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Everything posted by westcoastchica

  1. Thanks for posting that article Paul. A friend at the dz said that his cypres did deploy the reserve and he was found with the toggles still stowed. God bless his family. Takes a lot of courage to appreciate that he died doing what he loved.
  2. http://www.skydivenet.com/fatalities/fatalities_us_01.html this page usually gets somewhat of a handle on the buzz. i haven't heard anything confirmed by a witness, but rarely do i ever take the story that the news throws out right after the incident. this link says that neither handle was pulled and his cypres deployed his reserve...could possibly be a heart attack or stroke case...who knows? it's tragic any which way you go about it. maybe in the next few days, some better information will be released. it's hard not to worry when it is your home dz and you can't get a name. *sigh* as always, prayers to the family. Lara
  3. guess a good one to post in here with all of the chatter lately would be about the sheep that managed to shoot his own shepard dead. let this be a warning to all of you out there with over-sexed wooley friends and lingerie-ridden fowl. ha ha
  4. OH OH OHHHHHHH!!! FINALLY SOMEBODY ELSE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE DARWIN AWARDS ARE!!!! HOORAY! everyone just looks at me funny when i try to re-tell the darwin stories. ahhh, good times.
  5. "So anyway, do you get gypped on the b-day gifts?" everyone always asks that, but my parents have always been really good about trying to make my birthday a separate occasion. no biggie for me. i dig Christmas extravaganza-ish-ness anyway, so i don't mind if my birthday kind of gets smooshed in with Christmas...of course, i have definitely had my share of friends that go for the combo present thing. can't complain though, free stuff is good stuff. ha ha ha. this year, i told the parental units to save the cash and spend it on a trip to yosemite with the fam anyway. i know, i know, how cheesy can you get?! but hey, non-dysfunction is not a crime. ha ha. i thought really hard about how to fit some form of beastiality into this post, but i got nothin. i feel as though i have failed miserably. ha! Lara
  6. thanks for this post. i am trying really hard to understand my boyfriend's not-so-gung-ho holiday spirit. me, i love the holidays to death and well, you can tell because my apartment looks like santa claus threw up all over it. this is a new thing for me to adjust to, and although i won't let him bring me down from my yule tide high, i really don't want to push him to the point of gouging his eyes out because he has to endure my sometimes overzealous attitude about the holiday season. appreciating opposing points of view is important. it's nice to see perspective and although i am still learning why a reason to celebrate and be happy can be the source of so much pain and poopiness (pardon my S.A. T. vocabulary), i do appreciate the differing views thrown out in this forum. take care! Lara born 12/24/77 p.s. i am pretty sure he would check off the last option on this poll, and hence i am trying to make this time of year as easy as i can for him, for if he stabs himself in the genitals, well, then that ruins my holiday fun all together.
  7. snore is closed thanksgiving day? huh? wow, i am really up on the buzz. out of the loop much lara? anyway brokerus sharkus, jake is out there with the academy, so although i most likely won't be out to play thursday, i will be there sometime friday and saturday. might we jump together after your how many month long vacation from THE CROFT?? guess we'll see. 53 hours to turkey and counting...
  8. things have been great out there lately! wish i could be out there tuesday, but alas, that damn thing called work keeps getting in the way. poo on that. jay, who are you getting coaching from? sounds like you have already made plans. if you haven't i can put you in touch with some kickass canopy pilots. lemme know if i can help. if i win the lottery this weekend, i'll definitely catch you out there tuesday. have a good one! Lara
  9. Hello? A little credit? A grand buys a lot of slurpies! Hooray for Grasshopper! La
  10. random thought... somebody posted a link to this one guy's website, that is actually an awesome website: joereger.com or something like that. and he has some pretty interesting links and facts and what not...and he seems like one of those people that just thrives on info and he may be helpful...from his website, he seemed pretty nice. i dunno, just a thought. almost didn't post, but i remember writing papers and looking for info, so i thought it couldn't hurt. good luck! Lara p.s. i would actually be really interested in reading the paper down the line if she would be willing to post it. =) *** of course, i'm a day late and a dollar short...oh well, at least somebody thinks like me. =)
  11. yes clay, i knew i walked right into that one...and yet, i still posted it. oh my, how i do walk on the wildside. ha ha ha! keep up the cracks...get it, cracks? anal? AA HA HA HA!!! i kill myself. heh heh heh. take care! take care! take care! oops, damn that duplication problem. i wish there was something like a delete button or something on this here keyboard. =) Lara
  12. uhhh, has anyone flipped through the classifieds on here recently...especially the main canopy listings? Oh my gosh, is this a race to see how many duplicate postings we can have? i totally understand that sometimes when you are trying to edit things or something, that you can accidentally duplicate a post, but it is just as easy to delete the duplicates...i know because i had mine post twice and i deleted the extra one in oh like 3 seconds. am i being anal here or has anyone else found themselves a little aggitated at the fact that you have ten posts shown at a time, and of that ten there is the same spectre twice, a certain safire three times, a sabre once and something else duplicated four times? oh my. well, okay, yeah this is sounding anal... let's just go this route... POSTING SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: if you double, triple, or quadruple post something, you can, in fact, delete the extras. =) alrighty then, on that note, happy thursday which is close to friday which at 5:00 p.m. is the technical start of the weekend! take care! Lara
  13. PAAA HA HA HAAAAAAA!!! Linda! I was totally thinking the same thing. But that is why I love Michelle, she tells us of the golden glow of a liquid so pure it sends shivers of bliss through the body with every drop of bubble-filled refreshment, that is openly shared by one and all...we see a pee-colored liquid that somebody else bought for some f-up or big achievement (depending) that really isn't all that refreshing at times, but will for damn sure get you drunk. Behold the power of prose. Rock on Michelle. Hey, for all those wondering...Regina is doing really well. I saw her Monday night and talked to her today and she is a freakin' trooper. She may be headed home tomorrow. Remember that it was her hard work, with help from others of course, that brought the idea of a chick boogie to fruition. We are very lucky to have people like her in our community. Hooray for skydivers and double hooray for Regina! =) Lara
  14. tom, you pimp. work it out! ha ha ha! this weekend is going to rock. it is worth it just for the raffle. for all of you headed to the boogie, bring some phat cash for the raffle. sponsers have been waaaaay generous. i have $20 ready to blow on tickets. keepin' my fingers crossed! there has been a lot of work put into this boogie and everyone involved (organizers and sponsers alike) deserve a ton of praise. i love the skydiving community! okay everyone, happy weekend! and for all of you coming to the boogie, get ready to part like it's 199... hmmm, wait, that doesn't work anymore, does it? ha ha oh well...PARTYYYYYY!! Lara
  15. oh chuck, i am sooo passing this one onto bryan. i'm sure he'd love to have a glimpse of his teammate, ahem, pimped out. hee hee Lara
  16. hey marissa! marky mark and the funky bunch is a little confused, i am going to be lucky if i can make it out for more than a few saturday. gotta leave by 1330...so that means no beer festival from my pocket this weekend. what he is referring to is my C license. 31910. woohoo. and yes, i know, beer. damn that big fat shark piehole of his! well, i have like three past occassions to make up for so next weekend, there will be many cases of beer in my trunk. doh! jake and i are usually out pretty quick after sunset load, but sooner than later we're gonna stay and party. i'll make sure to let ya know so that you can partake in the brewery that will spew from my trunk. ha ha. welps, friday morning...AND THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!! yee haw! Lara
  17. whatever, the jury reserves the right to deny any rebuttle. ha ha. well, i hope we can get a jump in this weekend. you should definitely bring your friends out to meet the dorks, er, cool people you jump with. ha ha ha. oops, wait, back that one up. you have friends? since when?? hee hee. okay, yeah...see you saturday. fur sheezy!
  18. Whatever Randy! How would you know?! I haven't seen your A$$ in like month!!! Get thine butt out to Elsinore this saturday or face the wrath of me! I may be a delicate flower, but I'll still throw down! Pa ha ha haa! See you Saturday! You can join the celebration dive. I finally got my damn C license and Marky Mark and the funky bunch got his D and his coach rating. Woohoo. Party over here!
  19. Mark, have you taken the role of my publicist? Not my finest photo moment, eh? Remind to take the braids out next time we take promo pics. Egad. Oh well, anyway...EVERYONE COME TO THE CHICK BOOGIE!!! WOOHOOOO! *reminder...this is a bring your own jello event.*
  20. HAAAA!!! ow, oh, my side, it hurts. can't stop laughing. although i am going to have to vote against that one wildblue, my male cooworkers have informed me that although they do not skydive nor do they have anything to do with dz.com, they would all like to order that design in every color available. i find that it is important to share the intelligent discussions that we have in this forum with the rest of my cooworkers. hell, every male in here just decided that skydivers are the greatest people on earth. heh heh heh. so, uh, yeah, type fast, take chances, call sangiro bad names, and share it all with your perverted cooworkers...sounds good to me. well, or not. thanks for the laugh guys, this is the first time i had a chance to catch up with this post. funny stuff. count me in whenever you guys decide on a design. Lara
  21. who was yelling "..... "Get your damn hands out of your pants, that kind of solo action may suit you at home, but for now you are not cleared for solo status, and if my ass has to be with you in the air, there will be none of that! soooo, with one hand on the bar and the other (formerly in my pants) now fighting the relative wind, i gave myself the count...ready, set, aaaaaaaarch!!! but then..." oh that was very un-delicate-flower-like for me to say. but too much fun to pass up considering the perv-like nature of the skydiving community. oh my, if the world only had as much fun as us horny bastards. hee hee hee. Lara oh poop, chris beat me to it. well, if you combine it with chris', maybe it was the jumpmaster with his hands down his pants. oh my, you sure can tell things get slow here on a friday afternoon when i start making posts like this.
  22. with Jesus in my heart, competely born-again, through him...i find tears in my eyes when he is so misrepresented. i am at a loss for words...but then again, in everything, there are extremists who taint the water and i guess all you can do is reassure those that are not of the Christian faith that one (or two) do not speak for us all. paul, i don't know if you are Christian or not, but i know that regaurdless, it must have been as disturbing for you to read this as it was for myself. i was hesitant to post anything in response because all we need in here is to have a religious war running rampant in the posts...but then i felt the need to share my opinion. with all the discussion lately of "i hate this person" and "this person is an ass" and blah blah blah, i hope that maybe people will just take a step back and realize that this is just yet another example of some of the many opinions there are out there and maybe instead of screaming out, "those bastards should be bitch-slapped" take a breath and examine your own core beliefs and what you stand for and thank God that not everyone shares these kinds of opinions. oh my, it feels so darn strange to be all kinds of serious on here. well, i managed to slip the word "bitch-slapped" in there so i guess i am still okay. ha ha. have a safe weekend everyone!!!!
  23. slappie i haven't been able to keep up with the posts lately, but i think this was actually in a previous post yesterday. i only got to glance through the posts really quick, but this struck me and so i remember. backtrack a bit and i think you'll be able to find it. i wasn't going to post about it, but you sounded upset and disappointed and i didn't want you to think that emotion wasn't evoked in us from this. you sounded frustrated, so i thought i would drop a post real quick. jump back a few pages and you should be able to find. sorry i can't go back myself, i barely have time to scan the new postings. take care! Lara
  24. had the same thought michelle, but i can't freakin get through to the red cross. did you actually call em up and make an appointment, or just show up at one of the centers? i was thinking of just heading over to a donation site after work and waiting it out. poor guys, they must just be swamped. well anyway, if anyone has any advice about how to best get in to donate, let me know. good Lord, this day is simply incomprehendable.
  25. word, viking! wasn't trying to overreact. just a little cautious lately because i have seen kinda dangerous choices being made by other folks, and i didn't want you to get hurt. good luck with your progression! and i'll see ya out at perris soon! Lara