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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. Sounds to me like your problem is the lack of a packer. Or practice. Tell you what. Send me your brand new canopy and I will send you my used beat to hell canopy! I promise it is easy to pack! BASE 1384
  2. Agreed. Also "BASE" shouldn't be an option for favorite skydiving discipline. BASE 1384
  3. From the Youtube comments section: BASE 1384
  4. +1..... may the force be with you. I'm going again in May. Well I will be turning 21 this summer, so its all new to me. Vegas may get old in a few days for yall, but to somebody that hasn't gotten to *legally* gamble and drink I'm pretty sure it will be worth the 9 days
  5. That'll be my Friday night. Exciting, huh!! Exciting enough for MTV "prime time"! Look good feel good BASE 1384
  6. What is the deal with this show??? How did this become thew new thing? Fist Pump!! GTL BASE 1384
  7. lol I hung on to mine to. I knew they would come in handy someday. Apparently just not today! BASE 1384
  8. You should put a big antenna on the land as well, then lease it out to cell phone companies. Then that land would pay for itself! BASE 1384
  9. Think he was joking dude. As was stated above, it has already been jumped, people arrested, and video on youtube. BASE 1384
  10. "Fuck wingsuit BASE. I dont wanan fly like a bird, I wanna fall like a brike doing flips and shit."-Josh (aka Pyro) BASE 1384
  11. Then why did you start the thread? BASE 1384
  12. Funny you should mention it. We were all studying for our QBA (stats) final, when someone mentioned we should just study at the bar. We joked about it long enough that it turned serious, we all got fucked up, then went back to take the final. Then the whole test ended up being questions about PBR BASE 1384
  13. Trust me there is only one person impressed with you. I might even come out of retirement to be on your ash dive. Sparky I am impressed with andy. Maybe just stay in retirement? Maybe you have been away enough to lose your sense of humor. Half of what he posted was copied from straight from dorkzonehero (you are a dorkzonehero btw) and the other half pure English bullshit! BASE 1384
  14. lol...I am not quite so blessed. Prove it! Im telling on you. Go choke on a crumpet. BASE 1384
  15. lol...I am not quite so blessed. Prove it! BASE 1384
  16. Tell that to BASE You have much to learn young grasshopper +1 Personally, i would rather use specialized gear and go out and repeatedly pull at 600 feet, than use specialized gear to lay down monster swoops. UNBAN LOW PULL CONTESTS! Attention on the internet, we have a high puller here. Move him to the back of the plane with the tandems and give him a cane and walker too. I like my terminal jumps ending at just under 300ft. Wait for the last light to go past your legs and throw. But seriously, 600 is pretty high. You could even do a few 360s from those altitudes. No shit but on a skydive you dont have lights to look at! On our local tower I try to pull as i am passing the 400ft platform, usually puss out and pull a bit higher BASE 1384
  17. Tell that to BASE You have much to learn young grasshopper +1 Personally, i would rather use specialized gear and go out and repeatedly pull at 600 feet, than use specialized gear to lay down monster swoops. UNBAN LOW PULL CONTESTS! BASE 1384
  18. Back in the beginning of the sport there used to be "low pull contests", whereby two people would play "chicken" with each other to see who would chicken-out first and deploy their parachutes before impacting the ground in freefall. Imagine if someone had suggested that USPA turn these contests into an official event at the National Parachuting Championships. Balderdash! Are you crazy! That little sport activity promoted extremely dangerous stunts, but fortunately, we came to our senses, grew out of it, and are now much safer for it. And now today we have thousands of skydivers intentionally flinging themselves at the ground under canopy at low altitude and high speed, to see who can approach the fastest and pull out of their dives the lowest. It occurs to me that canopy swooping is just like low-pull contests. But while low-pull's were always an unofficial thing between individuals, swooping is actually approved and sanctioned as an official competition activity by USPA! But it's an activity that is creating untold danger and carnage in our sport. Will we wise-up and eliminate this activity as "too dangerous", just as we did low-pull contests? Poppycock, and i dont swoop. Lets just regulate the shit out of everything shall we? Skydiving/Swooping/BASE its all a question of choice, we choose these things. Live and die by the consequences of our actions. Thats the way i like it. Tightly controlled safety can suck my dick, in fact if i see one more fat old person skydiving i may just quit. I signed up for redbull and women, people with fucked up haircuts and even more fucked up atitudes. Skydivers should be cool and on the edge. You're ruining our god damn image with safety so cut it out. Go back to low pull contests which you obviously lost as you're still alive and have none of the glory of the low pullers! Right back to my beer. BSBD. That was a very good rant andy. Do you write for Dorkzonehero? BASE 1384
  19. +1. Everyone go check out the sharp end. It will change your life! BASE 1384
  20. HAHAHA that was great "How much do you weigh?!?" "Can you swim?" Looks like a fun dropzone! BASE 1384