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Everything posted by stayhigh

  1. Sangi, whatever happened to that guy? I liked how he trolled. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  2. i just stir the pot just enough so someone else can snitch. I voiced my opinion once, about your SnTA chairmen, Rich Windstock. Since he gets to keep all the rating, while at the same time he gets to pull the rating from others. USPA did absolutely nothing. Isn't he still the chair of SnTA? I lost all faith in USPA. So I say fuck USPA. What do USPA do anyways? Where did my $$s go? Is this same guy? yup, Looks about the same guy he could resign for this, how come he can't step down from USPA? I mean the guy owns the DZ, it is not like USPA job is his only bread maker. Longer he stays on USPA board, longer he is going to embarrass himself. Just like longer I stay on, I'm gonna make fool out of myself. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  3. South Korea technically still at a war with North Korea, therefore general aviation is extremely limited to none existing level. Last time I heard that they were jumping out of helicopter taking you to 8000ft at the price of $100+ dollar per jump. There are no permanent dz structure any where. They all set up a tent for a day and put tarps on the ground as a packing area. I doubt that they have rental rigs. There are good rock climbing spots near Seoul. There are lots of buildings to jump with super easy access. Landing is difficult due to parking lot always being full of cars and hilly surface. They only schedule for jumps during late spring through early fall, per approval by military. They might get lucky if they send more than 5 loads out of cessena or out of those military choppers. About 10 years ago out of desperation they were jumping out of ultralights going up to 1500-2000 ft. The Koreans all go somewhere else, Austrailia, California to jump. They have to save money for a year or two and bust it out on a one trip. That's why they are kind of sketchy skydivers. Not current enough, and not enough exposure. There are about three Korean freeflyers that can fly headdown, and just about three Korean swoopers that can land on rear riser/doing bigger turn than 270. Not counting American-Koreans. That shows you the infancy of Korean skydiving. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  4. I feel like if you can't compete with these "illegal workers", there is something seriously wrong with you. A job at a DZ is incredibly easy to get, you just gotta show up and show up and then show up some more. There are 100s of work skydivers going in and out of industry like a revolving door. If you aren't getting a job, you might be just too picky. classified shows bunch of immediate hiring ads. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  5. How do you expect USPA to do anything about the illegals? They can't even enforce the new tandem BSR. . People are still hooking on daily basis under tandem canopy. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  6. they should change it so that you need D license in order to jump at night. Night jumps is of the most dangerous jumps that one can do and it is crazy to see 50 jump wonders jump in groups at night. Yee-ha. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  7. Stayhigh is a frequent user of sarcasm. Being a sarcastic cynical person myself I recognize it quicker. i was being quite serious. educate me on this topic. i wanna know how many died or injured by having a Cypress on their back. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  8. Bird-Man. which wingsuit actually impacted the ground most? Is it Pheonix Fly? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  9. I like BMWs, Czech supermodels and cold Stella. +1 Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  10. What is this recall you speak of? Are you just pulling sht out of your ass or is there legitimate bases on it? Cypress has proven to work within the parameter, and has been prove to save lives for almost 20+ years without a hitch. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  11. You shouldn't do them unless you are over 60 and fly 170+ sq parachute. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  12. she should start collecting cats like normal crazy old lady. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  13. May it rest in peace along with the AOL accounts. You've got mail. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  14. well,, what is your boyfriend's answer when you ask similar question? and how are we supposed to answer that question? with honesty or or little bit of lie? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  15. You can now drive away with a brand new Mercedes Benz,no money down at signing, only 399 a month, we will even add complementary service for first 4 years or 400000 miles which ever comes first Because, You deserve the best, come to your local Mercedes dealers today. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  16. When Shingdig went in, the loads went on and on, as his body laid out there for 4-5 hours in over 100+ heat. Tandems made their jump, fun jumpers continued to jump, all the way to sunset. Only one skydiver was out there picking up his scattered stuff, and he choose to do that. No one has to pick up the dead body besides the county coroners, and it is their job, and they are good at it. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  17. atleast they don't try to kill themselves on their back right? did they totally skip backflying and progressed right into sit? i don't think so. like i said, show me somewhat of decent back flying skill, decent enough so that I don't have to spot your ass, and you'll sit fly. just about everyone has solid head down skill and weak sit fly skills. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  18. that's because you choose to go out there. you made that decision on your own. no one made you go out there and pick up pieces of wrist watch. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  19. How can one receive a D license without knowing how to fly one's body at all axis? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  20. DING DING DING. we have a winner!!!! You win the answer of the month. as far as opening goes my KA opens far better than anything that I've jumped. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  21. Times surely have changed. This guy^ says, "I ONLY have 10-15 hours of tunnel" 10 years ago, we would've said, "What? You have 10-15 hours of tunnel, that's insane!!!" Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  22. got me there. I should've pushed, "I can't afford it" theory. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  23. Then go rent me one dude. I'll use it. less than one jump ticket a month right? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  24. I know right? If AAD is so cheap, fcking buy me one, buy others who doesn't have one. I'll definitely use one if someone gives me one. Bernie Sanders for President 2016