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Everything posted by stayhigh

  1. stayhigh

    pd pulse

    It packs easy. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  2. stayhigh

    pd pulse

    I've jumped Pulse 120 loaded at 1.7. No wind condition, all day long, back to back, 9 to 10 jumps. Never had to run out any of them. I will admit that it doesn't have much flair, but good enough flair for a standup landing. You can't compare Pulse to a Stiletto or X-fire. It is like me saying, X-fire and Stiletto sucks because it doesn't have flair power like my velo. Pulse is fine for a person who doesn't swoop and enjoys freefall much more than canopy ride. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  3. The only time when I had similar drogue mal was was when I used Bill Dause method, instead of following what it says on the manual. Kinda scary to feel the d-bag slowly snaking off from your back. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  4. I've stopped jumping when the DZ gave me shit about doing 120 degree turn in 90 degree area. Sometimes you have to turn little more to get it to come out perfect. Nobody wants to come out high out of the turn and land all mushy. After spending 25 bucks I want atleast one thing done right on the skydive, and that is either freefall or landing. If neither has been achieved, I'm fucking pissed. After so many pissed off fun jumps, I asked myself, "why am I risking my life and my time only to get pissed and eggy?" Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  5. Hash Oil infused beer? or is there a law about mixing weed and alchohol Colorado? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  6. i like the last one. what did you guys end up picking for the beer name? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  7. It is silly to pull the reserve handle when you can obviously feel that the pin has popped. What's cypress? Oh that thing that is on the tandem rigs. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  8. Five cutaways total. I've tried to beat RSL the first two times, that didn't work. So for the next three cutaways my reserve pillow stayed exactly where it is. "Peel, pull, and wait." Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  9. Only a matter of second now, from PD introducing Katana 2 and Stilletto 2. Katana with a rounded nose would be sooooooooooooooo sick. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  10. just skip it and learn back flying and go vertical. Once you go vertical you are not gonna fly on your belly anyways. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  11. My hand is up, please don't shoot, I'm not resisting either. I'm just pointing out the lack of training. Why are people all upset about it anyways? The guy was homeless, and mentally unstable. This case is not like Michael Brown who had family or something. Maybe the guy wanted to get shot. There have been lots of cases of suicide by cop. I think this was one of those. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  12. This guy is already walking as a freeman now, he only served two years in jail. The system needs to train the police to the higher level. So that, cops aren't being idiots and have the criminal get to their weapon, and the cops doesn't mistake real firearm as a tazer. or just taze and mace the fuck out of everyone first, before anything, and then detain and question. yeah, whatever, he was grabbing his gun. Who is the idiot now? 6 cops surrounding the homeless dude, and letting the homeless guy get to his weapon. Really well trained officers right there. Just taze them first without questioning, that will end much better. My honest opinion, this ending was better for the society. It was just some homeless dude, who was probably mentally unstable. The officer who shot him did a favor for the society. They smell bad and they want money. I told one of the homeless that was asking me for money when I was in San Fransico, that the Golden Gate bridge is right there as I was pointing out. He didn't get what I meant. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  13. "He was trying to grab my gun." is the new "He was resisting arrest." they've got sick of live ones coming back to sue the department with the NAACP, so they've changed their policy to silencing them first so they can't be sued afterwards. This one is gonna disappear off the top of the news list real quick, since the victim/aggressor is a transit, and America has no heart for those people who became burden of the society. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  14. the 3rd one gets you into the crazy club. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  15. can you go side to side, as in side slide? pure leg turn is side slide minus the arm. center point turn requires both arm and leg. I try not to expose inner thigh to the wind, since that causes lots of lift, however I think about kicking the wind with my inner foot and outer ankle while dropping my knee. get a custom suit before going into the tunnel again. Tonfly, Vertical makes good one. Might sound expensive but it is custom made for you and costs alot less than an Armani blazer. When when I fly belly in the tunnel, I keep the wind speed down. My torso is perfectly flat, I just hate arching, hurts my back and just not fun, and when I go skydiving I just add weight accordingly. If you turn down the fan a little so that you don't have to max out on your arch, you will probably have more range and can experiment little more. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  16. if you are really into tunnel flying, buy a suit. If i don't have my own suit, i refuse to pay money to fly. Even if tunnel flying is free, if I have terrible fitting suit, I'll just sit out. Personalized suit makes night and day difference. Spending 100 of dollars to fly shitty in shitty fitting suit is waste of money imo. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  17. solution to non-existing problem? It be nice to put led lights around the analog so that it flashes on pull time just for the AFF student altimeter. Most of the advanced skydiver rely on audible for freefall, and only uses altimeter for canopy flights. Those who only uses altimeter for canopy flights, they want precise numbers so they can swoop, meaning they want digital. I think the visual altimeter is one of the least important equipment in whole skydiving set up. I much rather jump only with audible with swoop beeps than the visual altimeter. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  18. Botched landing. You might become one of those who just goes mellow under their canopy. I've seen hardcore pond swooper turning into just a dude with a Sabre 2 190. I've also seen people who just does not give a fuck and still swoop like the old days with pins and plates in them. It is really up to you. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  19. That's not that much metal. Just don't re-break them again without taking the metals out. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  20. But how many will they also kill? Saving 15 (mass shooting incident) every 5-10 years is nice, but if the overall increase in fatal shootings on campus jumps up by just 5 a year, well, it's kind of a wash or even a negative, isn't it? Wendy P. Are we talking about arming the teachers and professors? That will give them some authority for sure. None of the kids are going to talk back. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  21. Ah ha, I see, I been approaching things wrong way this whole time. I typically go, "Hey, what the fuck dude, do you have an insurance?" Next time I'll ask their well being first then I'll go bat shit crazy on them. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  22. On the jump run. "Shit, I just dropped my protractor. Who has extra one? Anyone? Does that mean we have to do math and divide uppers winds by the least common denominator?" Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  23. I can totally see how this plays out. . . Mom's daughter honks at the dude. The dude gets pissed and follows her home. Mom's son comes back out with a gun. Now the dude is pissed even more and grabs his gun thinking that if he does drive by he won't get caught....Now I'm surprised that he even got caught. Some people go bat shit crazy in traffic. I've followed someone all the way to their cul de sac for cutting me off. The guy parked at his garage and spots me all the way at the end of cul de sac. He walks out of his garage very aggressive stance and spots my car, I flash high beam at the dude and the guy ran back inside. As he ran back inside, I reversed my ass out of there, realizing that I might get shot or he has his homeys back inside. Now I have no idea why I followed this guy home at this time, maybe just to piss him off even more and get him to think twice about pissing someone off. Since now I know where this guy lives, he won't be sleeping comfortably atleast that night. But as I was driving home watching my back mirror, I was thinking, if this guys house gets fire or robbed with in weeks I'm the prime suspect. People do make some stupid mistakes. This younger kid, probably between the age of 17-20, made some dumb ass choices, and I can totally understand him. Who never felt invincible when you were in teens? When kids are 14-17, they start fight with people for looking at them funny. The mom who got shot made some dumb ass choice as well. You don't go back out looking for them with a firearm. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  24. if murder was legal, a LOT more people will kill other people. Multiple times a day. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  25. It doesn't work because no one brings a protractor. If you bring a protractor and start measuring the angles, by the time you figure it out you'll have plenty of separation. Bernie Sanders for President 2016