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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. If you are teaching this person to be popular with the ladies, he will be lonely for a long, long time. Hope your better at this than skydiving! BASE 1384
  2. in base world i owe beer for opening my first object.... in the middle of the day! Gotta stop contact with andy copland, he is starting to rub off BASE 1384
  3. Was it an Iracongi jellyfish? If so you will probably be dead before you finish reading this sentence BASE 1384
  4. Think I will be down on saturday and maybe friday. Hoping to meet some of you southern ohio ppl! BASE 1384
  5. My mom told me if I started skydiving, she wouldnt pay for my college. I called her bluff She has eventually warmed up to the idea, and has even come out to watch me jump. All i gotta work out now is how to tell her about BASE without getting kicked to the curb! BASE 1384
  6. Whenever i get my camera working I will post my old POS fake id BASE 1384
  7. Your third picture is from this vid online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8zQUJUbxQs BASE 1384
  8. That video is awesome! Is that from cross keys? Ive been wanting to do a ganster rap skydiving music video for a while, dont know that i can top that! BASE 1384
  9. Looks like you'll fit right in in this sport BASE 1384
  10. True. You cant be hungover if your still drunk! But if that isnt possible i love chugging Gatorade and greasy food Pack a BASE rig and let it sweat out of ya then do a Peter, bet that would wake ya up! That sure woke me up and i was on the ground! BASE 1384
  11. True. You cant be hungover if your still drunk! But if that isnt possible i love chugging Gatorade and greasy food BASE 1384
  12. Buy a paraglider - no cost for lift tickets. How do I divide by zero again? You cant. Unless you are Chuck Norris BASE 1384
  13. Next time I am in Florida you will surely hook me up right?! BASE 1384
  14. He was probably hammered. "Titanium, well of course i need that!" BASE 1384
  15. Like I've told others, come to summerfest. Seems like a lot of you are hoping to get lucky at Summerfest... we just may have to rename it Fuckfest. Figures....I gotta sit this one out Had to pick between summerfest and a trip to the Perrine. Ill be there in '10 again for sure! BASE 1384
  16. Dude i was just about to PM you and ask if that was you! Thats fuckin cool man! I want to buy one of those for halloween if i deem it worth spending the cash on it. Congrats dude BASE 1384
  17. No, it's that sideways GAT shooting style that the kids are learning. they'll suck at accuracy and can easily be taken out, so whats the problem!? That was before the HomeBoy Nyte-Site system for glocks. I imagine drive by shootings will become much more accurate now. See attached BASE 1384