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Everything posted by stayhigh

  1. Maybe the reserve pin got pushed upwards while you leaning on your rig on the way up to altitude and the other guy never really checked your reserve pin at 10000ft prior to jumping. Or it got pushed upwards after the pin check at 10000ft. I know many who never checks someone else's reserve pin, unless directed to do so. I know some who pretends that they've check the pin, and gives them a pat on the back and never really check any pins at all. I know many people that would straight up refuse pin check by others prior to jumping. I know some who doesn't even bother opening up the reserve flap at the start of the day. I was guilty of not checking my gear throughly, until someone said, "What if someone cut your reserve cable last night? You don't even have a AAD." Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  2. You can pack them and throw em however you like, but you'll still get them. Even in BASE environment, where people are super meticulous about their PC folding method, they still get them.! Feels so shitty, when you can feel the D-bag slowly snaking off from your back. Good thing is that unlike BASE we have altitude to work with. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  3. Groupon makes Tis happy. Not so much for the DZO's... 100+ tandem days with chance of all of them getting handycam?? Bring it. Skyride was bad business. The customer shows up to the door and the pricing at the dropzone shows something significantly less than the Skyride. I've seen many tandem customers arguing with Skyride about the pricing and them having to deal with cancellation prior to jumping. No customer is gonna be happy knowing that they just paid 10-15 dollar more for the Skyride's service, and being the TI that has to take that customer on a jump is even worse. Fuck Skyride. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  4. I feel like we are doing him a favor? I mean ask yourself. Do you wanna spend rest of life in prison or have that last meal and go lights out? Life sentence in solitary confinement. or is that cruel and unusual punishment? Cruel and unusual punishment for cruel and unusual act of violence. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  5. So-cal had about 9 rain days this year. and the year before that about 20 days. and the year before that about 15 days. stfu and go back to where ever you came from. People are ripping off lawns and replacing them with rocks and cactus because they are forced to. Soon we might have to start rationing water. Shit is not a joke. Who has gone snowboarding in California in last 3 years? You go up Big Bear and all you see is ice patch, and man made ice. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  6. If you have a hard opening, you'll probably think about neck or back more than anything. If you neck or back isn't jack up, it wasn't a hard opening. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  7. wasn't it always 50 jumps to jump at Bridge day? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  8. I hate licorice but I like Jager. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  9. In between Sabre and Katana... You mean the Crossfire? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  10. Not even half way stable in sit. You gotta be able to fall somewhat straight down. How many times have you heard, Ya, I can sit fly, and the guy backslides the entire jump. I'm not paying 25 bucks to chase someone, that's LO's job. If you are at a big dz, use LO to your advantage, they either get free jumps or they get paid to jump with new people. If they aren't jumping with you and they just jump with their buddies all day long, fucking tell the management, tell the DZO. I have at least 1000 jumps chasing people. I'm over it so I stopped LOing. I rather pay money and jump with people who are better then me and at this point, I much rather do solo and not have to worry about some dude corking out. All you are bunch of fucking millennials, who thinks everything should be equal and fair. Spend money and time. This is a sport that requires money and time, not much in athleticism. That's why some people love it, those who aren't very athletic to do any other shit, but they have ton of money to spend at tunnel so now they are badass flyer. That's why so many quit jumping after 200 jumps, that's the point they realize either, they are stuck bellying flying or go wingsuit route, and it is the point they realize that the money is 80% in this sport. Skydiving is really, really easy. You just gotta have ton of money. Skydiving culture did change tho. Tunnel made that happen. Before the tunnel and proper knowledge of body flight, freefly jumps were just a zoo dive. Off level, cork fest, and we were stoked when we built a line. Turing point like belly flyers were the realms of those who have over 2000 freefly jumps. It used to be 1000 jumps sit flying and then you move on to head down, and now what? People with 200 jumps attempting headdown and atmo and other creative shit. Do you know how people used to train for freefly? Solo jumps, and two ways. My funnest time at the dz were learning how to sit fly doing two way all long. That took us close to 1000 jumps. Can you even imagine jumping 1000 times with same person over and over again? That's how it used to be. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  11. Pretty soon all canopies are going to have round nose, except student canopy. Next step is different cascade configuration, and getting rid of D lines. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  12. is it gonna make me a sandwich afterwards? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  13. Round Nosed Katana!!!! Hopefully they release it before Crossfire 3, first so that Icarus fanboys can stop saying what and who came out first. It be so sick if they add tail re-enforcement. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  14. Once I know that it is a scammer, I always tell them that it is free as long as they come and get it, and they never do.. Who doesn't want free container? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  15. Los Angeles to Lake Elsinore/Perris is 70 miles. Tons of people do that all the time. 100 miles isn't that far. I've seen people from Vegas coming to Perris to jump every weekend. Thats almost 300 miles. and people from So-cal used to drive up to Lodi to take advantage of 10 dollar sunday. How far is that drive? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  16. For first 25 jumps or so, just don't pick it up, land and drag it all the way back to packing area. Spray it with little bit of bleach. Not too much or it will eat through the fabric. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  17. Truly sad day. One of the nicest person ever to walk at Skydive Elsinore. One of the nicest person that I've talked to. He would come to the dz when it was raining and made others to go do hop n pop at 1500 ft. I think everyone was so stoked when Jim got that role for V8 commercial. Typically when someone lands a commercial role, the behind talk was always filled with jealousy but not Jim's case. Everyone thought that it was very fitting, and we were stoked that he got some of his money back that he invested into skydiving. Sounds super cliche, and I know that many people don't want to hear this but, he really did died doing what he loved doing............ Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  18. Truly sad day for Skydive Elsinore crew. Jim Hickey was the most committed skydiver/base jumper that I've ever seen. I remember him trying to recruit jumpers to send a load on a low ceiling cloud day, just to get out at 1500 ft. Hickey made so many hop and pops go on a shitty day, he was the best non-official load organizer ever. Soooooo fucking cliche to say this but, he really died what he loved doing the most. He was at Elsinore almost every weekend, rain or shine, back to back jumps. BSBD Jim. BSBD Eike. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  19. That's funny, I don't remember doing that to you. Next time, we'll still jump separately. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  20. Troll and more trolling, to the point where I can't even distinguish myself from being serious or not. and the guy ^ will comment and I have no idea since I rarely revisit thread. Yup, my favorite thing to do on is to be an asshole. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  21. My bag of gold is so heavy!!!! Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  22. No fingerprinting? For sure? this says the fingerprinting still in place. why people BASE? to get away from bullshit like this, if we have to sign and submit info and obey the rules, might as well go to the dropzone. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  23. Just sue the fuck out of them. This post doesn't belong here, no one died, no one went to hospital, let's move it to general skydiving questions. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  24. it is easier when the group stops to make transitions and switch the leader. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  25. I remember this... Best outcome is that he walks away like that dude from England who landed in a box, the other outcome is the above. Bernie Sanders for President 2016