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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. There is nothing "wrong" with being proud of your religion. There is nothing "wrong" with being proud of being from some certain location. Much like there is nothing "wrong" with being proud of your hair color. I think it is silly to be proud of something that isn't an accomplishment. If you go and help build a house with a religious group, sure, you can be proud of helping to build a house for someone less fortunate. However, it still isn't a religion that is building a house. It is a group of people with similar beliefs who have a desire to do something nice. There are lots of things that people are proud of that is silly to be proud of. People are proud of getting laid, starting wars, doing shots, and pretending to look really cool. And I agree with Rhonda....atheists judging those for believing in a god by calling them dumb is just as bad as religious people who tell you you're going to Hell. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. I'm not a Christian, but I'm not proud of it. Pride in one's belief or or disbelief in God seems silly. I disagree. Most of the conflict on this planet is due to greed, power, etc. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. I went as Duffman! Oh yeah! This was probably my favorite costume in awhile. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. DuffMan is looking GOOOOOOOOOOOOODD!!
  5. Happy Halloween! I already celebrated as DUFFMAN! And, for this season's sporting events, a fair-weather fan: There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. Notice no riots or any of that stupid junk? Just fans finally enjoying what should have been our so many times before. apparently you didn't hear about the couple of cars being set on fire? No, it definitely wasn't as stupid of a scene as when the Bulls won, I'll give you that, but people were still being stupid. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. I saw an ad of some sort that had a baby with a Cubs hat on. It read, "Cubs fans aren't made. They're born." I never really believed that until yesterday. We were talking about the Sox and how it was cool that they'll win the World Series, and it would be really cool if they could sweep the Astros. My two-year old nephew then shouts, "NO! GO CUBS!" So, I do know of at least one Cubs fan that is bitter about the Sox. Personally, I think it's cool, but if they wouldn't have won, it wouldn't have changed my day any. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. I would break up with them. I won't put up with a smoker. They smell bad, taste like crap, and it gives me headaches. Yes, it could be the "perfect man." There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. They look really cool! I already ordered one for myself, but I think I might order an extra two or three to give out to family and whatnot. Maybe THEN they'll finally stop asking me when I'm going to quit skydiving. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. A funny sent to me by my good friend Phil (aka King of the Internet.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. Guard your beer carefully. Good advice....especially if it's good beer.... There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  12. A wind tunnel is being built about two hours from there! (Seriously...NH gets a tunnel, but Chicago doesn't?!?!?) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  13. 0:0:0 Wooooooo!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. Doh!'s not that I forgot about that..... Of course insurance companies are full of party animals. We take your money, and we don't pay claims!!! If that's not a party, I don't know what is! (Okay, not really, but that's what everyone thinks!) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. I forgot that you were there!!! You wanna go out for drinks next Tuesday? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  16. I'm not sure if Wittenburg is going to Zhills again this winter, but I think that's where he usually goes. If you're looking for coaching, he's a great coach!
  17. Me, too. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. But, most are!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. It looks like I have an interview there next week Wednesday, so they're flying me in next Tuesday. Is there anyone in that area, or is there anything to do in Hartford? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. I had to google her... she's hot. For me it's Reese Witherspoon Yes, she is hot. She's one of the few people who can pull off any haircolor. Oooh...I'm a big Reese fan, too. Drew Barrymore, too! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. Rachel McAdams There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. Ahhh! A ghost! I miss Jessica. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. Well, they call it ice cream, but it's not ice!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  24. That is a good point. It seems to be "wrong" to say that lesbians don't have sex. I guess it's like saying that a certain type of jump isn't a skydive, or that doesn't make a person a skydiver. I do see penetration as sex. Still, though, when people are asked for the number of people they've had sex with, very few include the "oral only" number. So, if most people don't include their oral sex partners in the "had sex" category, oral sex is not having sex. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning