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About tb182

  • Birthday 03/30/1944


  • Container Other
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  1. Sounds like a side spin. I was hit hard and went into a violent spin after thirty years of jumping. I could not get out of it and had to pull my reserve, I described it to my friend Bill Morrisey and he said it was a side spin. On my side, feet going forward. Bill did intentional side spin jumps investigating tandem side spin fatality’s Contact Strong Entprise they will send you a video of Bill Morrisey’s test jumps.
  2. Thank you, TK, for posting the truth but the last thing this torch-carrying mob on a monster hunt cares about is the truth. I swear if they had this group of pussy boys back in the early days, skydiving would never have gotten off of the ground.
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a 3-level spinal fusion (C4 to 7) caused by a hard opening after many years of jumping and neck pain. My right arm was paralyzed. Returned to jumping 20 months after surgery and made 15 jumps and started to have pain in my neck again. The problem is the openings. I didn't seem to have much of a problem with mobility in my neck. Also have a friend who had a 3-level fusion who also went back to jumping and has since had another surgery. You have to weigh the risk versus the reward. Jumping is fun but so is walking and talking. I don't always practice what I preach.
  4. I had a 3-level spinal fusion (C4 to 7). My right arm was paralyzed. Returned to jumping 20 months after surgery and made 8 jumps and started to have pain in my neck again. The problem is the openings. I didn't seem to have much of a problem with mobility in my neck. Also have a friend who had a 3-level fusion who also went back to jumping and is now facing another surgery. You have to weigh the risk versus the reward. Jumping is fun but so is walking and talking.
  5. Anyone out there jumping with cervical spine fusions and not having any problems (not talking about you TK, we know you have no feelings).
  6. The operation at Spadaro's Airport involved a private club operating a Cessna 182 and a student operation run by one of the club members, also operating a Cessna 182. I flew skydivers there for 30 years and there were some conflicts. That is different then 2 big skydiving companies flying up to 5 turbine aircraft each at busy times.
  7. I agree with you Squeak. There are a lot of gossips on this thread while there is a lawsuit in process and we do not know all of the facts. If people acted this way back in the late 50's and 60's, skydiving would have died in it's infancy. All I can tell you is that people travel from all over the world to jump at Z-hills - they love the dropzone and trust TK. If these people think that he can fly a Twin Otter and not a 182 then I have a nice bridge to sell them in Brooklyn.
  8. tb182

    pd pulse

    I also put 10 jumps on a Pulse 170. Love the canopy. Opened fast but not hard. Flew great and was the easiest canopy to land and packing was a dream. I weigh 180 lbs. without gear.
  9. tb182

    pd pulse

    how did the jumps go?
  10. tb182

    pd pulse

    anybody jumped pd pulse?
  11. Psycho packed a 188, opened great
  12. tb182


    I agree with Sundevil777. I am more worried about a severe hard opening due to locking rubber bands breaking. I have also seen over many years, bag locks and sleeve locks with people using rubber bands.
  13. tb182


    Been wanting to try Silibands. Does anyone know where I can find them?