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Everything posted by Elisha

  1. http://www.wsj.com/articles/pennsylvania-attorney-general-kathleen-kane-charged-with-obstruction-perjury-1438876492 Ooooo lookie here... a democratic AG behaving badly. Yep. And in IL we have a Dem former governor in prison too. I don't like crooks regardless of party affiliation. If you just start with the premise that all (or most) politicians are corrupt or incompetent and can praise only the few exceptions, then life is a lot less stressful.
  2. On the contrary, this is evidence that there is no hope. America is past the tipping point. Why? Where are all these thousands of gay marriages? If you/your church don't consider them actually married and only as civil partnerships, then how does that really affect you?
  3. Well, there goes my hope of jerking off to the obituary. LOL!
  4. Elisha

    Deuce Matters

    Nice! Thanks for updating us!
  5. If I may, let's focus on "no" rebuttals to ridiculous proposals. A situation at work: supplier wants us to sell product to retail at 17% less profit, where we would have to essentially sell at least +20% to break even by gross profit. Current sales trends are slightly positive, so this makes no sense for us. We were discussing responses like: "I hear what you're saying, and I want to help you out, but the timing is just not right for us right now."
  6. No, it is much simpler: Stop sending out troops and money halfway around the globe under the pretense it is "defending our country". Yup. Another +1
  7. No, I (and others he is close with) have fully realized all of the above for a couple of weeks now. As I said, since I've never had any close dealings with these situations, I'm just looking for info regarding expectations etc. I appreciate all the info.
  8. I think he has a decent attorney at this point...but I've only talked to him three times so far, and less than 10 min each time. I've gathered a couple of (personal) letters of recommendation that will be sent to whomever necessary. It just seems like a long TBA process that I don't know much about (since I'm a born and bred Californian that doesn't have to deal with these things).
  9. Elisha

    climb rate

    http://www.skydivespacecenter.com/aircraft.html I did one jump several years ago in the Monterrey King Air and several more recently in the Lodi Super King Air before Bill Dause sold it somewhat recently. That Lodi one was a freakin rocket ship and just mows through the people (dives down crazy fast too). I was in it once with only 8 jumpers and got 3K / min....was sliding down the bench.
  10. What he said.321 To bad I'm banned. I have to argue (I mean DEBATE) on my chess website now. The mods are more tolerant there. ...why I'm deliberately focusing on the practical aspects of the situation and leaving opinions out of it. I don't really care about oughta coulda shoulda woulda at this point. Just want to know about process, (time) expectations, and if I have to deal with all his sh*t (belongings).
  11. Thanks! I'll check them out. He has one. He's called me twice since being picked up a few weeks ago and says he has a hearing soon. Then he should easily get off! Actually...because of his constant political facebooking, some of his friends think that's WHY he was picked up (i.e. someone got angry and complained).
  12. He finished it (the court ordered "work release" program). I think he may have still have unpaid bills though (payment plan). Yup. He's from Portugal (mainland, not the Azores like most in the USA)....and is fluent in four languages. I think he's trying to apply for some type of asylum (as in...from what???). "Persecution" from a former employer. Not that I wish ill on him, but I DON'T want him to get deported simply due to the fact that cleaning up all his sh*t (as in what to do with his belongings) will be a pain in the a**. If he does get out, we're going to have to have "a talk" about financial things anyway - just that even if he's deported, selling what I can sell of his will be more of a hassle than I want.
  13. Does anyone have any experience in this area and the process? I have an interesting situation here, in that my roommate of over 5 years foolishly didn't get his Visa renewed and got picked up by ICE. I've talked to him twice since he got picked up a few weeks ago and there should be a hearing soon. If he does get deported, when will he physically be sent back to his country? Does he somehow get any time (e.g. a few days/week) to "wrap up his affairs" per se? His only "offense" other than staying longer than allowed is a DUI around a year ago, but it was not under a CA DL...which he actually just got recently, so that may not even be on his record.
  14. It is? I haven't paid close to $4.00....still low $3.00 end in the bay area.
  15. Wow....'94...before the stress of being the POTUS turned his hair all gray.
  16. I grew up learning how to grow food from my grandparents.... and they just called it gardening. I grow my own fruit and veggies..... enough for my family and friends. I start my own veggies from heirloom seeds that breed true every year... not hybrids or GMO crap that come out of the ground and next year will produce alien looking plants and veggies that do not even resemble the species you are trying to get . My take is I do not need to fill my body with crap and poison it with pesticides that are claimed to be safe and then have effects on your body show up years later with a quality of life that will not make you very happy. Then... they will be the usual whiners.... THEY should have told us.... no.. THEY do not give a crap they want profit above all else and to hell with the people ingesting the crap they are foisting off on a population of people with steadily decreasing intelligence. +1 (except that I'm too lazy to actually garden myself, but yes to the message)
  17. Questions for many of you of the political right leaning: 1) Do you really think Iran would be stupid enough to use nukes if they got them? How do we really know they just don't have them already? 2) How is NOT being hypocritical (of us the USA) to have sanctions on Iran due to supporting terrorism but trade with the Saudis? Doesn't SA also support I don't get the Elephant rhetoric of how all hell will break loose by allowing Iran to get nukes and not SA and how Isreal will somehow just get vaporized. When a Muslim official declares that Isreal should not exist, what do you expect them to say? It's just political rhetoric/posturing.
  18. Good. I'm hoping the result is: fck the developer - go away! And the airport is left alone.
  19. Vermicious knids...I mean almonds! http://onion.com/1DeUtXD (Yeah I know....Alfalfa might use more total water and definitely more per acre. Both are huge culprits, especially in how a good deal is just sold to Asia.)
  20. Definitely in agreement with both of you! Yes, the developer just wants their resort on the property just NORTH of the airport. I was more wondering if you someone can make a brief valid argument for General Aviation (given a token reference in the article).
  21. I'm probably one of the few people in GenX (born in 1970) who has both a defined benefit & defined contribution plan from a private employer. I'm still aggressively contributing to my own retirement just in case it all goes tits up, but since I'm vested and the pension is well-funded, I'm optimistic that it'll be around when I retire. I still have money I haven't moved over from my old Ins company. It a hybrid of both a DC & DB.
  22. I was air traffic control with the FAA. It was 20 years and age 50 or 25 years, any age. Our son hired on at age 20, and can retire at age 45 with full benefits. Of course, the longer you work, the higher the monthly pension goes. I worked almost 30 and loved it. They forced me out with mandatory retirement. Sorry you're hating your job. Defined Benefit plans are a "gravy train" and this is probably the last generation to see them. Whether you wish to believe or not, I doubt anyone joining on now will see a DB plan; in brief the math doesn't stack up. All will eventually be some form of Defined Contribution (DC) plan. This. I worked in the actuarial department of an insurance company for a few years. While it was a Prop & Casualty company, you still have to learn about some life & pension.