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Everything posted by westcoastchica

  1. oh mark..you just screwed yourself...you are sooo gonna be "butt sniffer" for a while. you're lucky i'm still not back out at the dz every weekend or you know my piehole would be screaming butt sniffer at you every chance i got. just wait until heidi gets ahold of this one.
  2. hmmm..as an occasional poster, i usually don't end up in the "debate-y" type posts, but i figured hey, why not. i am not a country music fan, but i actually read a few articles about this toby keith song and the controversy back around the 4th of july when he was bumped off the list of performers because the whole "boot up your ass" thing was (i guess) thought a little racey for the televised independence day celebration/show. i don't know...the quotes i read from toby seemed pretty genuine. his dad was a veteran, a patriotic one at that, and toby lost him like, a few months before september 11th. he said that he wrote the song out of pure emotion that he felt for his family and country. seems honest enough for me. i don't know much about this singer, but in the stats and what not they listed out in the articles, he seemed to have an okay career going before this, and the album that has the patriotic song on it also has a wide variety of other song topics on it. he's done a lot of charity work with this song and also toured a lot to military camps all over the world...where it seemed to really inspire the soldiers serving our nation. could it be that this guy is just an honest joe making his living as a singer and writing about what he knows? it seems to me that historically, songwriters write about what they know...hell, if i could play the guitar, i would have set music to the poems that i wrote after sept. 11th too. everybody needs an outlet...this guy just happened have the opportunity to record his feelings and add them onto his "already in the works" album. i understand there is a lot of exploitation out there, and it's easy to get irritated by it. but sometimes it doesn't hurt to try and look at things in a positive light. this song has helped to foster a new sense of patriotism in many americans. i've only heard this song once or twice, but it struck me as something that would be very moving for a lot of those people that were left angered by the attacks of sept. 11th and didn't really know how to let their feelings out. sometimes singing along with a song that says, i love my country, and i'm mad, and we're going to fight back etc. etc. etc. helps let that tension out. wow, i think this might be the most words i have ever written in a post. well, it's just something to think about. deuce is right though...we have the choice to let ourselves be victims of exploitation...nobody HAD to buy this album. and i bet you if you asked most of the people buying the album just for the "angry american song" if they felt exploited or empowered by purchasing the album and listening to that song...they'd probably tell you it was money well spent.
  3. Welps...it's been 6 months since I jumped ...but I made it back in the air last friday. Hooray! So I would say, since I had to miss the last record jump out here because of my stupid car accident ...I'd be on the boat for another try, so that I can play too.
  4. excuse me while i crawl out of my hole to post... MICHELE! you big nerd! you are oen of the best representations for the sport. HELLO!? it's exactly the kind of coverage that needs to get out there. we've all seent he rockstar super freak coverage on skydiving, now how about some REAL people? michele, you have spirit, strength, determination, (insert long list of michele's super neat qualities here) and most importantly a sense of humor. i think these are all important characteristics that a lot of average joe skydivers posess and it is important to showcase this. i'm totally rusty at posting, so i feel like i am tripping over my words here, but it was obviously important enough to pull me out of hiding to let you know that you are IDEAL for this ESPN special and i'm/we're very proud of you. you'll do great and i can't wait to see the final product. kick ass chica! LaRa
  5. hey thrillseek wish i could be of better help, but this is all i can come up with: http://joereger.com/journal_fs.joe?eventtypeid=5 (click on "skydiving safer than driving") this guy's website was posted about in the forums a long time back and i still have these statistics i printed out from his page. i don't know if it cites other references some place else, but it's worth checking out. maybe it will help. if anything, it's a neat website to check out. seems like a lot of schools have great clubs that are well established. dave had a great idea in suggesting you contact club officers of clubs across the nation. good luck!
  6. yes yes yes, over the hill....FOR VISITS! i mean, really, how can you beat that price!? lisa, once i'm back in the air....i demand some play time with you since i missed the record jumps. maybe the boys (grasshopper and shark) will even come with for the fun.
  7. the machine stops...wicked story, bill. my dad listens to art bell and occassionally raises my eyebrow with odd historical theory...k, i'm gonna start rambling, i'll just pm ya. lara
  8. crimany, i was beginning to think that there were no other capricorns in here. i'm a Christmas eve baby...funny thing was, when i went to make my free brithday jump, i found out there were 2 other elsinore regulars with the same birthday. good stuff. there is another elsinore jumper in these forums with a holiday birthday also, but i won't blow his cover...but his name rhymes with shmrassbopper. ha! lara
  9. okay, i was just taking this day way too seriously, and so i stopped real quick to get a break and this is what lisa throws out to be had...girl, you are the greatest. Lara
  10. i'm sorry, i lag so hard when it comes to keeping up with these posts, but i just saw this and i had to say something... lisa, i know we have only met once in person, but i feel like i know you for some reason and you are worth so much more tahn anything this stupid situation could provide you with. eewww. that fact that it has been 3 months and you were willing to drive out to nowhereville just for a weekend with him and he was still considering working as an option...ewww. eewww ewww ewwww. cut away girlfriend. you are way better than that. if it was meant to be, let his butt come after you. this is all easier said than done, i know. but respect the bytch inside and seek out a true match for you. find someone who would do the same for you as you would for them. would this guy drop his project and drive that far for a weekend with you? it doesn't sound like it. mind you, i know nothing about him or what is really going on in this situation...but i do know how much you are worth, and thus, i defend my ranting with that... now, don't be grossed out by this suggestion, but, if i was single, i would be looking at match.com right now. i have a friend who met her fiance on there and another friend who is going on her first date from it this weekend. i have seen the guys on there when i was helping my friend look, and some of them are worth the effort of an e-mail. the greatest part is, you can set your search to find guys within a certain distance of your zip code. (hint: set the miles to something less than 400. ) but, if it's not up your alley, i understand...of course, you're adventurous...i could see you giving it a shot. anyway, lisa, you are a prize, demand one in return.
  11. "Yes, you can.... get prepared to go swimming!" riiiiiiiight. there is nothing worse than a wet, pissed off tomb rader. if the crofty one goes swimming, so does the shark. jake has made the same threat since i slid right past 100, but prepare for a fight. i'll have my roommate out (she's doing a tandem for my 200th) and she'll get all tae kwon do-ish all over you guys. so there! (now that was mature. )
  12. well, i'll be thinkin' about you guys. hope it all goes safe and you guys break the record. good luck. wish i could be there, but the doctor still says it's a no go. less than 15 jumps away from #200 and not a damn thing i can do about it. blah. welps, you guys are going to do great. have an awesome record weekend! hooray! lara
  13. ditto to shark...you know you have enough of us out there to lend a rig everynow and then. and although mark would probably appreciate you rubbing up against his rig , i think i might be closer to your size...and hell, even your tiny-ass roommate's might fit too.
  14. west coast in da hizouse! sorry, sometimes the ghetto-ness gets the better of me...ask grasshopper, yo. soooo...holy date changes batman! oh the chaos! i'm totally in. well, now that we're settled on the place and time, sounds like if everyone shows up, we may have a shot at doubling the record. lisa! soooo glad to meet you saturday!!! can't wait to jump with you! linda, the JFTC shot glasses are already going quick, i may have to grab another box from you. keep your fingers crossed! elsinore boys (gh,shark, randy...), you know i'll most likely be at 'snore at 0800 with the ball and chain on the record day, so maybe a carpool/party van (errr party honda?) may be in order. guess we can play that one by ear. woohoo! i think it's been a month since i posted last, where is my cookie? hardee har har. k, back to biz, happy monday everyone! Lara
  15. rock on speed! damn we have some wicked neat people in this forum! thanks for the kind words...now get back to being all scientific! save some lives!!! ha ha ha linda, lisa...i'm thinking of taking my mom out to perris in october to watch the goings on at JFTC. very exciting...but for now, i've got my eye on other people's money for donations...stay tuned. ha ha ha. good luck at the 10-ways saturday everyone! you know i'd be there, but tragically, i will be eating and drinking myself silly on a cruise down to cabo all next week! woohooo!!! go ahead, hate me...i don't blame you. hee hee. happy thursday everyone! Lara
  16. hey everybody! the doctors at CITY OF HOPE saved my mother's life. she went in with breast cancer that had spread through her lymph nodes to quite a bit of the rest of her body. thanks to the efforts of the doctors and staff at CITY OF HOPE, she is now cancer free and healthy as can be. that place is more than a hospital...it is damn near the size of a town, and the whole place is dedicated whole-heartedly to cancer research and treatment. i owe that place in a big way and so out of support, i run in their fundraiser 5k every year. i've started my donations to JFTC already and plan to continue until the big day...a little at a time is the only way i can make a substantial donation, so that's the way i'm goin...but any little bit you throw in the pot adds up. anyway, everyone has their story and this is mine...this cause is near and dear to my heart...thanks to everyone that donates time, money, and otherwise. hooray for boobies! Lara p.s. linda, i'll have more for ya down the line...just give me time. ha ha ha. i know you have a pretty high goal to meet. thanks so much for participating in this, you and lisa rock!
  17. from msnbc local news...too funny! Parachuter leaps off 37-story building LOS ANGELES, January 8 - Talk about a bad landing. A man who parachuted from the top of a 37-story building landed on top of a police car. Authorities say someone on the roof had tripped an alarm at the building on 11-hundred Wilshire Boulevard at about 2 am Tuesday morning, and a helicopter and patrol car were dispatched to investigate. They spotted two people on the roof. Police say the unidentified parachuter, who was not hurt, has been arrested for trespassing. The other man has disappeared. It's no surprise for the police. They say four people have jumped from the same building last year.
  18. not at perris, this was at elsinore. it's sad how well you get to know your dz stuff...i recognize the jumpsuits, the inside of the plane, and rick horn at the end of that pic. too funny. i remember this day, and i think my boyfriend actually was almost was one of their tandem masters. darn, they bumped him over to the big, sweaty, hairy guy instead. what a shame! ha ha ha. happy weekend Lara p.s. although these girls were really sweet, i second what our beloved queen bytch says...can't be a "real" skygoddess without your own rig.
  19. just bringin' this to the top...thought it would slide...just this one time. hee hee. everyone catch the raffle before it's too late. taya needs all the support she can get. work it out girlfriend...see you this weekend? Lara
  20. yeah milo...taya definitely has a way with words. she's one a dem smart cookies! like i said, neat chica.
  21. HEY EVERYONE! i know i don't chime in all that often, but every now and then i blurt something out...so here it comes again... please please please look at this site. what taya is doing is awesome and definitely worth supporting, ESPECIALLY if it may mean free stuff. hee hee. seriously though, i met taya at the skydiving chicks rock! boogie, and she really was a highlight of the weekend. taya is a fun, sweet, well-spoken, intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and all around neat chica! i was so happy to have her as a new friend, and when i met her, i never thought i would be campaigning in support of her humanitarian efforts in africa. amazing the turns life sends you through. so take a minute, and check out her cause. this fellow skydiver is one hell of a person and worth every bit of support we can send her way! rock on taya! Lara
  22. i think everyone here just considers themselves part of one big cheezy family...so comfort levels seem to be pretty 'laxed. me, i think it is freakin' hilarious. why, i don't know. cracks me up all the time. especially when it comes up in the form of the post above...heh heh heh, boobies. i've had lots of guy friends all my life and well, there was no delicate etiquette envoked when i was around...so it's just normal...and well, oddly enough, endearing. take care Lara
  23. greg is the rigger at elsinore and has done same day turn arounds, and i am sure the guys at perris are top notch also...whoever suggested shipping the rig ahead of time was one smart cookie...less hassle with the airlines and no waiting for the repack. also, i have jumped with the load organizers at perris and elsinore and had a great time with both. one thing to keep in mind, elsinore has boogie prices at like $14.50 or somthing for like a two week long period. check out their website, skydiveelsinore.com. glad your comin' to CA. you'll love it! Lara
  24. good idea paul. hey, SSL time is drawing near. hooray! Lara p.s. headed to the disney cast party tonight, you too?