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    Skydive Oppdal
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  1. Another annoyance is that Sony seems to be sticking to interlaced video. 50/60 fps is nice and all but the interlacing is still going to be very visible. Welcome to 2012. \=
  2. I'll have what he's having.
  3. Brought up in the 80s in Norway, I was kind of indoctrinated by the whole Christian thing from the start (we had a course called Christianity in school, sometimes went to the church with the school, etc.). But other than singing christmas carols and stuff, my family wasn't exactly devout. Once when I was maybe 9 years old I was talking to a friend from school who did not have to go to church with the school. I asked why, and he said he didn't believe in God. I hadn't really realized that it was possible to not believe in God, but I probably realized there and then that the whole God thing was just b/s. For some time I swapped out God and Jesus with Odin and Thor and stuff (how very rebellious of me), but eventually settled on the "no god" theory. I still went to the Christianity classes and stuff, just because it took so much effort to get out of them. When I was 11 my mom wanted us to start a tradition for going to church at christmas. Luckily Count Grishnackh of Mayhem / Burzum decided burn down the church on christmas eve, so the tradition never really started.
  4. I doubt it snivels longer than this: (=
  5. Damn, you're already taken? \= Anyway, I'm sure Sweden will allow you to marry your dog any day now... So many people can't possibly be wrong about that domino effect. Actually that's an interesting question. For those who do believe in the domino effect: For how long will Sweden (and Norway, Argentina, Belgium, etc.) have to not allow marriages between people and pets, or adults and kids, before we can bust the domino myth?
  6. alge

    sitfly record

    I once saw a video (I tried to find it but couldn't) of a 4-way team that did an entire routine on their back. They must have turned something like 15 points.
  7. If you're going to exit at 1500', you may want to do it stable. As in not like Thank Dog he flies a Sabre. (=
  8. Sunset track over my home town.
  9. I would recommend a CX 150 instead of a CX 100 if it's not too expensive. It's generally a bit better (SD card, bigger internal storage, better sensor, less weight). As for the lens, the century .55x is nice and small and light-weight (and about the same price as the raynox 3035), while the century .5x is slightly bigger, better and more expensive (and slightly wider than the raynox .3x when used on a CX 1xx camera).
  10. Stupid things I have done #3: We have to use restraints in the aircraft from 0 ft to 1000 ft AGL. In our C182, the restraint for the person in the "jump master" spot is long enough for the jumper to get outside the aircraft. So no shit, there I was... I had one student sitting in front of me and two B-licensed guys behind. I actually managed to tease the student for taking a long time on releasing the restraint. Student was doing a 5s delay free fall from the strut. I climed out after him, planning to jump right after him in a sit position. He got the "GO!" from me and let go of the strut, and I jumped after... only to find myself not getting anywhere, just dangling underneath the aircraft from my hip ring. DOH. The restraint was closed with a quick-release, like a bigger version of the one on your RSL, but there wasn't a tab in the quick-release ring. I tried to pull the ring (which is maybe 1cm in diameter), didn't have the strength to do it under my load. After unsuccessfully trying to get back in the aircraft, I managed to release the load on the quickrelease by getting my legs on the wheel and one arm on the wheel strut and the other pulling the release ring. The pilot had turned the aircraft around to a beautiful spot and the rest of the skydive was uneventful. Very happy that no pilot chute decided to jump out and inflate while I was connected to the plane. Stupid stupid stupid. Lessons: Make "no restraints attached" a part of the pre-jump-check. Attach restrains to chest strap rather than hip rings - much harder to forget. The quick-release in question now has a bright pink tab, affectionately called "algeflappen". We've also discussed shortening the restraint to avoid such situations, but the conclusion was that it's better to just remember to release it before jumping.
  11. Stupid things I have done #2:
  12. Stupid things I have done #1: Jump number 200, which is the minimum requirement for strapping a camera to your head at our DZ. Strapped a camera to my head. Plan was to film two handsome skydivers jumping in only boxer shorts after some bets from the night before. This was in March, with plenty of snow on the ground. And to make it interesting, we planned a downwind landing - unless the wind was too strong. Can anyone say "recipe for disaster"? (= Freefall was uneventful. Followed one of the guys down in canopy. Looked at the windsock and decided it was "too strong". Of course, the other guys on the load thought otherwise. Coming out of the 180 degree hook I see one of them coming towards me. Not very close, but it grabbed my attention. Even got it on tape. But I didn't notice the ground coming up on me... Didn't flare at all, hit with feet, knees, upper body, bounced back through the risers in a somersault and landed on my back about 5 meters away. Thank SkyGod for the meter of snow on the ground - I walked away with a stiff neck for 1 week. Conclusion: Camera is a distraction. Never plan for "downwind, unless it's too much", it would be much better with "downwind, or other side of the runway if you think it's too much". 180 degree hooks make it hard for others to see what you're doing and for you to see what others are doing. Stupid stupid stupid.
  13. You're so boring. \= Also, I wouldn't say they are trying to judge anyone's worth, just how your political views map onto a (slightly arbitrary) 2D axis. But enough thread drift...
  14. Hey Quade, you should take the political compass test (;) and update the thread so we can confirm this Ultra Lib moderator imbalance. Billvon is clearly sticking out already.
  15. But DSE, surely you know that Handbrake infringes on the h264 patents, which may not be a problem in the free world, but makes it illegal to use in the US? You're a valiant protector of Copyright law - are Patents not as important? ... ok, sorry about the massive troll. Use Handbrake, it rocks. Screw software patents. Pray for VP8.