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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. My thoughts? I think it's pretty rude. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. You can't be serious! maybe this is more of a geographical thing. First of all, I generally don't liked to be randomly approached by guys. It's usually really awkward. However my girlfiends and I are not ones to wait if we want to talk to a guy. My goodness! I really hope you don't think most women act how you described! I'm not into the game-playing thing, and no one I'm friends with really is either. I definitely understand what you're saying about kids. My older nephew isn't a typical little boy. Some things he likes are typical boy (trains, playing ball), but some things he likes are typical girl (stuffed animals, playing kitchen, singing, dancing.) The way he acts is not typical boy either. The younger one is, though. He likes sports, girls, and running around screaming. He also really wants to go skydiving and asks to watch my skydiving movies! I can see that. Way back in the day when physical strength was more important, well, that's obviously going to change things when only one gender can do a task. I'm still not sure about psychological differences, though. I've never ever liked that kind of stuff. Those were the kinds of things I did for my grandma, so someone doing those things for me....what were they trying to say exactly? I'm actually offended by this. I could say that "Perfect for guys is what's on the cover of this month's Maxim," but thank heavens that the guys I'm friends with aren't completely shallow. And the women I'm friends with don't even watch Oprah or read trashy magazines for relationship advice. I guess a lot of it is the people you know or see. I don't see a lot of what you see. I see some of it. I do see women playing games, and I see men playing games (ie, look how much money I have!). Game playing is not a gender difference, that's for sure. I tend to stay away from people like that. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. NO! She should bring him to my place instead!!! HOW CUTE!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. Good luck! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  5. Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She makes me laugh. The lady who plays Karen on "Will and Grace," ie, the only reason to watch the show There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. And many of the characteristics that are assigned to female roles are actually just the characteristics of adults. I don't think it's better to be typical male than it is to be typical female. Luckily, most of us reside in the gray area between complete masculinity and femininity. Another random note on gender differences....some of it may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I find it funny when a guy will complain that all women care about is how much money a guy has, and then he tries to hit on women by showing off how much money he has. When that's the part of you that you're trying to sell, well, you're going to attract people who want to buy. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. My true friends are the people who don't want me for anything other than my company and vice versa. They're the people that respect others in my life and the choices that I make, even if they disagree. They're the ones I have the deepest conversations with, and they're the ones that understand me the best. They know my best and worst sides, and they still love me anyways. I've learned so much from some of the conversations I've had with my friends, and it's cool to see everyone grow in their own way. True friendship is pretty incredible. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. So, people are manipulative? That's crap but sometimes true! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. Yeah but is he getting any... and for what's it's worth, I'm clueless w/regard to fashion... He's getting more than anyone else I know. (He was passed out drunk with crap written all over his face, and a girl asked me if he was taken...yes, he gets women to hit on him when he's not even trying!) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. Some of my guy friends are proud to be metrosexual! Yes, the women do go to one of our guy friends for fashion advice. Yes, he's very straight. I still wear clothes I bought 5 years ago! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. Yeah! And if you tell a woman she is so much like a guy you mean it as a compliment, but if a guy hears he's like a woman, it's an insult! (Though, if he hears that he's metrosexual, that's okay.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  12. Ethan Hawke David Duchovny There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  13. We're all cramming into the stalls! Actually, that does seem a bit unfair. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. If I could know, I'd want to know. It'd be great to know how long I have to plan for! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. I'm curious as to what you all think of gender differences; are there differences because that's how society shapes us, or are the differences inherent? It could be both (ie, men are usually physically stronger which affects things that they do, and hence creates a gender role.) Some gender differences change over time. For example, women my mother's age tend to be better cooks than men that age, but men my age tend to be better cooks than women my age. It also seems that women in today's society participate more in sports, and I know most people my age don't consider sports to be a "guy thing" when most women have participated in one themselves. Because of things like this, I tend to think that most differences are because of society. However, maybe some differences really are inherent. For example, I haven't really seen many transgenders who dress like the gender they were born into. When a man wants to be a woman, a big part of that is wearing make up, having long hair and wearing women's clothes. It's hard to believe that they feel the need from society to do that to be a woman. Also, cross-cultural studies done have shown similar attributes amongst women and similar ones amongst men. We all know that men and women can do mostly the same things. Men will be able to lift more weight, and women will be the ones having babies. For the most part, though, it seems as though there really shouldn't be many gender differences. It still shocks me when guys will say things like, "Women focus too much on their careers," or "Chicks are just like that, aren't they?" I cringe when I hear my female acquaintances say things like, "Doesn't he understand that I'm a girl, and I don't like things like that?" Yes, it is always better to focus on the person than on the gender...but maybe that's too easy! Figuring out millions of people at a time just makes good sense! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  16. Neverending Story - I loved it as a kid! Plus, I think it was one of the only movies we owned A Christmas Story - DUH!!!! Dead Poets Society Bulworth...though, I have no idea of where my copy went Before I thought I would fall in love There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  17. Legend in her own mind, huh? The world has already forgotten about her, and she has been clumped in with the rest of the skydiving accidents shown on tv. Say the name "Shayna Richardson" to anyone not in skydiving, and you'll get a reply of, "Who?" Sad she thinks people care. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. Would you really tell a 14 year old, poor girl who has just been brutally raped that she HAS to give birth? Really? That's pretty sick. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. No, you don't. Yes, there are people who get pregnant while on the pill and using a condom. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. Duh! that's why guys get so mad when it's spit out! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. There will always be inequality on Some things are made sticky, and some aren't. Some threads are allowed to go on forever, and some aren't. That being said, the mods do a darned good job of keeping it as fair as they can. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. My friend said that curling was invented by parents who tried to turn sweeping into a "fun game" so that kids would do chores. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. So? What's the big deal? Really.... There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  24. I used to be pro-life, so I do understand what people are saying when they talk about taking responsibility, not having sex if you don't want to get pregnant (heck, that's why I never had sex in college.) I don't agree with it, but I understand why people think it's wrong. However, even if you think it's wrong for a pregnant woman to have an abortion doesn't mean it's actually wrong. Taking away the right for a woman to have an abortion takes away other rights as well. -It takes away the right from women who were raped to have abortions (how on Earth could you force someone to live with a daily reminder of one of the most traumatic things a person can go through? Some women can handle it. I know I couldn't.) -It takes away the right from 11 year old girls who (due to the lack of education in some schools) don't know that having sex makes them pregnant (yes, this really does happen.) -It takes away the right from the parents who do not want their children to suffer from disabilities -It takes away the right from the woman who gets beaten everyday by her husband and is scared to leave because he might kill her People who don't want children may not have them even if abortion is banned. A high school girl didn't want to have her baby, so she at nothing but a package of Skittles a day so that the baby would starve. It is easy to decide what other people should be doing with their lives when one's own life is pretty damn good. My life is peachy, but a 14-year old girl with a drunken, abusive, molesting step-father...well, her life probably isn't. You can call it a life inside of her all you want, but unless you are prepared to take care of each and every individual like that, what right do you have in telling her what to do? It is very easy to tell people what to do if you aren't the one who has to take care of the babies after they're born. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  25. OMG!!! There's going to be BEADS?!?!?!?! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning