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Everything posted by stayhigh

  1. We are just talking about the LO with less than 100 jumps here right? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  2. Getting LOed by someone with less than 100 jumps is ridiculous. Also the person with 1000s of jumps getting LOed by someone with less than 100 jumps has to have some issues. I'm thinking minimum of 500 jumps for the LOs. You gotta pay some dues, and spend some time at DZ before you get a freebie slot. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  3. You have time to smoke a joint before you talk to god? you smoke prior to jumping, how are you gonna light one up in freefall? Shit is hard to light up under the canopy. You grab grass when you impact so you don't die. The first impact doesn't kill you it just breaks the bones, it is the bounce that kills you because all those broken bones will impale your vital organs. That is why you grab grass right when you impact. If you do it right you don't bounce back up. Increasing your chance of survival by like 1000%. True story. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  4. Where is this horrible place? Are you in middle of Antarctica working with bunch of penguins? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  5. Aren't you guys glad that they are not doing a drug test? How come USPA enforces BSR on some violations and not apply to every other violations? I'm talking about higher rank member of USPA like Rich Winstock will get special treatment and not be punished at all and lower rank member will be punished. USPA enforces stupid rule like no prior DUIs, however there are tons of people who does line of coke as if it were cup of coffee through out the day, or USPA enforces rules of BSR on tandems canopy flights however they see fit. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  6. Botched exits, kinda LO's fault. Taking too long at the door, definitely LO's fault People landing in high speed area, Not LO's fault People flying every direction, Not LO's fault. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  7. Lake Erie? Oh,, I've heard about this Mid-westerner going to river and lake and get drunk off the boat. Do you enjoy hanging out at Walmart as well? I think you guys call it Wally World. How much is weed in your neighborhood? I see your shitty lake and I'll up one by showing you a sea of top shelf marijuana. Ya, we have more dispensary than the Starbucks. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  8. sorry,, I'll take bankrupt California with an ocean any day over some landlocked cornfields. Geographically the Evil Cornfields are a bit further west... Ohio is more.... Rust Belt along with the Bengals and Browns... eeeewwwwww... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  9. I'm quiting as soon as I hit 1.0 post loading. 4000 more post to go..... averaging out at .7 per day..... shit, I've got long ways to go.. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  10. sorry,, I'll take bankrupt California with an ocean any day over some landlocked cornfields. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  11. no one knows the procedure to grab the grass anymore??? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  12. Which state do you live? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  13. oh, I thought your post # exceeded your jump #. Looks like you are well beyond that point....... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  14. It is a number game. It is still a skydive. If you have way less jump # than I do, I do not care if you can out fly my ass, I'm not gonna take you seriously. An eight year old can out fly me, BFD, survive another 1000 jumps and I'll start to pay attention to you. You only gain skydiving knowledge through skydiving. Not in a tunnel somewhere. Tunnel advanced this sport and at the same time same tunnel spat on faces of those who were able to fly without the aid of tunnel. Now everyone with money can become good, it doesn't take any special skills. It used to take a special person to figure all this shit out in 1000 jumps. Now you spend $5000-10000 in a tunnel, and viola, insta-skygod status. and yet, I have a picture of a skyventure fan as my avatar... oh FML...... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  15. I'm not being an asshole, I'm just trying to sell him my Katana. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  16. No, i want this thread to just go on forever. Doesn't really have to do with Longmont, just some random shit all the time. I think this thread does have the most amount of post and views. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  17. right? Meanwhile this guy is having a blast, there is a dude holding his breaks for god knows how long at 1500 ft, just waiting, getting pissed off by a second for wasting 20 bucks on a hop and pop. fuck it, I'll swoop around the guy. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  18. expensive links doesn't taste the same. it has to be cheap BallPark or Oscar Mayer. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  19. California is paying for all of those. We are paying for his fuck ups. We are paying because the guy didn't have insurance. So whenever people say, "oh we are paying for other people's hospital bills, yadaydaya." We fucking pay for them anyways. Free college for everyone? We are already doing that. Fasfa, Pell Grant, all of that. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  20. Can we turn this thread into about nothing that goes on forever? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  21. I've seen countless skydivers crashing in and have major surgery and not pay a dime in California. Sell your rig, sell your car and house so that the tax payers don't have to take care of your ass in ICU. How are these mofos still have money to jump out of airplanes and go BASE jump and shit? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  22. I have a Katana 120 for sale. It is on classifieds, check it out, it might be a perfect wing for ya. You don't wanna push it too hard and go x-brace right away, do 5-10 jumps on my wing over the weekend and just sell it after once you move on to velo next month. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  23. Trump hates on McCain since McCain stayed at the Hiltons of Hanoi instead of one of his hotel. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  24. Wonder how many mofos who broke their femur in Cali DZs have paid their hospital usage fees? We were paying for their surgeries before and we will continue on paying them. Go femur yourself, we've got you covered. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  25. wait until you take a complete retard who wants 1000 different angles of gopro footage on exit. Bernie Sanders for President 2016