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Everything posted by sfzombie13

  1. i went over the cold/fever thing the other day at work til i figured it out, but actually believed the shaving thing. i've been shaving my head for over ten years now. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  2. my boy, morgan, was about a year old when he did it, but i took the phone away and after i hung up, i got the call back from the operator. kids are truly great, morgan just had his first mouthful of sand from the sandbox today, it was so funny. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  3. relax, sinker. man it's a prank phone call. and i do believe that it's illegal to impersonate a soldier, as stated above. other than that, it's a little twisted. just in bad taste. i do recall a prank i played while in hs, we called a load of gravel or sand, i can't remember, to be delivered in the driveway of our principles house, told them to just dump it, i would spread it out when i got home and to leave a bill, i would stop by tomorrow and pay it. well, the guys did, it was hilarious. and yo spelled afghanistan correctly. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  4. i am still trying to figure out why anyone would want to cut away from a round just so they don't have to land it. it seems quite silly to me, kinda like being scared. if you keep your fet and knees together and your legs bent, you'll be fine. as for plf's, ask someone who has been airborne to instruct you on a proper one. when we did our sustained airborne training prior to a jump, we used a 3' platform in pea gravels(sawdust isn't used anymore due to mold at the bottom). try finding a steerable round, like an mc1-1c. they work a lot better than a t-10. when we started using the new sf-10, that was almost like a square. i stood up 2 of 3 jumps. also, be prepared to do a rear plf, i found that they are the most common, at least when the winds are above 5-7 knots. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  5. way to go. i smoke, but when my son turned 2 last month, the wife and i went into 'the closet' with it: no letting him ever see it, or see us smoke a pipe, etc. also, when he turns 3 next year, we are both quitting cigs. we quit smoking in the house before he was born, and decided that he doesn't need to grow up watching us smoke. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  6. i know a sniper who was in the 25th id and he said that they had a detail that did nothing all day but put them together. it was like any other detail, like kp or guard duty. looking good man, good luck in the course. i also heard something about why they have guys put nametags on the back pocket of bdu pants, but that's a different story. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  7. i used to think that way, but now i think there is hope for unions due to some lawsuits brought by some of my brothers and sisters in the ubc. NEVER cross a picket line, i know some people in wv have been killed doing that. i also know a guy who torched the car of a scab during a strike and later found out that it was one of the union guys' car. i also know that if we work in a town and another union goes on strike, we get $2/hr taken out of our checks to pay the strike pay they get. it may suck, but i don't mind it, it helps out a little. like was said before, everyone has different advice, but i would ask for a layoff so i could draw unemployment. if it's not your union that strikes, they will probably not let yo cross the line, but the employer may give yo the layoff. it beats not working, looking for another job, or getting killed. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  8. it's funny as hell, yo can admit it. i guess if he didn't shhot the guy, he figured it wouldn't be murder....i wonder if this will make the 'gun related' column in statistics.... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  9. i wish the feds would try to keep up with us in this respect. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  10. i can't think of a good reason for a pre-emptive strike, and it takes a lot for me to go along with a defensive strike, but i probably would. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  11. if ya ever see paintballs in the freezer, get the gun from him immediately. i had a few friends with paintball guns and we got drunk one day and decided to try it. one guy got a broken wrist, another had a concussion, and i damn near got a broken leg. no fun, and actually can be deadly. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  12. thanx for posting this creeper thing. i had a slow turn to the left when i last jumped, it was only 4 - 5 turns in a 15 sec freefall, but i couldn't figure out how to make it stop. i was a s/l student, and my instructors went so far as to take me up on an aff type jump, with 2 instructors and a guy with a camera to film it. when they let go, sure enough, there was the slow spin. my i signalled to kick my legs out, didn't work. he told me to use my shoulder, didn't work. the video was a little helpful, but they all said i had decent body position, we couldn't figure it out. i haven't jumped much in the last 4 years, but am getting back into it when the weather clears. i am definately going to practice turns now that i know how. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  13. but will the govt stop wasting money o it or try to find a program that works??? _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  14. an m-16? maybe a 9mm? _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  15. the pope...is that the joke? _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  16. i just read an article in discover magazine about treating mental disorders with a vitamin supplement. it's called EMPower, and it was made by david hardy and tony stephan. it was a cool article, and even though it has not been thoroughly tested yet, the fda is letting them conduct trials that were started in 2004. i'm not saying that if you use lithium or prozac or the like that you should stop taking those meds, but in my opinion, if you can take a multi-vitamin supplement instead of 5 or 6 prescription drugs, it has to be better for you. sorry i don't have any links, i just read the article and plan to do some research to see if my wife might want to see if it can help her out a little, she takes effexor now. i'll post what i find later. it did say that they sell a 30 day supply for $70, but that's a hell of a lot cheaper than the meds she has been on now and in the past. i did a quick search and found one canadian class action lawsuit involving this stuff, one website that says the ingredients are in excess of max daily allowances, and the truehope.com site. on the truehope website the ingredients are much lower than listed in the other website, which also says the daily dose for the first 30 days is 32 capsules a day, this is not mentioned on the truehope site. i'm not endorsing anyhthing, just trying to help out. http://www.truehope.com/ http://www.healthwatcher.net/Quackerywatch/Synergy/synergy-lawsuit.html http://clickit.go2net.com/search?pos=1&ppos=0&plnks=5&uplnks=15&cat=web&cid=239171&site=srch&area=srch.noncomm.google&shape=textlink&cp=info.dogpl&cluster-click=0&pd=0&coll=1&query=empower+vitamin&rawto=http://www.healthwatcher.net/Quackerywatch/Synergy/Ingredients/vitlist.html[url] _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  17. as stated, that's not the business we're in. once he's unarmed, when he gets killed, it's manslaughter. i agree with the court here, a better solution would have been to have the medic inject him with morphine, and either let him bleed out, or hit him with a couple of more doses. shooting him to relieve his suffering is sending out a bad precedent to his soldiers, not to mention bad publicity. i'm glad he didn't get prison time, after all, he was just trying to help, he should have picked a better way to do it. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  18. i jump at a small dz, and am still a student, so i'm not getting a cypress installed on my rig i'l jump when i get my license. when i get good enough to go to another dz, i'll get one installed then. not too worried about ever having 2 out, i have a round reserve. my opinion is it never hurts to have one, like bigun said. just an opinion. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  19. i actually watched a rigger in the army daisy chain the suspension lines and stuff the canopy in the pack tray, and then jumped it. guess what? it opened. it took almost 1000', and had a bunch of line twists, but it got out there. it was a chopper jump and they took him up to 2500'. talk about cool. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  20. i found the story straight forward: girl is proud of her brother - rightly so, regardless of the politics it's honorable. decides to display his picture at school. i like the thought. is told that they will display it because they'll take the gun out and put it up - i like that, they're not adverse to the idea, just the gun. and i totally agree with the girl here, they see the news, it's real - welcome to life. classic example of over-reaction to violence, fix the symptom, not the cause. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  21. i'm a pagan and i don't have any problem with christmas, my boy loves it. when he gets old enouugh, he'll make his informed choice. i don't mind hearing spanish, i speak a little german and the wife sppeaks a little russian, and i don't care if gays live together andwant to be married, i have two gay friends who are cool as hell. the problem i have is spanish on govt forms, religion in the govt, and people's rights being taken away. am i spelling religion right? it looks funny. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  22. 34' _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  23. a man to be respected and honored by all. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  24. of you truly believe this, that is your right. as stated before, i would fight and/or die to defend this right. that does not make it correct. i don't think anybody has ever stated that mj is safe, just that it is a lot safer than most things you put in your body. it is a fact that mj is safer than skydiving, but mix the two and it can turn deadly. does that mean that the govt should be allowed to tell me that i can't do it? which one - jumping or smoking mj? but that's all right, i expect people to trust our govt and believe everything they tell you(can you hear the sarcasm there?). how can anyone who is truly patriotic enough to actually use the term just stand by and let the govt continue to take freedoms away from us? it starts small, things you don't notice too much. then, next thing you know, BAM. i don't claim to know everything(unlike some people), but i do know how to think for myself instead of taking what i read at face value. all i want to see is the issue left to the individual states to put to a VOTE. that's what is supposed to happen in this country. any arguments to that, and i will gladly point you to my reference material, the us constitution. look it up, it's under marijuana legalization in the bill of rights. and yes it's there, under the 10th ammendment. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  25. thanx for the info. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes