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Everything posted by falxori

  1. as i've said before, i deeply regret her death. the thing we disagree on is whether the house of a terrorist who has killed dozens of people should be destroyed. i say yes. if the person knows that the outcome of his actions is not only 72 virgins in islam paradise (or at least thats what they are promised... go figure) but also his family losing their home, i'm sure he'll think twice. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  2. the problem is when the "basic set of circumstances" has nothing to do with reality. i'm willing to argue about the effectiveness of destroying a terrorist house on future terrorists. some might join the terror way because they saw a bulldozer smashes a house. but just so you'll know, there are many cases (and that is a solid fact) of terrorists stopped by their families before executing a terror attack, because they know that instead of getting $5000 from sadaam husein (which they do, or at least did) their house is in danger. i'm sorry, but there are very few gentle ways of dealing with terror. and note that i'm talking about terrorists, not innocent people that sometimes get hurt because terrorists unlike army do not wear uniforms and hide in what looks like civilian buildings. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  3. forget the fact that you're simply wrong. don't you think you are being a little bit simplistic about it all? it is the same as saying that every palestinian mother gives birth to 10 children raising them to become human bombs. there are some, who indeed see it as great honor, but definitely not all. the fact is that the targeted structures are either houses of mass murderers or factories that are used for making rockets (which are used against us all the time). turning it into "demolishing neighbourhood after neighbourhood" is a bit to much, not to mention completely wrong. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  4. here are a couple of pics, just to give a sense of how big this machine is (compare it to the tank behind it) and that its very likely that the operator couldn't see what people blame him for seeing and ignoring. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  5. as long as it wont effect the dutch "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  6. i may be walking into fire here, but... first of all, i am very sorry because of this incident. and believe it or not, i'm very sorry when innocent palestinians get hurt, and they do, both physically and mentally. most houses demolished are either houses of terrorist who have killed dozens of israelis, or houses used as shelters for snipers. no one demolishes a house just because we feel like it. there is no excuse for this tragic accident but if you chose to sit in front of a huge and loud machine like that you have to consider the outcome. and to all of you who jump into comparing one conflict with another, i really suggest you learn the fact and background before you compare anyone to the Nazis. if you are interested in hearing and learning i'd be more than happy to give you some facts. if you decide that the IDF is like the SS just because something looked similar, you are either stupid or ignorant. yes, this is a tough conflict, tougher than most because we are talking about the same (small ) piece of land with two very different cultures. and to those who said "the only place palestiniams can live is in israel" . you are wrong. the only place Palestinians can live is in Palestine which will exist next to israel. not "instead of", "next to" O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  7. falxori

    So sad....

    Hey. I'm down here too !!! anyway, i just hope it will be over in no time with minimum casualties.. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  8. thank you all for your posts. its been 4 days and nothing has sinked in yet. its the small things that bother me most... the silence, when you open front door and no one is there happy to see you. throwing a piece of salami only to realize there is no one to catch it in mid air. i really can't imagine happiness without him the only downside of having such a creature in your life is that some day you'll have to be parted... O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  9. i'm not sure why am i posting it, i guess its a way of letting it out... yesterday, March 12th, me beloved dog, Charley has died. And with him a huge part of me. to me, he was not a dog, he was family and a best friend. only those of you who've had such a creature in their lives can really understand the loss. he was a black flat coated retriever. i've had him for more than 8 years since the day he was born until the day he died, he was as energetic as a puppy, always wanting to fool around. always waiting with a present in his mouth when i came hime, always there... the more detailed story: we first noticed it on Saturday when he looked a little weak. on sunday he looked a lot worse so monday morning we took him to the vet. the first results indicated low blood count, and the final results arrived later in the night showed a serious anemia, we took (carried) him back to the vet where he got a shot of steroides to speed up blood cell creation. tuesday morning when there was no sign of improvement , we rushed him to the pet hospital, where they've diagnosed it as AIHA - Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia, which means his Immune system has starded killing his own red blood cells. the immidiate treatment was blood transfusions which bought us time and made him feel a lot better. but it was only a temporary relief since his body continued destroying red blood cells. statisiclly, the prognosis is 50-50, and depends on how well the patient reacts to the steroids, while giving more blood transfusions to buy time. the result of the process is the build up of toxic waste in the body that have to be disposed of. this leads to many possible complications, one of which happened on wednesday noon. from there, the downhill trip was pretty quick, he had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen. they've detected fluids in his lungs and hoping it wasn't internal bleeding (which in fact it was) did everything possible to drain it. around 7:30 pm he's stopped breathing. after a succesful CPR he was hooked up to a resporator, still hoping for a miracle. 9:12 pm, his heart stopped and another CPR attempt failed. the only good thing is that i know that for him, it was like going to sleep while i'm holding his head... life will never be the same may he rest in peace... O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  10. hmmm, these questions can be divided into groups: 1. stupid people that make stupid decisions that put only them in danger --> talk to them, make sure they understand its stupid, and then let them be. its their lives. 2. stupid decisions that can put others in danger --> talk to them and if it doesn't help, point it out to who ever in charge 3. really stupid people whos stupid decisions are criminal behavior (DZO Pilot issues) --> after talking to them, stop jumping there and make it public. if a DZO skips safety protocols (and that includes making sure the pilot & plane are fit) the only place for him/her is in jail. O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  11. falxori

    BOC pouch

    i haven't jumped a jav yet, but i've worn one and it is also very comfortable. i've been reading every wings related tread here and i don't remember any bad reviews... mine is full stainless steal (rigger recommended it) my dz is on the coast, so it can get pretty moist here about the rings, i have nothing smart to say, so i'll shut up O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  12. hmmm, another item on my shopping list... "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  13. blood sugar level is measured in mg/dL. normal values are 80-120 and could go up to 200 after you eat. over 200 is considered high. from the values you've specified, 5-6, i'm guessing it was H1C test, which is another test that indicated the average blood sugar levels in the past 3 months. if i remember right, noral values are around 5. for diabetics , even 7 is ok. i'm no doctor, but being diabetic, i know what i'm talking about. you should monitor your condition closely, diabetes (type 1, insulin dependent) is something that can develop over months. and the sooner you start to treat it, the longer your "honeymoon" phase will be. and as far as not skydive with diabetes? its sound really stupid to me, (after all, you can drive, work etc) . so my best suggestion to you is, move O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  14. falxori

    BOC pouch

    first of all , good call on the wings... i have spandex and its great, don't know how the ordura will do. and if you can afford it, get articulated, most of your body will say thank you many times O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  15. i didn't actually see this happen, but i did see the canopy after he had landed and heard the story. should he have cut away ? sure. i guess the control check passed because it was a 290 student canopy, and he is not a heavy guy, but i'm sure he'll get back to you on that. not talking specifically about this case, i think the problem is not just "executing emergency procedures", but more "recognizing the emergency" its not always easy to associate what you see over your head (a not perfect canopy form) to a text book malfunction. too bad the only way of getting experienced with malfuntions is having one anyway, you landed, you lived, you've learned a good lesson for the future. smile and keep jumping O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  16. yeah , its about 1 am here. and knowing you guys, you all want to be fashionably late so no one will come in the first couple of hours ... oh well , i'll be visiting my brother in NC next month, so the time will be right... O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  17. well, El Al, is a pretty small airline dealing with much fewer passengers than most US airlines. and about profiling, it is used, but less than it was used in the past. as we all know, terrorists get smarter quickly, so we have to also... in every airport these days, you are being watched ALL the time and you WILL be stopped if you look too nervous. hope we'll be able to live without it soon O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  18. always carry a large stick on board O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  19. i know you weren't talking to me, but i can't miss the chance to show off you won't find a better looking rig gave it for a reserve repack yesterday, and i'm feeling lonely at least i know my rigger loves it almost as much as i do "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  20. i hope uncle sadaam wont cause our plane to get grounded by the airforce... then again, i wonder if its possible to track and catch an Iraqi missile... O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  21. i am. every diabetic is different and you should consider the way you usually respond to changes in your routine. usually i skip the noon shot and grab a snack bar before every load and put another in my pocket, just to be on the safe side. i'd rather be hyper than hypo in the air. if you run a normal life, you shouldn't have a problem skydiving. "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  22. hmmm oops well, now you can play it twice O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  23. you mean this? : http://wannaplaygames.com/skyball/ "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  24. falxori

    squeezed out!

    and not even a mighty mouse yet hope you'll miss it sooner than you think... and if not, hope you won't miss it for the right reasons. be good, but not too good O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
  25. falxori

    The link?

    i beg to differ... there is nothing "lately" about it O "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."