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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. Bathroom while a dz holiday party was going on Various planes Hot tub at a hotel while people were walking about and using the pool A bit off of a hiking trail Car (various a road, drive in theater) I like this thread. It gives me ideas for future reference. Oops...forgot the time at the was an outside patio bar, and we were on top of these stairs while quite a few people were 20 ft below. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. I don't mind my commute. It's about five miles to the train (sorry, Bill, but it's definitely not the best area to ride a bike! ) and then about 40 minutes on the train. I love it! I can sleep, read, or meet strange people on the train! With my last job, I had no real public transportation options. My stress level of having to sit in traffic was just a tad high. I'm a much happier person now that I can take public transportation. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. I don't care what anyone does with my body after I am dead. I want my organs donated, but other than that, whatever makes my family happiest. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. Has anyone spanked him yet? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  5. I agree. Anyone who falsely accuses anyone of a felony should be prosecuted. Though, I would much rather be falsely accused of something than be raped. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. Yes, and I know women who reported rape, and then later called it off saying that it didn't happen because they couldn't deal with how they were being treated. I don't believe in many gender differences, but here I do. Most women after being raped seem to turn to their girlfriends. Here is the scenario I heard too many times in college: I went to my really good guy friend's frat. He said I could stay in his room, and he'd give me the key for it and everything. He said his roommates are decent guys and will give me my privacy. Heck, their female friends were there, too! So, I got drunk, and I passed out on his couch. I woke up to his roommate on top of me. Maybe it's my perception of having worked at a crisis center and getting many calls of women who were raped but not sure what to do. Many of them wanted to prosecute, but the only way my state would pay for it is if you did a full rape kit...once again, an invasive procedure. So, some of them started the process of prosecuting, couldn't afford it, and just dropped the whole thing. Yes, some women will falsely accuse men of rape. How many of these women do you think really put a guy behind bars because of it? It's already difficult enough for guilty rapists to be prosecuted. Many many many more women either are too scared to go and report rape because of cops thinking, "Oh we go again," being judged by their friends, not having enough evidence, etc. Acquaintance rape is by far the most common form of rape, and instead of trying to address the issue of it, people still hold their stereotypes. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. You may be confusing sexual harassment with rape. The false reports of sexual harassment is a greater percentage than for rape. Most women do not go through with prosecuting the rapist because (especially with acquaintance rape) it becomes "he said/she said," and her character gets put up for judgment. Many women stop the process because of numerous reasons, and then many of those women get blamed for "crying rape." It's sad. What I find most sad, though, is that there are so many people out there who are terrified to report a rape, and it's because of beliefs shown in this thread. After being raped by someone that you knew and thought was a decent person, I think one of the last things anyone wants to hear is that they were "slutty" or "dressed like a slut." Rape is such a serious problem, but still, instead of people addressing the needs of victims who are afraid to come forward, they attack "those bitches that cry rape." There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. Uhhh....NO! While most reports of rape do not end with a conviction, it does not mean it was false. It's hard to get a conviction without a rape kit, and a rape kit is a very invasive procedure, one which many women don't want to go through after having been invaded. The percentage of false reports of rape is typically no more than false reports of any other felony....1-3%. Having the false assumption that most women lie about rape and attaching such a stigma to reporting a rape is why I've had so many friends NOT report it when they've been acquaintance raped. I, personally, don't have any friends that have falsely reported getting raped or been falsely accused of rape. I have MANY friends that have been raped and not reported it. What a silly thread. This is like saying, "If someone goes to the wrong part of town and gets killed, are they responsible for murder?" No, they may not have made the best choices, but the only one who is responsible is the one who pulled the trigger. Most of us have put ourselves in sticky situations at one time or another. It doesn't mean we should be violated because of it. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. Maybe Jennifer can top her and call in sick by doing some sort of golden shower with her brother (if she has one.) I don't find many things gross, but kissy face with a sibling is pretty damn nasty. I'm very close with my brohter....definitely not that close.... ((((shudder)))) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. You just need to pay more attention to Bill's posts if you've seen him outright completely flippen funny only three times. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. Congratulations to you both! You make such a beautiful couple. I can tell how happy you both are!
  12. Angelina made out with her brother. That's just absolutely disgusting. Jennifer has not made out with a family member that I know of. She has it hands down. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  13. Congratulations to everyone!
  14. Such a good one.... The claymation Rudolph is so good, too. Phil got me one of the best gifts ever of a Yukon Corelius ornament that talks!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. I love love love love love the holidays!!!!! Give me some soy nog, put the Rudolph movie on, and let me hear my nephews sing!!!! I love decorating the tree, and I love looking at everyone's Christmas lights. I love it all. I love the food, and I love that my family gets together during this time. I love it when it snows and we have snowball fights and make snowmen. Oct-Dec are probably my favorite months of the year.
  16. I do! I do!!! (One of the best movies ever....if anyone is ever up this way, I'll take you to Flick's Tavern. ) They have miniature leg lamps at Meijer. I wanted to go as a leg lamp for Halloween, but the lampshade around my waist posed problems. I also got this awesome nightlight that's up year round and some Christmas lights that look like leg lamps. I rock. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  17. With your avatar and screenname, I'm a bit curious about your winter jumping habits. Let's just say that the temperature doesn't stop me from doing my thing. And yes, Virginia, shrinkage is a real issue. Who the f*** is Virginia?!?!?! And, wow...I'm impressed. You're like one of those crazy people that jumps into freezing water for fun, aren't you? I love winter and all, but I have my limits. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. Sorry your dad had to go to the hospital. I'm thankful for many things. I'm thankful for the people in my life. I'm thankful that I get to enjoy life. That's the best way to sum up everything I'm thankful for. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. With your avatar and screenname, I'm a bit curious about your winter jumping habits. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. I love beer, too!!! Beer used to be my favorite, however, it has been replaced by champagne. Nothing is better than champagne. But, when there's no champagne, I'll definitely have a GOOD beer! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. PRESENTS!!!!!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. Best: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire by Nat King Cole One that takes me back: Winter Wonderland by the Ray Connif singers (actually most of their carols "take me back.") Fun: We're a Couple of Misfits from the Rudolph movie Worst: that pop song "All I Want For Christmas Is You" I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Christmas!!!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. I ended up not going to Couch Freaks (gas was over $3 a gallon at that time!!!) But, if you're out at Titusville, I'll meet ya there! I'm not sure what JACKASS food is, but if it's cheap and fast, sure, why not?!?! I'm guessing the rumors I keep hearing are true...Yay! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning