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Everything posted by brianfry713

  1. Isn't that painful? It's not too bad depending on how you pack it. When you're terminal at 500 feet, you want it to open quick. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  2. I was looking at the Skyhook packing instructions today: At the top of page 3, it says to remove the RSL guide ring to eliminate a chance for misrigging. That led me to thinking, well, what exactly would happen if the Skyhook lanyard was passed through the guide ring. The manual says it will cause a reserve total. I wonder if that was tested. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that during a Cypres fire or main total mal the reserve would still open normally if deployed without the Skyhook activating it. The interesting scenario is the partial mal on the main that is cutaway. If the Skyhook was badly misrigged, in this case the jumper could be in tow behind the main attached only by the RSL lanyard and the reserve pilot chute. Possible solutions if you found yourself in the situation: disconnect or cut either the skyhook lanyard or the RSL lanyard. Prevention: rig it correctly. So if anyone sees a red Skyhook lanyard routed through the RSL guide ring (which shouldn't be there in the first place on a Skyhook equipped rig), make sure you have an rigger take a look at it. Just something to waste time pondering about. I might get a Skyhook in my Infinity once it's available and the testing is done.
  3. Congrats Phil, next try to get one published of me.
  4. I helped teach a FJC to complete one requirement for my coach rating. I also passed the D license test. 7 jumps including an awesome track that I led to celebrate my 500th. I tested out a few canopies by doing hop & pops. Beer was paid.
  5. Tracking, freeflying. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  6. Just try to relax, the instructors will be gentle. Hopefully it won't hurt the first time, but it does get better with experience.
  7. I went a few years ago. All I can recommend is to not go on too many rides after lots of beer and schnaps. Have fun.
  8. Hey Nina, Welcome to I'm looking forward to jumping with you at the boogie.
  9. Sounds like fun. Sign me up. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  10. So does anyone want to describe any of these: Oppenheimers, Saucer & Teacups, Steamrollers, Shuttlecocks. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  11. What does the free-stow D-bag look like, anyone want to post a pic? Is that standard now, an option, or are you a test jumper? I put a jump on Monkey Boy's new Infinity with the cut-in lats this weekend and I love it. If only I hadn't just bought a new Infinity last year. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  12. I wonder how many of the guys versus girls voted for about the same. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  13. I haven't been to Elsinore yet, but don't forget Perris has the wind tunnel. Perris has some space for non-jumpers to hang out, such as the Bombshelter bar and restaurant and the pool. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  14. That bird was a pleasure to fly. I had a great crew of gunners, engines, and a bomb door operator. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  15. I wasn't that drunk. If I don't remember it, it never happened. I told flygirl1 not to bring a bottle and a half of 190 proof everclear. I'm going to have to try to stick to beer at boogies from now on. Lot's of hard A was drunk. It was hard not to when there was yager, vodka, and more stuff I don't remember (so therefore never drank, but my hangover said otherwise), right next to the keg of fat tire and the backup keg. Hopefully the locals are still enjoying the leftover beer right now. I'm sure we would have done a better job with the kegs if there wasn't so much other stuff to drink. It was a cool place to skydive too. Lots of fun jumps, and things sped up a bit once the caravan got there. I think I got 4 jumps out of it. I'm sure the Ass Whisperer will post once she gets back from school.
  16. Happy b-day Laura, Thanks for the jumps this weekend. Now I know what a hog-flop is
  17. Skydiving smells like nylon. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  18. I'll be there. Jumping in the 1st group.
  19. When I was on Wheel of Fortune a few years back, the puzzle that caused me the most grief was "You'd be in a peach of a state living here", or something like that. Unfortunately I said beach instead of peach. It still pains me to see anything about Georgia Peaches or the state quarter.
  20. Had an awesome time at the Star Farms Boogie in Paso Robles, CA. 10 jumps: some freefly, RW, and wingsuit. Did a nice 4-way hybrid where I was standing on 2 peoples backs. Beer owed for jump #500 BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  21. Awesome boogie everyone. It was great meeting new people, partying, and jumping with you. Thanks for putting it together Lisa and thanks to Dave for the 206 and Caravan and thanks to everyone else who helped out.
  22. Good work, cool idea. I'm sure the Hollister Cypres 2 jumpers will appreciate the effort once their units are updated. BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative
  23. Who needs a chaser, enjoy the tequila. Sometimes I chase vodka or rum with tequila. For me, the tequila's the one that will hurt later though.