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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. This is why I'm very happy to be in the generation I'm in..... There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. What happened to it? I never knew it went away! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. You weren't dating her. When you're "broken up" you have no say in who can or can't go down on her - she does. Doesn't matter if it's been one night or two years since you "broke up". Sure it matters! Whoever screws someone else first after a breakup WINS! He's mad because she won, and he lost!!!! (Well, she didn't screw someone else, but I guess it's close enough to him.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. Kallend....because he's really really really smart, and even though he's an old guy, he's got a hot girlfriend He must have mad skills, and I'd like to know what that's like. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  5. I don't care what anyone weighs. That is their own business, and it does not affect me in the least. Why I get annoyed is the same reason others get annoyed when 100-jump wonders tell them what to do. Yes, I wish I could be a person who doesn't get annoyed, but I am. Call it a flaw of mine. If he wanted to try something to lose weight, then that is great! I really don't care what other people do in their own lives. It's when there's an obese person on a daily basis telling me what I should do to be healthy that's annoying. And when I tell them what I do because it works for me, their refusal to admit that they might be wrong, or that they are doing something wrong really gets tiring. I guess I just don't like people telling me what to do when they don't even do it, and especially when they're wrong. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. 100-way where I try to kiss as many people as possible! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. #1 Location.....I'm happy jumping around the Chicago area, so I don't want to travel far unless it's an area I'd like to visit #2 Organizing....I'm upset I keep missing the Holiday Boogie because it sounds like they have awesome organizing there. #3 Expenses.....I'm cheap. I want something to be worth my money #4 People....I don't HAVE to know people at a boogie, but it helps if I know that there are going to be people that I like at one All that said, one of the most enjoyable skydiving "things" that I've done was not a was a skills camp. I probably won't go too far for a boogie (no more than a few hour drive), but I will go far for a good skills camp. I wish there were more! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. Ya, someone told me at work about that stuff, I am heading to the store right now! I had a free sample. It sucks, and it's expensive. Cold Eeze isn't too shabby (it's not the best tasting, but for me, it works the best.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. In high school a friend had a spatula incident. I was never sure of the details, though. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. I guess I see things differently because #1 I don't know of many women who complain that there aren't many "nice guys" out there, and #2 I see a similar proportion of hot guys being jerks as not-hot guys being jerks. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. Your post made me hungry There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  12. AHHH! The similarities are uncanny. He would wash down his daily pizza with a "very vanilla soy" drink. Yes, soy is good for you, but when you have a huge pizza and soy milk that has tons of sugar, maybe it's time to look at adjusting eating habits...not simply adding things to an already poor diet and thinking that's going to make a difference. It was even more frustrating when he would give incorrect advice: "You have to workout for at least 45 mins a day to lose any weight at all." (Well, I guess if you're eating a pizza a day, you do need to workout for 45 mins a day.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  13. OMG!!!!!!!! This sounds EXACTLY like my old coworker...except he was about 70 pounds overweight. It is SOOO frustrating to see some guy eat a pizza everyday for lunch, not workout (because it's bad for your if being overweight is good for them), and then hear them dispense advice...especially when you try to eat right and exercise and are in shape. UGH! I know exactly what you're talking about, and it made me want to go insane. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. No. I have never met a hot, nice guy that finished last. My guess is that women are far more superficial than men realize. I've met guys where the first thing they tell me is how much they make a year or how much stuff they've bought. I've met guys who try to tell me all the bad ass crap they do. These guys do the same things to other women. Most women I know don't notice a guy's bank account or his baddassness first. They're much more likely to notice his body/face first, much like men noticing women. I want to meet a woman that says, "This really hot guy was really thoughtful, and he bought me tickets to a concert that I had mentioned wanting to go to, but doesn't that seem a little too 'nice'? I think I'm going to the bar to meet a complete dick instead." There are women who go for assholes, just like there are men who go for drama queens. I do not think they are in the majority (at least, I haven't met many.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. If I could make it my home dz, I would jump at Perris all the time! It's obvious why it's one of the best dzs....aircraft, organizers (top notch in 4-way, big-way, freeflying, canopy piloting), amenities, and tunnel.... The only downsides are that Perris is not a rockin' city, and it's so dusty/dirty there. The people there are some of the coolest skydivers I've met (too many to name.) I love Perris! However, the Chicago area has some spiffy dzs with nice aircraft, great organizing/coaching, and awesome people. I'll take it!
  16. Funny! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  17. Mr. Wizard There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. A story I'd like to share about how an insurance company avoided hiring a crappy employee by drug testing before they hired someone.... I used to work with a guy who could be pretty intelligent...that is...when we wasn't completely out of it. He had quite a few exams passed (a big thing in the actuarial world), and it seemed like he knew what he was talking about. As time went on, he started getting more and more....uhh....entertaining for the rest of us. For example, our move out date for the office had been well known for months. If we wanted to take anything home, we were supposed to bring a box or whatever else. He showed up that day and said, "Ohhhh....we're supposed to be moving out today?" Uhhh....yeah. The signs have been posted about it for months, and we received emails about it everyday for the past week. Then he said, " you think anyone would notice if I left and went home to get a duffle bag at lunch?" So, at lunch, he disappeared for about three hours, and he came back wearing new clothes, and he had no duffle bag. When he was on whatever he was on, he was often confused (I had to send him the same email three times in a day once.) He would also disappear for hours at a time (not for lunch because he always brought his lunch.) Like I said, he had a lot of exams passed, and when he wasn't stoned, he seemed pretty intelligent. He failed a drug test when he looked for employment elsewhere. I'm on the fence on how I feel about drug testing. In this case, the company saved themselves an employee that would be less productive because he would be stoned on the job. And, if someone can't stay clean for just one month while job searching, then that says something, too. However, I don't agree that a company should dictate what a person does off the job. Unfortunately, it's happening more and more. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. Sorry, Tami! I've got one too many parties to go to in Chicago for St. Patty's Day, but, I look forward to hanging out with you sometime this summer!!! (Not sure if you remember me...I met you in the Ihop at Perris at the beginning of JFTC!) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. The Monkees song There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. Yeah, those World Team members who actually OWN dzs like that must not be very confident. Okay, really, what do you mean by that? Because I started static line out of a Cessna, I had no clue that some people out there were actually afraid to do hop and pops at four grand. I had confidence in doing that, and others didn't. Learning at a small dz worked for me since I wasn't just a number, and I worked with just a few instructors, so they became familiar with my flying/flailing. Learning at a big dz works for some. Learning at a small dz works for others. When I started out, I freaking loved freefall, but I was pretty much terrified all the time, and I was just a really crappy student. I would ask my instructors so many questions. (Instructors at smaller dzs tend to have more downtime in which to answer bizarre questions like the ones I had.) I really just couldn't do anything right, but I had quite a bit of guidance. Everything has its pros and cons. You can't tell someone without really knowing them what will work best for them. If I would've started at a big dz, I'm not so sure if I would've stayed in the sport. Not everyone learns the same, and not everyone has the same needs. I needed a small dz which took a TON of extra time to help with my many deficiencies in the sport. And, Ryan, I look forward to jumping with you this summer! I'll wear my bright pink suit just for you (I just like wearing it now since I always show up on camera...I'm a camera whore!) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. It's located about 60 miles north of Indy. The instructors are most definitely patient (they put up with my shit!) Plus, I'll be stopping on by there occasionally! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. And I agree 100% The death penalty is not a deterrent. Also, the government shouldn't be allowed to play God and decide who lives and dies. Killing just one innocent man is too many. Whether someone is dead or in jail, they are no longer a threat to society, so why not let them live? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning