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Everything posted by sfzombie13

  1. bush has an exit strategy....through iran, then korea, then home to the us. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  2. while i didn't sit in on the trial, it seemd to me from reading about it (not 100% reliable) that there was almost no evidence against him. try comparing him to oj next time. then you're labelled a racist. i'm just glad i have that $30M for a lawyer stashed away from that bank job all those years ago. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  3. "The lawyers, judges, and politicians are having a field day playing politics with the woman's life. They keep pulling her feeding tube, then putting it back in, then taking it out again, putting it back in, passing a few laws, going back to court, and on and on..." and you go on to say that a sex offender in fl will get more due process...that is typical of twisting the facts of a highly publicized case to make a statement trying to force your morality on the rest of the nation.....it makes me sick. "But it seems to me that if this woman's parents want so badly to keep her alive and if she left no clear directives to the contrary, that there should be an assumption presuming that her life should go on." it's my assumption that if she can't exist without the help of a machine, then that makes it her time to go....i fell so bad that it's taken this long. her soul needs put to rest, let it go. "This IS an execution, and the doctors agree it will take a week or two for her to die. And it's all so nice and legal. It's disgusting." people like you who get off playing god should be reminded that you are not a god, just a person. what is disgusting is the fact that our congress can end the lives of millions of people in the name of "national defense" and yet they want to save one poor woman who can't function on her own. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  4. sfzombie13

    A joke

    along the same lines, four guys showed up late for a final exam. the teacher says to go in the hall. after lecturing them on missing the final, he asks them why they are late. we had a flat tire, one of them says, they all nod their heads in agreement. he thinks for a moment, and agrees to let them take a make-up test. the only hitch is they have to take it now. he explains that there is only one question on the test, and leads them into the classroom to their seats. he comes back after a few minutes and hands each one of them a sheet of paper. the question read, which tire was it? _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  5. man, you need to get a clue. and let me know where you got those rose colored glasses that you seem to look at the govt through, i could use some faith in the system. oh, and what about the govt sticking their collective noses in this shiavo case, after the supreme court refused to rule on th estate court's decision. all of them judges must be doing something wrong. illegal, no. morally wrong. in their eyes. i am sick of the govt forcing their morality on the rest of the country. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  6. mini cadbury eggs for sure. about this time every year, the wife buys a case of them so we can enjoy them all year long. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  7. In my mind, Confederacy=Fucking traitors on the same level as Aldrich Ames, the Rosenbergs, Robert Hanssen, and Benedict Arnold... if that's the way you see things, that's cool. we have rights to our own opinions. personally, i see the south as a bunch of people fighting to keep the rights of states in their own hands. and you're right, they lost. the reason there is no getting over it is that's what is wrong with our fed govt now. that's when the power was shifted from the states to the fed. i read a book about the south winning the war and it was kinda cool, 5 countries in the continental us, called if the south had won gettysburg. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  8. i think you are just not paying attention to the facts here. first of all, in every state of the union, membership in any union is optional. it took me three years to get into one in wv, one of the most pro-union states that exist. the only way i got into one was joine in nc. and yes, i worked in construction, non-union, for the whole time. the only thing right to work states do is lower the union wage without providing a better wage for non-union laborers. you can use any examples you want, but i've been there. second, in response to jim, i don't think ANY person is worth $10000 in one month. that includes every single citizen in the us, all of them. i got so sick and tired of my boss's saying "you bring home more than me" and driving 3 brand new cars, living in $million homes, etc. i even think i heard a person in the thread about minimum wage saying he showed the payroll to his employee and he and his wife brought home less than her. that's just so much bullshit. and strong-arming? man, you're living in the 60's. get your facts straight before you start spouting off. my local took a $0.15 pay cut this year, some strong arm. it don't sound like much, but what it boils down to is about $4 million a year in the pocket of some corporate executive. THAT'S FAIR??? you guys need some lessons in economics. the only way we can raise the standard of living in the us is to support the economy, buy american. but you can't afford it? because coporations are greedy, ceo's need to make millions to break even. i'm not against anyone getting rich, but if you have to do it through such questionable practices as foreign out-sourcing, then that's shameful. buy american, support americans. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  9. i, too, am a highly skilled carpenter. i am not a master, but a journeyman and i take pride in my work. i will not do a half-ass job, unless i am instructed to do so. however, this does not apply to erecting scaffolding. i will not take a shortcut there. i cannot speak for other carpenters, however. the ones that i have worked with ahve been diverse in their skills/training/work ethic. kinda like the nation as a whole. i believe the unions should only hire people who take pride in their workmanship, and through a little diligence, i can help move it in that direction. none of you can say that about the govt. if everybody would put their foot down, we could change the country for the better. i can't do it alone, nor do i want to. just cause they are my opinions, doesn't make them right. that is what is called majority rule. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  10. I don't believe in anyone being forced to pay to advance political causes which they do not support. Why don't you, exactly? as posted by billvon, that is exactly what happens to every citizen in this country. if you knew in the 80's that the sandinistas were held in power by your tax $, would it have made any difference in all the innocent lives lost because of it? think about that. and i have never been forced to support any political cause because i belong to a union. if i don't want to belong, i can quit at any time. if we don't like what goes on in this country, we can vote a change....lol. we can't get as many voters to the polls as in iraq, and there was a serious threat to their lives. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  11. the only way you get anything like that in the construction industry is by being a company employee, and a lot of those don't have any benifits. congrats on the job, the majority of people in this country can't say that. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  12. wake up, america!!! this has been going on for decades. did you vote to put anyone in power in any central american country? if you did, let me know how you were contacted and why, since i wasn't. as for the collective bargaining thing, i consider it a small price to pay in order to bring home $10000 in one month. maybe you're independatly wealthy, maybe not. i don't care, that's your business. as for the political side of the thing, most of the politics involved help the union, and by proxy the members. there are a number of lawsuits going on right now in the ubc to try to reform it a little. nothing is perfect, but it beats me getting $10 an hour with no insurance, no retirement plan, and no concern for my safety, and most of all, no vote in what i want from my employers. i don't always get my way, but there is always a majority vote. i don't care if my represenatives get a lot of money and power if that's what they want, as long as i get my slice of the pie. i can't believe it, i find myself almost agreeing with billvon on this one. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  13. which is exacty the way it should be. just because someone doesn't support the current administration(i don't) it does NOT mean that i'm not one of the most patriotic people that exist(i am). it goes a little deeper than cars built by uaw labor, it really goes down to which ceo line their pockets with the cash, japenese or american. i had a chevy once with a suzuki engine that was assembled in mexico. hardly nothing american except the name. imho, bush needs to be held accountable for this farce we have in iraq before he decides that the best exit strategy from iraq leads through iran and then to korea. but with all the corporate backing he has, he's made out to look like a hero. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  14. that makes me wish i were back in the service. in the end, it doesn't matter what anyone says about the war. i'm just glad they're going home. they deserve it. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  15. the ides of march. over the past few days, i had a freind who got arrested, and my daughter had a really tough time with her b/f, she tried to kill herself. it wasn't really an attempt i think, but i wasn't there. and the guy that got busted, well when you grow weed in your house and your x g/f rats you out to the cops 6 months after she left, shame on him for not stopping. still, he's a really nice guy. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  16. let me begin by saying that i truly feel sorry for her. that being said, you should see how they would treat rapists if i had anything to say about it. and that (drawn and quartered) would pretty much cover the "spreading aids knowingly" charge. oh, and the drunk driving deterrent - when a fatality is caused by a drunk, the penalty is about $0.32. about the cost of a .38 cal shot to the back of the head. in that case, a lawyer is not needed. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  17. i am definately annoying. but then again, maybe it is everyone else. not. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  18. i wasn't trying to start anything. the religion discussions are the worst to get into, so i'd rather not go there. all religion basically boils down to beleifs(sp), anyway. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  19. i've heard that before and it's a little more foolish now than the first time i heard it. and how can you say that one person's belief system is incorrect? did you get some information that the rest of us missed? if so, please share it with the rest of us. as for me, yes i would continue. i was told before in a batallion formation that 75% of us would not be coming home. i was scared for a little while, but i got over that. and you know what? not a single casualty in the whole group. i work in one of the most dangerous occupations in this country, but it pays good and i am really careful. i just got out of the military after two wars, and it was an airborne unit. if i were told that i was going to die skydiving, i would continue to do it, and do it safely just to prove death wrong. i've heard that she gets angry when she gets cheated. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  20. i get old next year. the true test is when your best friend is dating a girl half his age and it's legal. in your case substitue boy for girl. by the way, if that's you in the avatar, you're way hot, even if you are old. and if the bifocals give you a complex, get prk and then you just need reading glasses. i had it done in 02 and it's the best thing i ever did, i went from 20/200 to 20/15. don't get the lasik, cause if you get hit in the eye hard enough, you're retina could detach causing permanent blindness. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  21. godwins law??? is that what i'm thinking about? something about all posts on forums/message boards? _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  22. i had a really good day. my boy had his 2d birthday party and a lot of the family was there. it was so cool. check him out. my wife tif is in the red shirt, and i'm in the yellow shirt with the party hat. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  23. make up your own cartoon character, may i suggest some sort of an exagerated bat? kinda like a spoof of a bacardi, if i could draw, i would show you what i'm thinking about. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  24. i had a weird one a few years back that was so vivid i still remember it. i was a student for over a year and hadn't jumped in over a year when i had this. i dreamed that i was in a c-130 as a skydiver with one of the instructors at the dz i jumped at. i was in the door spotting with the s/l hooked up and we were at about 1200 ft(normal if a little high for a military jump, but i had on a civilian rig). the j/m said, "we're a little low, but you can do it", so i went. i remember counting and nothing happened. i pulled the reserve and again, nothing. i was watching the swamp come up at me and was thinking "i guess i'll have to fly it down". (i have flying dreams all the time, all i have to do is get myself swinging on something and i take off flying). well, this time, i didn't have anything to swing on, so i was about to start freaking out, when the rigger from the dz flew up beside me, and said "man, you didn't pull the right handle", pulls the handle on the belly reserve, and it opened up about 50' off the ground. i splashed down and walked over to the hangar that wasn't there when i jumped, and we all started drinking beer and laughing about me almost getting killed. it is so vivid in my mind after about 4 years, and right after i had it, i went to the dz to jump. i had to see if it felt as good as i remembered. i wish i could describe it like i'm seeing it now, it is so cool.
  25. this is one of the things i have been trying to warn people about for years, they start off with taking away one freedom, then another, etc......until pretty soon, we live in a world where you can read about freedom in a book, if you can get a copy of one (no doubt they're illegal also). what about the guy in japan who killed a couple of people with a knife a few years ago.....next thing you know, no more knives. whenever one group of people tell everyone else what they can't fo, it opens these doors that say they can take away everything. we all need to write representatives with petitions or just letters to stop the madness.... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes