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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. I love the people of!
  2. They're good people. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. If they don't, they really really should! I think that was the most accurate part of the report. is what the data looks like...except it's thousands and thousands of rows....and it's not made up. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. I even have pics in a DIFFERENT costume!!! There are a few different Excel spreadsheets it comes from. The "history of jumps" section is on one sheet. The instructor rating stuff is on another sheet. I'll just try to come up with how the data actually looks. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  5. My thoughts are with you, Gawain! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. Please don't make fun of my computer illiteracy! I need some help coming up with a report in Access, and I will gladly put two jumps (disclaimer...not student jumps nor jumps from specialty aircraft!) and buy you some beer if I meet you in real life! Here's my example: a dropzone has about 1,000 jumpers on file and wants to put the information in Access and into an easy to read report that's also user friendly (meaning, anyone can run the report at any time by using a skydiver's name). The report should look identical to the Excel sheet that I have attached. Each report should include only one jumper. The information is coming from three different files. If you need more info or more examples, I am more than happy to provide. Thanks! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. Wasn't that one of Kerry's platforms? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. Yes, master There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. HAHAHAHA! That woman was freaking hysterical!!!! And yes, if a freaking mime makes me laugh, that's pretty impressive. There were a couple of comedians that just didn't do it for me, but I think that's also the beauty of it. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. Bump I finally watched it!!!! I like the pregnant woman! Anyways, funny stuff....I recommend it!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. You know what's even WORSE? The guy that we voted as king didn't even HAVE any kingly duties!!!! I don't vote for someone unless I really believe in them, and I voted for him thinking that he would be ruler of the Homecoming. And he wasn't even MARRIED to the Queen!!!! Instead of ruling anything at all, they just got drunk at Homecoming. Can you believe that? To this day I'm still not sure how to live my life without a king! Whose rule will I follow? I guess Keely's! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  12. That is sooooo cute! I don't think I knew until now that article was about you. And to think you are such a skygoddess now! We'll see you there. Back then (like it was SOOOO long ago or something) I couldn't have even pictured myself on a 20-way!!!! It's Bill's fault I'm still annoying everyone. I can't wait for this year!!! It sounds like everyone is going! I think I'll try to do a tent a day! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  13. but you live in Chicago! Not too much effort to make WFFC from there. I think a lot of good boogies can do this - for SoCal there's Bridge the Gap at Elsinore. When I first went, it was at Quincy, and it was a 6 hour drive. I agree that there are events to help out newbies at many dropzones. The WFFC isn't the only one by any means. I just wanted to show that as a newbie, I had a fantastic time at the Convention, and I learned tons. There really is something special about the Convention, too. It really does feel like a reunion. Yes, in skydiving, you meet people from all over, but that was one of the first times where I really met people from ALL over! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. Going to the WFFC as a brand new skydiver is a big reason why I'm in the sport today. I was having fun while skydiving, but I was getting frustrated with not being able to do anything, etc. The organizers of Tent Three (it was then tent four) are really amazing people, and they take a lot of time and energy to help out newbies. I'm grateful for them to help me SO much in my skydiving. A write up of billvon's: There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. Year : 1997-98 1. Who was your best friend? Erin 2. What sports did you play? None that year 3. What kind of car did you drive? '88 Ford Taurus! 4. It's Friday night, where were you? Erik's basement 5. Were you a party animal? Yup 6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? Hung out with them sometimes, but it was usually dull 7. Ever skip school? Once 8. Ever smoke? Not cigarettes 9. Were you a nerd? A bit 10. Did you get suspended/expelled? Nope 11. Can you sing the Alma Mater? school song? I was a pom-pon girl in middle school, and I still know the fight song. 12. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Trip...the man that taught me calculus. I had a crush on him. 13. Favorite class? Calc 14. What was your schools full name? Big Fun High School (not really, but that'd be cool) 15. School mascot? Mustang 16. Did you go to Prom? Yup 17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Heck yeah! We had a great time! 18. What do you remember most about graduation? Drinking at my place afterwards 19. Favorite memories of your Senior Year? Going to the Keys to snorkel and hike 20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? No 21. Did you have a job your senior year? Nope 22. Who did you date? No one 23. Where did you go most often for lunch? The cafeteria 24. Have you gained weight since then? I weigh a bit less 25. What did you do after graduation? Went to Purdue There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  16. I'll be either drinking in Chicago watching the parade, or I'll be at Indiana Skydiving Academy. My friend is in town for only a short time before taking off to hike the Appalachian Trail, and I went to Safety Day last weekend, and St. Patty's in Chicago is, well, the best place to be!
  17. Hahahaha! What a great site! I think I'll teach them "I've Got You Babe" next!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. I did try to teach them "Thriller," but they didn't like it. (Though, one of them likes "Lonely People" by the Beatles....very odd to hear a 4-year old sing it.) In all fairness, I'm pretty sure my brother has our old Thriller record somewhere. I also think they're a bit too young for "My Humps." There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. Oh no! He can throw the drums out!!! I don't think he'd throw his children out! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. My brother and I are close. We hang out a few times a week, and we tell each other many things. However, growing up, he was VERY mean to me sometimes. I just wanted to play with him and his friends, but he always wanted to ditch me. He would do other mean things like pick up the phone and read my diary while I was on the phone with a boy. I was so nice to him, but he could be so cruel. I've always wanted to get revenge on him. For years and years I thought about how to get back at him for the many evil things he has done. My opportunity came this past weekend. I taught his children (and sent them home with a cd) "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Oh, it's just SO CUTE to hear them sing it over and over and over and over again! Tee hee! I tried to think of some more songs, but I'm not sure how I can top that! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. I don't see how movies about "shit blowing up" is all that noteworthy, but it's not a big deal to me if it wins/doesn't win awards. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. And, as it has been shown numerous times, while it looks like "no encouragement," there actually is encouragement for the girls to play with girl toys and the boys to play with boy toys. Even at a very young age when no real gender differences exist, other people treat boys and girls very differently. If a baby is clothed and you cannot tell their gender, people will treat them differently if they find out it's a girl than if they find out it's a boy. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. That's why I said I see standardized tests becoming more and more important. You cannot move past certain levels unless you pass certain standardized tests. Similar tests done when I was a kid were just used to show where you rank. They weren't used to hold you back a grade. So, in some ways, it's even more strict nowadays. That along with schools having less and less vacation, allowing fewer sick days, more summer work required at younger ages, I don't see how kids are just passing on through. I can understand in some classes not failing any kids who do the work required. The schools that I've heard about that weren't giving grades in certain classes it was due to the classes being very accelerated, or they were more "subjective" classes. I've not heard of NOT failing kids who do nothing in class. I can understand not failing a kid who completes all of his artwork to the best of his ability even if they are...well...horrible. Some of the "not failing" part is trying to encourage kids to still enjoy things like writing/music/art even if that's not where their natural talents lie. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  24. Yes, that is a part of good sportsmanship, but what about the kids who participate in non-competitive activities? Do you really think they're missing out on something? The only real physical activity I participated in as a young kid was dance. I started competing in it, but that wasn't until I was older. "Learning how to lose" isn't much different than learning how to deal with it when you don't get your way, and that is crucial for kids to learn. They don't have to lose to learn how to deal with it when they don't get their way. Also, from what I've read, standardized tests are becoming even more important even though they are biased. Some of what you see as "letting kids get through life" is just an attempt at removing such a bias. I can understand what you are saying; I just don't agree with it. We've all seen the "uglier" side of sports. People who thought it was so important to win a medal would do anything for it. Even in dance when girls would try out for big roles, they would stave themselves so that they would have the right "look." Emphasizing winning has done some damage, and you think that deemphasizing it will do some. I don't think it matters much either way. My nephew got a little trophy from soccer, and he's very proud of it. He's in karate, and he'll eventually have to earn belts. Plus, some kids just aren't competetive. I don't really see anything wrong with that. It's just a trait. Personally, I think America is a bit too sports-crazed and am pleased to see that parents would choose to send their kids to a physical activity (which is very important for children) where winning is definitely not everything. If kids love soccer and want to have fun with their friends but don't want to deal with the crazy coach, so be it. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  25. There have ALWAYS been and always will be parents who do not discipline their children. The percentage has not changed much in America, and that percentage is different across cultures. America seems to want to keep our children, well...children for longer. Other countries (I think Germany...I could be wrong...I haven't read this stuff in awhile) want their children to be "adults" pretty fast. There's nothing wrong with either method. They're just different. Hey to pick on you, Renee, but yes! Things are different in society...some good and some bad, but the good ol' days never really were. For example, my nephews have access to many more activities than I had....and the activities they do are co-ed (when I was a kid...even at the age of four, it was girls soccer and boys soccer, etc.) There was no "real" competition for my nephew. Everyone received a trophy, but what he did learn was good sportsmanship and how to be a team player, which, in my opinion, is more important the emphasizing winning...especially for kids that young. I don't think that parents nowadays are ruining society. They may be doing things a bit differently, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I think that every generation of parents hears how they're ruining our children. I don't think it's happened yet. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning