit being such a sky god BASE 1384
  2. I think BASE wingsuiters, especially the ones in this video, have more incentive to fly aggressivly. If you are lazy flying that close to the deck, you die! And the 7:40 mark of this video is the coolest wingsuit base clip I have seen yet! BASE 1384
  3. That guy seems to have serious problems. Many parts of that interview are clearly false. The black guy didnt get knocked out, especially for 22 minutes. Also, supposedly the fight starts over borrowing shoes for his moms funeral, then he says 2 days after the fight his mom dies. Thank you Youtube for allowing 2 retards to captivate America. BASE 1384
  4. If the cock is sweaty or stinky, I'm not going down on it. If I'm that way, I make the same suggestion. Then, we could shower together- even better! So subtle hints. And if he tries to clean your poo pipe with his tongue how do you tell him "Oh i wouldn't, i had some bad eggs and have been pissing out my arse lately"? BASE 1384
  5. I love how that guy is still acting tough with the blood pouring out of his face! hahaha That old guy could throw some blows! BASE 1384
  6. Haha I saw that over on the base boards. I meant to post that to Jbags thread to show him how its done! BASE 1384
  7. I BASE jump (only bridges though, climbin in the cold sucks!), snowboard, or rock climb. It makes it pretty manageable, however I am starting to miss the open sky! Occasionally I will do homework too. BASE 1384
  8. Nice bump Btw I just voted. Feel free to thank me as soon as this thread goes to the bottom of the page BASE 1384
  9. Nacho Bell Grande! Mmmmmm BASE 1384
  10. So how about a "6 years later" photo? You know, for comparison. Im sure people want to know if the fridge looks the same. BASE 1384
  11. +1 mesh slider will work fine. Use direct/indirect slider control, roll the nose the way described above. Or like dave said if you are really worried, do a couple short delays first and see how it opens. BASE 1384
  12. This could be the next big thing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w7sVSMbjyM BASE 1384
  13. +1 I would like to know the circumstances for a reserve deployment from only ground winds. Doesnt seem possible. BASE 1384
  14. Forget the landing area did you see that wind? That was some serious wind! BASE 1384
  15. You realize thats what 99% of the planet thinks about you jumping out of an airplane with just a "chute" to save you BASE 1384
  16. Browns huge layout back flip he did as a victory lap was BAD ASS. Watching shit like that makes me wish I was a skiier! (been snowboarding for years) BASE 1384
  17. The big air ski comp is heating up. already 2 perfect scores handed out. First person to ever land a 1620 at the x-games! Bobby brown is tearing it up! BASE 1384
  18. The Office does Parkour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbph0xYwMbk&feature=related BASE 1384
  19. Now its time for 9 months of "Will he come back?" BASE 1384
  20. Nothing like yelling racial slurs at the exit point haha. Next time do a gainer! BASE 1384