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Everything posted by Elisha

  1. On a related topic: http://www.pressdemocrat.com/home/4200568-181/equestrian-center-resort-planned-for Developer wants to kill the whole airport since it wouldn't mesh with his resort plans. Anyone want to give a rebuttal to the claim that it should go away because it operates in the red? Some people are complaining that the skydive operation should pony up more money to help bridge the gap. Of course, the KG types near the airport probably would be happy if the airport went away. P.S. the site wants you to register, but it seems to me to depend on your browser/cookies/etc whether or not you can read the article.
  2. Yeah...if true, then nail him. But really not even a drop in the bucket.
  3. Memory Eternal, Jhonny. I was on a wingsuit jump with him a year ago at the American Boogie, but that was my only interaction. Seemed like a nice fun guy. BSBD.
  4. Seems plausible. Look at his wiki - just started a real estate job in 1980 (when in that year? Maybe the end?) and also as an unpaid volunteer for his dad (GHWB). Also, seeing that he had nearly $800 that year in Dividends and some capital gains, questioning the $4.57 is nitpicking. There's plenty of reasons to not vote for him. This is kind of a yawner.
  5. I have questions.... I'm a citizen - it's for someone else I know.
  6. If only we had a place where we could go to search for these things. http://bfy.tw/Zdd Ok....pwned today. I DID try to find it on IMDB and wikipedia (which I thought would have it), but alas neither listed the box office total.
  7. Years ago, I was working on accuracy jumps for B and C licenses. On my first jump of the day, I was going to have an easy stand up landing and decided to stick my left foot out to the side so I can land "there" and not "here" (you know...like anyone would care about the extra two feet closer). I rolled my ankle rather bad, likely a moderate sprain. I thought I could just walk it off, but it was hurting more and more and I was limping noticeably. Since it was the first jump of the day, I didn't want to quit and did three more jumps. It took about two to three weeks for the the swelling and color to go down, but it really took close to 6 months for the ankle to feel normal again (even if most of the functionality was back by three weeks or so).
  8. Anyone know where we can see box office draw? It would be nice to to see how (un)successful it really is.
  9. Some articles for perspective: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5e38f1be-1116-11e5-9bf8-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3dS3ZzMb9 http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21654598-greece-and-euro-zone-are-stuck-abusive-relationship-my-big-fat-greek-divorce (Skip to Greek deficit if you want) http://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/yanis-varoufakis-a-pressing-question-for-ireland-before-monday-s-meeting-on-greece-1.2256339#.VYWkyr7gSDM.facebook http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/29/opinion/paul-krugman-greece-over-the-brink.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share And on the lighter side... http://wondermark.com/c1135/
  10. It looks like meters on industrial users are coming soon, just not soon enough....or at least that's the vibe I get from a few articles I've read. Still....to your point, residential being picked on unfairly.
  11. At a high school commencement speech Sunday at the Duke Ellington School for the Arts, comedian Dave Chappelle gave the best response yet to the still-unfolding case of Rachel Dolezal. "There's a white lady posing as a black lady," he said, according to the Washington Post. "There is not one thing that woman accomplished that she couldn't have done as a white woman. There's no reason! She just needed the braids! I don't know what she was doing."
  12. In the spirit of warm fuzzies, I think I was at the gym or some place where I didn't have control over the tv and watched this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Color_of_Friendship Premise: Black Congressman's family hosts white South African girl exchange student. Both are shocked at first, then become BFFs by the end of the film.
  13. In Colorado the farmers and ranchers (at least, the ones who have ancestors who claimed water rights 100 years ago) even own the rain that falls from the sky. It is illegal, and punishable by a $500/day fine, to use or divert water that is coming off your roof. Ranching interests this year blocked passage of a proposed law that would have allowed homeowners to use a rain barrel to catch rain to water their garden. The courts have not yet ruled whether or not farmers also own the clouds. Don Can you explain this more? Yes, I've read about these laws, but how can a governmental agency forbid one to use the water that falls from the sky on one's property? It lands on the ground or a structure then runs on to the ground. They can't do anything about it (practically speaking).
  14. I'll just be the optimist and say that I hope those are just a couple of 3 St Dev's to the left anecdotes.
  15. Check out the comments in this Jezebel article. http://jezebel.com/hooboy-rachel-dolezal-sued-howard-university-for-discr-1711460097 Great comment at the bottom of the AP article posted on SFGate (comments section, not the article): "At this point, ironically, she's lost whatever identity she had and has become a Rorschach blot allowing everyone else to project their imaginings upon her." Rorschach blot...LOL! (fixed to make the clicky)
  16. Sorry, got to correct you here... Reporter: Are you African-American? But the reaction remains.... She still blatantly identifies as "Black".
  17. No, you can thank her vindictive parents, who are retaliating against her for exposing their abuse of children, for removing her African-American younger adoptive brother from their abusive home, and for her support of the victim who has accused her older brother of criminal sexual abuse. Gee, now why on earth might someone in her shoes be psychologically motivated to deny her immediate blood relatives, and to establish an entirely new, independent identity through which to live out the remainder of her life, and perhaps allow herself and her kid brother to heal a bit? One cannot imagine. I don't really care about the backstory. Fine. If the parents were abusive, then great that she removed her adoptive brother from his abusive home. I'm just glad that she won't be lying and fooling people to be someone she's not.
  18. Hahahaha...I had the same thought, she's not a fake simply Trans-racial. She resigned (thank God). http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/15/us/washington-rachel-dolezal-naacp/index.html
  19. A bunch of us skydivers (and some BASE jumpers) saw it at the SF premiere Friday night, where the director gave a Q & A at the end. Of course, I think most of the questions were from skydivers/BASE jumpers, but there was a comment/question from a whuffo lady who just got curious and came and stated how the story made the sport "appealing" to her (or should I say, understandable to her why they did it). Another thumbs up here.
  20. Elisha


    Not sure what you're saying...strategy to vote in Bletter again?